I just realized I need to write down my memories of the last few days. Least I forget them forever! Now I am going to go over exactly how I managed to get my Nintendo Wii, and my feelings over it. crying heart
Saturday November 18th 2006
I had switched my work schedule from a 1:00PM to 9:00PM shift to a 8:00AM to 4:30PM shift two days prior to this day. I needed to ensure I would have enough time to camp out and get my wii. All seemed well, as word from the store was they would be getting near hundred units. My work day dragged on, and eventually I found myself clocking out for the day. After a quick visit to the restroom, and then to get gas to my car. I was out of the store, and off to Wal-mart at 4:45PM. Surely, enough time to get in line.
As I arrived in the parking lot. I got my things ready, my DS, my copy of "eldest" a book I'm reading, my coat and my lawn chair. I quickly changed into a clean shirt and rushed to the door. The whole ordeal took me roughly four minutes. I entered through the gardening section as that was where they had the PS3 campers set up.
As I arrived, I noticed a rather large group of people. Scattered about randomly, with no sign of order. I looked around until I spotted the electronics sales associate I spoke with earlier in the week about how many units the store would getting.
"Yep, this is the place. But we are only getting 28 Wiis and this girl here" He gestured toward a girl setting nearest to me. "Is number 31, you can wait but I'd hate you to have to wait so long for nothing."
Was the conversation that quickly followed. Not wanting to waste my time, I quickly turn around and fled to my car. From there I flew to the next Wal-mart in the town over.
Upon arriving I leave everything in my car and rush off towards the electronics section to ask where the line was. I found a sign, that directed me towards the gardening section. But found out from an associate they were getting 20 and the line had 20 people.
Losing faith, I turned around and quickly rushed to my car. My last place to hope for was Sam's Club. I knew they were getting 5 units and I knew there was no line when I left for the day. It had only been roughly half an hour. There was still hope! As I drove, I cursed myself for not asking off for the day weeks ago. In record time I made it back to Sam's Club and quickly noticed there was no line.
"HURRAY! I'll have to wait until 10 in the morning. But this ensures me one!"
I thought to myself as I rushed inside with my lawn chair and other supplies. I went to our memberservice desk to inform chris I'd be starting the line. He looked up at me and told me I was going to hate him. But Associates couldn't purchase them.
Dumbfounded I turned towards the head manager and walked in his direction quickly. Earlier in the week I had asked my manager and she told me I could with no problem! As I approached him and asked, he informed me that they just heard word from corprate. Associates had to wait 24 hours for console launches.
Defeated and upset I turned to walk out the store. When a Tire associate standing near the COS podium called over to me. To ask what happened. I told him, and he to was upset. He had heard we could buy them here no problem as well. I just said yeah, this really sucks and told him about my adventure throughout the wal-marts. As I turned to leave, He stopped me and said;
"I have spot number 9 in line at the Cookeville Wal-mart. I have a friend waiting there for me. I was just going to put it on my credit card. But if you have the money, you can have it. I can wait, I'll hook you up."
Amazed, I asked if he was sure. He said yeah, and the only catch was I'd have to buy his friend a wiimote for waiting for him. At that point that seemed perfectly fine. I was so happy to get one! He told me to go wait at Wal-mart until 7PM. He'd get off work and come over to tell the guy what we were doing.
So I went back to wal-mart and waited the two hours. I sat, laughed at the campers antics, chatted in pictochat on my DS for a bit and read "Eldest". All the while I was on edge, a part of me couldn't believe what JT had promised. But sure enough he arrived near 8 and still confirmed he'd do it. We talked in private and figured out the money that would be required. I offered to buy him a remote too. Just so he was getting something out of the deal. It didn't bother me at all to do it.
After our chat I went out to get some cash so he could buy it. Then give the wii to me. They took our names for the numbered list and checked photo ID's so me just saying I'm JT wasn't going to cut it.
Shortly after my return my girlfriend and her friend showed up to wait with me. Time passed by slowly, until near 11:00PM the manager informed us we'd be moving base to the lay-a-way department. But JT wasn't around! He was off getting something in the store! Worried, I sent my girlfriend off to find him. A bit later, he returned and I informed him we'd be moving in half an hour. So he'd need to hang around.
Sure enough he did, and it came to ten minutes before buying the Wii. I gave him the cash, enough for the wii and the controllers, plus twilight princess.
12:01AM Sunday November 19th 2006
Sales began to get made. People began to walk proudly from the store with their purchases. JT sooned followed, with his friend holding the wii. It was part of the agreement. His friend wanted to carry it out of the store. Since he waited 24 hours in line for us. As we left the store, the wii was handed to me and I quickly went to the my car. There, I was estatic and somewhat dissapointed in the fact there wasn't enough controllers to go around and I was left without an extra set.
So I quickly went to the other wal-mart with my girlfriend to discover that they had an extra wiimote. Just no nunchuck. I was fine with that for now and purchased it. We quickly headed home and set up the wii. For the next three hours we played the console. Just wii sports, we didn't even touch the other games.
They were glorious! Seriously, I thought my joy in video games died years ago. This console, has brought them full circle. At first with Wii tennis I thought it was just a simple, you flicked at the right moment and the ball went wherever. But we sooned discovered, that if you say flick upwards hard as you bat at the ball. The ball will fly in an upward arch. If you pound down, the ball will fly towards you opponents feet.
It pretty much relys on every motion you make to determine the balls path. It's amazing. The other four sports games were all equally as impressive. Though my personal favorite is boxing.
Soon after we went to bed.
The Next Day
I awoke and attempted to connect to the internet with my console. I got error code: 110213 and assumed the servers were lagged. Due to everyone trying to access the net. So I quickly moved on to twilight princess. The next several hours I played. Those several hours I began to weep tears of happy. Seriously, this game is great. It's freaking massive, it took me five hours to reach the first temple. Well, I fished for an hour somewhere in there. But still, I haven't even scrapped the surface of the game and I've spent so much time with it. Not that thats a bad thing. It's the opposite, with this game you want all the time in the world.
First off, the controls are awesome. A simple shake of the remote to attack? Point to target enemies with long ranged weapons? Oh spin attack? I'll just shake the nunchuck. Lock on? How about press Z on the nunchuck and straff around my enemies. Here, I'm going to press left on the D-pad on the wiimote. Now, press B and point at the screen with my Wiimote. B again, and I just fired my slingshot at my enemy!
I can press A all the while to leap and backflip away from the enemies, or do a jump attack. Fire while I'm away, then dash close and shake my remote to dazle the enemy with some blows.
Did I mention that now since the controller is in two parts. I can lay on my back, my right hand on my lap holding the remote and my left hand propped up underneath my head holding the nunchuck?
Before I'd have to prop myself up awkwardly with both hands at my lap. With no real decent neck support. PSH, now I can play, AND be comfortable!
Let's just say I'm a happy camper. Seriously, give this thing a try. You shouldn't be sorry.
Anyways, I come to the end of my story of getting my wii. This is all due to; Josh, and JT.
Josh for switching schedules with me.
JT for giving up his spot in line for me.
Both deserve praise and thanks. For without them, I wouldn't know this joy!
I'm completely satisfied with this console. My months of anticipation has proved thus far to be not in vain. I have renewed my interests in video games. Thanks to finally having a different way to play. For those of you debating on getting this console. I say to you; do it. Don't believe my words? Go out and play one yourself.
I'll give you my Wii code when you get back.
Now anything bad about this whole ordeal? Well, no not really. The console is amazing game wise. I have encountered one hiccup however. It seems I got a unit that didn't recieve it's proper start up disc in the factory. As it cannot connect to the internet. I called nintendo, and they told me they'd ship me a complete new one free of charge. All I'd have to do is send in my old one. When I recieved my new one. They even sent my new one 2 Day air mail. Pretty decent customer service there. Apparently, just a handful of the wiis got this error. Of course I'm the one to get it.
But don't let that bother you from buying one. It was such a minor issue, one that wouldn't even matter if I didn't want to use it's online services. But nintendo will send everyone brand new units. Not refurbished ones, but brand new.
Anyways, I'm off to go beat the tar out of Eds Mii in boxing.
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 06:40am · 3 Comments |