Yeah, okay, so it's only a day long (actually its two, Monday and Tuesday, but I don't have Tuesday classes so it doesn't count) but it's still a break! I plan to enjoy every moment of my lazyness, and (hopefully) nothing will keep me from it! blaugh This week has been torture as far a school goes, but fun since it was my birthday a few days ago. I got to hang out with my friends during lunch (which is kind of rare since none of them go to my school ^_^) and had a little party with my family at home. May not sound like much, but still, twas much fun and sillyness. I managed to pass my music test this week, now I have to worry about everything else that's due for my other classes. Plus my creative project for that music class. Forgot about that...oops. sweatdrop Guess my break won't be as relaxing as I thought.
But I'm still happy. On here I've gotten my Halloween ava done, and got a sealed envelope. I feel very broke now, but hopefully there will be something awesome in this letter just like all of the other Octobers.
Kimura Amari Community Member |