It's been heavily edited for brevity. For BREVITY is the very SOUL of WIT! Preach it LOUD amen! I'll stop now. Like anyone's even reading this anyway...
Dear Friend,
Our God is indeed an awesome God! ...Last year, I asked our team to pray ... for His help in reaching what I thought was a staggering goal -- to see more than 1 million souls [become Christians].
...God has done more than we could have imagined. Nearly 1.2 million people made commitments to Christ as Savior ans Lord as a result of [our work]. That means one person made a life-changing decision about every 30 seconds....I give all the praise and honor to Jesus.
Our God is indeed an awesome God! ...Last year, I asked our team to pray ... for His help in reaching what I thought was a staggering goal -- to see more than 1 million souls [become Christians].
...God has done more than we could have imagined. Nearly 1.2 million people made commitments to Christ as Savior ans Lord as a result of [our work]. That means one person made a life-changing decision about every 30 seconds....I give all the praise and honor to Jesus.
And then it goes on for three more pages, yadda yadda blah.