The Beloved Mark of...
The Beloved mark of hatred. I've dedicated this journal entry, to all the people I hate. So pull out a seat, get comphy, and prepare for hatredness. First of all, Tyler Christopherson. He was my friend from grade 2 through grade 5 1/2. He was nice at first (like everybody) but at grade 4, a little hatred started, because Logan joined our group. You see, me and logan wanted to get some time to know each other, so I kind of ignored Tyler a bit (barely any) and that startted a spark of evilness. I went over to tylers house every weekend. But then... he started acting different... a little gay. He started playing weird game with his action figures (personally, they were fun to play with), but the way he did... just weird. Then I started to forget about him, and started to be friends with Logan. Then one day in grade 5. We were playing something (can't remember anymore
sweatdrop ) and we got in a fight, Tyler tried (and succeded) in kicking logan in the groin. and I blocked it (almost) then I punched him ( so softly I wouldn't have been able to feel it) right in the stomach. Then we went to the principle, and thus our friendship stopped. #2 Carly: She is so weird. She had a crush on me at the beggining of grade 7. And she used to live by my grandmothers, so i seen her a lot. She hugged me, held my hand(Ewww), etc. It got boring, and annoying. So now I hate her. And I can't really think of anybody else. So Bye!
Hatred can last a person all there life, same with a grudge ~words of acknowledgedness by Thunderbird369~