No poem today
sorry no poem today but i would like to tell you what happpend the pas few days or whatever ok so well me and dakota are getting along now i went out with this guy gerrett and broke up with him today i just didnt feel anything but he cried so i feel really bad but we had our Band-O-Rama tonight and OMG Bama is so hott i was hanging out with him after we marched hes soooo hott wait i already said that well anyways he is he was dancing to the music it was so funny and after the marching thing we were all out in the parking lot (me, bama, karissa, Benji) and i was freezing he came over to me and huggs me putting the his letter jacket over me its so warm...did i mention he was a football player ya his number is 69 lol i love that number ok now im sounding a little obsesive anyways i saw my dads truck so i start walking over to it he asked me where i was going i was like my dad he was like i want to go meet him soo he met my dad but the sad thing is Bama has a girlfriend that he hasnt saw in 2 weeks lol but his real name is Alabama i like that name its like Mississippi anways im going couse im tired of talking about Bama bye bye