girl part
I sit there alone,
with a knife in my hand,
with nobody home,
everyone gone,
I try to get the thought of you,
out of my head,
but it's no use,
you'll never leave,
I try and I try,
but your still here,
why can't you leave me alone,
you say you don't care,
you just want me gone,
so let me be,
let me die,
everytime I try,
your always there and you don't let me go,
you say that if I die,
you'll come with me,
no matter where...
even if I go to heaven or hell,
you say you'll always be there,
and hold me tight,
careful,and strong...
boy part
I say I hate her,
cuz I don't want her to know,
that I love her and for that I can't let her go,
everytime she tries,
I'm always there,
just to hold her,
and to try to convince her,
she belongs,
in this miserabel world,
but she says to let her go,
and that she'll see me everyday,
that she'll be happy,
and finally I let her go,
a terrible mistake,
I watched her cut herself,
from her wrist to her elbow,
with blood everywhere,
just like a flood,
I can't take it anymore I grab a sharp object,
I cut my vains,
and hold her hand tight in mine,
we'll soon be together,in little time,
i'm on the floor with you in my arms,
with blood everywhere,
just like your dreams,
I got a paper,cuz I want everyone to know,
this was the day,
you and I commited,
By: imesquilin