Name: Cerdwin Darcy
Username: okami_katana
Age: 16
Position of Playing: Writer/Traveler
Gender: Female
Race: Half human, half elf
Appearance: She is tall at 5'10", somewhat intimidatingly so. She has a slender build and, like a lady, never says her weight. Most of the time, her short brown hair is pulled back into a messy ponytail. People often comment that her green eyes are "peircing" and "unnatural". Most of the time, she wears shirts and pants in blues, greens, and earth-tones which some consider "innappropriate" and certainly "unlady-like".
Personality: She is definatly different from the "normals" but not unlikable. The girl is certainly intelligent having read much. She has a cool temperment and enjoys matches wits with others good-naturedly. Feelings such as sadness may not be evident to others for she masks personal thing well.
History: Cerdwin grew up with her mother. (She doesn't know her father, only that he is a human.) They traveled often and Cerdwin learned about lots of things, though her main interests became herbal remedies, history, and writing stories. When she was 14, her mother died of an illness for which Cerdwin knew no cure. In part, she blames herself for the death of her mother. After she was effectively ophaned, the girl continued the travels, somewhat by whim, somewhat by the shunning of others. Upon reaching Teft, she found it emptied. Egged on by curiousity, she decided to venture into the forest perchance to find the missing villagers.
Other Information: When she needs a weapon, Cerdwin tends to chose the staff as it is less lethal.
Home Type: So far she has lived in everything from a tree to a leaky tavern room. At the present time, she lives in a self-made camp in the woods.
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Captain Jack Sparrow says, "You bloody well better read this!" No. Not really. But the ORMBTVRJ does have a lot of truthiness in it. Yes. Really. And it's been authorized by NAMBLA. No. Not really.
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