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Author's Note: Halloween Special: Halloween Town Ball
Hey all, Pretty Princess here. As promised I will begin the Halloween Town Ball short story. This is the second part to my Halloween Special which compliments the Halloween Town Ball Avvies that I made a while back. This story takes place a year after the events of Kingdom Hearts 2 and it involves all the characters I recently made avvies of and more. NOTE: This contains some spoilers from A Magic Journey so read at your own discretion. And now without further adeu. The Halloween Town Ball.

~Halloween Town Ball~:

It was a clear October morning on the Destiny Islands. A cold front had come into the tropical area making the weather somewhat chilly, yet not cold enough to not be outside. The cool blue waves crashed onto the white sandy shores leaving a white froth to drawback into the ocean. Kyoko slep in bed tossing and turning once again suffering from a nightmare. Her ocean colored eyes shot open as she quickly sat up taking deep breaths. She rubbed her hand over the area where her heart was. "Still feels like it was only yesterday" she mumbled. It had been a year since she, Kairi, Sora and Riku returned to the islands. It had been a year since she said her goodbyes to Yukina and Sakuya and the boys. A year since the all said goodbye to good King Mickey and his crew. Yet for Kyoko all the horrible battles against the heartless, and nobodies seemed like a yesterday memory. She still suffered from all the nightmares. Horrible nightmares where she would always become a heartless and be forgotten, nightmares on how she betrayed everyone especially Sora and Kairi.
She sat up smoothing a slender finger over her brow. Her large blue eyes scanned her bedroom as if searching for something, but what could she be searching for? Perhaps a shadow that did not belong, the glow of yellow eerie eyes from the corner or a flicker of white. But there was nothing. Just the room with it's blue green walls and wooden furnature that was lined with something that looked like pearls. The celing that was covered by a unused fisherman's net with holes cut open for the peekaboo lights and the small fish shaped nightlight that was plugged into one of the walls. Her room resembled an underwater grotto or a suken ship of some kind. Though she could clearly see that nothing was there she kept her eyes focused on the blue walls. Eventually she relaxed and threw the covers off of her, then she swung her legs over and got out of bed. Those petite feet made soft padded sounds as she walked across her pearl colored carpet. She pushed against the dark wood of the door and stepped out into the hallway with a creaking sound. She walked down the hall past her brother's room and then passed by another room, the door was wide open to reveal a brightly lit room. It was filled with colors of hot pinks, cherry reds and lime greens. It resembled some kind of teenage fairy princess room. In the canopy bed slept a figure of a girl about her age with chocolate colored hair like her brothers. She smiled at her twin Kara and then closed the door. She looked up at the sign on Kara's door that read Wicked Princess and smiled. She shook her head, those fire strands falling into her face, then turned and walked off to the bathroom that she and Kara shared. She went over to the sink and studied herself in the mirror. She could hardly recognize the red haired young woman standing infront of her. The messy tied up red hair, those deep expressive blue green ocean colored eyes, porcelain skin and full pouty cherry lips. She shook her head and then bent over the sink washing her face and brushing her teeth. When she was done she got out and went quietly back to her room. She looked at the seashell clock on her nightstand. "Only 7 AM" she thought as she pulled off her nightshirt and placed on an off the shoulder, lavendar tee and dark green shorts. She untied her hair from the messy bun and then brushed the long firey strands until they were straight and untangled. She then tied them into a loose ponytail and walked out heading swiftly downstairs. She walked passed the swinging door into the kitchen and flicked on the switch. The room was instantly illuminated and she went right to work. She began to pull things out from the cupboards and started to work on making breakfast. It wasn't long though until she heard a knock on the back door. She blinked for a moment and then called out "Come in!" as she flipped a pancake in the frying pan. "Good morning best cook ever!" said a male voice. She grinned knowing who it was. "Morning Tidus" she said as she placed the cooked pancake onto a plate and then filled the pan with more batter. Tidus smiled showing those pearly white teeth. He ran a set of tanned fingers through that messy dirty blonde hair and then sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen. "You're making for me too right?" he asked with a smile. Tidus, like Kyoko, had grown up. He was taller now and had more muscle, he had also become very handsome and a teeny bit more mature, after all he was still Tidus. "Duh! You come and hoard food from this house so often you should live here piggy" Kyoko answered with a giggle. That's how it was anyway. She would make breakfast and almost everyone would show up: Tidus, Selphie, Wakka, Riku Sora, Kara and on occasion the twins Kairi and Maii and their little sister Jessica so Kyoko always made enough. Tidus snorted at her "piggy" remark and then walked over to her, pulling himself up onto the counter and swinging his legs. "It's nice out, not too hot....not too cold" he said while looking at the stairs. "Where are Sora and Kara?" he asked. She looked at him for a moment then placed the new pancake on the plate and spoke. "Sleeping....that's one thing the two definately share in common" she said with a soft chuckle. "How are things with you and Selphie?" she asked. Over time Tidus and Selphie had gotten into each other but it was very on and off, because Selphie wanted Tidus to be more mature and Tidus wanted Selphie to lighten up. No matter how many times the two argued though, they managed to remain the best of friends. Tidus shook his head. "It's off for the moment" he said with a sigh. "How about you?....Told Riku yet?" he asked with a smirk. Kyoko turned scarlet. By this time Riku knew how she felt about him, but she couldn't help but remain shy about it and avoid him, that and he never really gave her an answer back. She then shrugged to answer Tidus' question. The blonde hopped down from the counter and shook his head. "You serious? Are you going to ever press him on about it? I bet you if anything he likes you." he said while folding his arms over his chest. "You're so slow Kyoko" he said with a frustrated sigh. Kyoko looked away knowing he was right, she didn't want to talk about it, she never did.

Soon Kara came down the stairs wearing a pink night shirt that hung off the shoulders. Upon her feet were pink fuzzy slippers, her dark brown hair was tousled. She yawned and then opened her eyes to see Tidus. She snapped straight and began to fix her hair. She gave her sister a warning glance. "Morning you guys" she said in a groggy tone. "Morning Kara!" said Tidus in a cheerful tone. Kyoko grinned at her twin. She knew better than anyone how Kara felt about Tidus. She simply smiled and turned her back to them as the two conversed about things, Blitzball was one of them. Kyoko's thoughts drifted off into many things. She thought of all the good times. She thought of the bad times and then thought of her brother and Riku. She was so lost in thought that she didn't realize when she heard Kara call her. "Kyoko?.......Hey Kyoko?!" she jumped and almost tossed the pancake from the pan. She turned her head to look at Kara. "Yeah? What?" she asked. Kara shook her head. "Thinking about Riku again?" she asked with a giggle. "That should be obvious" said Tidus with a grin. Kyoko blushed and was about to retort when Sora came down. He was clad in long dark blue pajama pants his spiky brown locks a mess. He yawned and then stretched some. "Morning" he said in a muffled yawn before sitting down at the island. "Morning most wonderfulest of big brothers in the whole wide world." said Kara cheerfully as she came up behind Sora and draped her arms around his neck. Sora gave her a cautious look. "What do you want Kara?" he asked with a suspicious tone of voice. She giggled.

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