Biography's very depending on rp.
Name: Selene Age: 16 Race: 1/2 angel, 1/2 human Gender: female magical abilities: yes. she is just a novice at controling her magical abilities though Element(s): Darkness & spirit. Weapon Proficiency: swords, and dagers Weapon used: Selene uses a long black sword. It seems to have dark essence surrounding it. The blade is about as long as a meter stick. The Hilt contains three small rubies upon the handle, which is silver. Secondary Weapon: Two silver dagers which she keeps hidden in her boots. They each have one ruby upon the handle similar to the ones on her sword. Character Appearance: Selene is a 16 year old girl. She stands about "5'3", and has a slim build. Weighing only 109lbs. Her silver hair comes down just below her waist, and is kept in a single tight braid. Her eyes are a pale blue. She Wears a mask over her mouth, and a dark grey tunik. She also wears black tights and dark grey boots. Across her chest is a red sash showing her rank in the demon army. Her sword is mounted across her back. Pic: Character Biography: Selene was orphaned along time ago, after demons destroyed her home. A couple of the demons took her back to there kingdom and raised her as there own. They trained her to be a soldier from the day she could walk. She was told that her parent had abandonded her, and taught to hate all humanity. Later on in life as her wings started to grow, the color grew dark the glow of her angels wings disappeared leaving her a dark grey pair. As she grew older she started to hate the angels, wondering why they had not come to her aid when she was abandoned.
Eventually the demons incharge of her training started to groom her into an assasin. They told her that if she knee the art of assasination she could take her revenge upon the humans and Angels that had just left her. After learning quickly, she set out on a journy of self discovery. Selene wished to strengthen her mind, and body. She first went back to where the demons said they had found her seeing the ruins of her home. She had found an old picture showing only her parents, her as a baby in her moms arms and a small boy standing between her father and mother. Selene then decided to find out the truth. Allignment: Currently neutral
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MmmmSashimi · Sat Sep 30, 2006 @ 12:04am · 0 Comments |