Preacher Josh Monreaux
chains give girl painful blisters
I think they make an ointment for that now.

How many times has this happened to you? You're minding your own buisness and allof the sudden you black out. When you wake up, you're chained or caged and are to by used as a toy. Well fear no more with CHAIN B GONE! Gaia's first and only PERMANENT solution to anoying, horny, slave masters.
"Oh no! (Struggles to free herself from the chains. Cuts her wrists in the process.)Ah! Not again! Why does this always happen to me?"
Don't worry. Try new CHAIN B GONE!
"How does it work?"
It's SO simple! Just copy and paste this picture in a post after you've been chained, or in a pm. And PRESTO! No more chains. It works great on cages too!
"What if I get kidnapped in a dark forest?"
Not a problem for CHAIN BE GONE. Just post the picture of the tube and you'll be set free from anything or anyone that was binding you.
"Are there any side affects?"
None at all!
"This sounds great. How much is it?"
Absolutley free. Great to annoy people with too!
"I think I'll try it now!"
Try new CHAIN B GONE today! Available at a forum near you.