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Rawr. I'm bored, so here's a quiz thing.

And it's ridiculously long, but if you're as bored as I am right now, you might be able to read it all.. xD

Yes or no?
War - No.
Peace - Yes.
Love - No.
Sex - Yes. 8D
Suicide - No.
Partying - Yes.
Homosexuality - Yes.
Bisexuality - Yes.
Heterosexuality - Yes.
Dancing? - Yes.
Food! - No.
Anorexia - No.
Evanescence - Yes.
Green Day? - No.
Your life? - Yes.
Religion? - No.
Athiesm? - No.
Making fun of others? - Yes. heart
Shop often? - No.
Love often? - Yes.
Been divorced? - No.
Want a divorce? - No.
Cheat on someone who thinks you are their soulmate? - No.
Have good morals? - Yes, as far as I know. >_>

Are you a sibling? - Yesh.
Are you the younger / older / same age? - Older.
Are you a twin? - Yeah, we both have brown eyes! surprised
Can you type fast? - Yes, quite.
Dooo yoooou tyyyyyyyyyype sloooooooow? - ..No.
Was that annoying? - Nah, it was funneh.
What kind of computer do you have? - Dunno, but it has a picture of birds on it.
Are you wearing socks? - Nope.
What is the weather like RIGHT now? - Sunny, and the frost on the ground just finished melting.
When did you last bleed? - I don't know.
Do you have braces? - Yes.
Do you wear contacts? - No.
Do you wear glasses? - Yes.
If so.. To see? To see far away? To read? - I'm nearsighted, so.. to see far away. I also have astigmatism.. I think I spelled that right.. x.x
When did you last go to school? - Yesterday.
When did you last hug someone? - Yesterday.
Who was it? - Probably my wife.
How's life? - Decent?
What is your hairstyle? - Down.
How does your hair look right now? - Curly, just past my shoulders, and it's still a little wet from the shower.
Do you have clear skin? - Sometimes.
Are you flawless? - No.
...Are you lying? - No.
Do you realize that at least one person loves you? - Yes.
Do you love someone so much you would die for them? - Yes.
If you would die tomorrow, what would you do today? - Meet all my internet friends.
Do you live like everyday is your last day? - Not really.
What do you love? - My friends and candy! n.n
What don't you love? - Stupid people.
Are you married? - No.
Do you ever want to get married? - I don't know.
When did you last dance? - Last night.
Do you like the rain? - Yes, very much.
Are you having a good day? - Decent.
Do you have an extensive collection of music on your computer? - Hoyes.
When did you last hurt someone? - The other day.
Physically? - The other day.
Emotionally? - I don't know.
Have you ever killed someone? - No.
Are you pissed off? - I was last night, but not now.
When did you last cough? - A few minutes ago.
When were you last sick? - A few days ago.
When did you last listen to music? - I'm listening to it right now.
Type your favorite song lyric. - I don't really have one.
Have you ever kissed someone? - Yes.
How did you kiss them? - I'm not telling.. >_>
Are you EXTREME?! - No? o_o
What is your favorite pasttime? - Teh intarwebz. <3
Day or Night? - Night.
What are you afraid of? - Spiders, thunderstorms, death, someone figuring me out.
Who is your favorite online friend? - I don't have a favorite.. n.n;
Who is your best friend in real life? - Lizzie. <33

Love or Hate?
Do you like life? - Yesh.
Are you popular? - No.
...Amongst weird people? - Not really.
How do you dress? - Jeans and a big sweater.
How do you do?! - ..Just fine, thank you! 8D
What is your favorite color? - I don't really have one at the moment.
Do you dress in Dark / Light colors? - Dark, usually.

Are / Do your parents..
Nice? - Yes.
Baby you? - No.
Misunderstand you? - Mostly.
Judge you? - I don't know.
Give you everything? - No.
Think you haven't grown up yet? - Yes.
Are they Married? - Yes.
Divorced? - No, but they almost did once.
Fighting? - No.
On good terms? - Yes.
Rich? - No.
Poor? - Kinda.
Employed? - Yes.
Unemployed? - No.
Make dinner every night? - Yeah, but sometimes we go out to eat.
Make you order pizza? - No.
Go shopping with you? - Sometimes.

Do you believe in God? - No.
Do you believe in magic? - No.
True love? - I don't know.
Heaven? - No.
Hell? - No.
Satan? - No.
Do you believe there's a someone for everyone? - No.
Do you believe in true, selfless happiness? - Yes.
Do you believe in selfessness at all? - Yes.
Do you believe that wishing for something can make it happen? - ..AHAHAHAHAH
Do you believe that the means justify the ends? - Dunno.
Do you believe that anything can happen? - Yes.

Tell me about you...
Name: Madalynne.
Age: 15.. and a half. ;o
Gender: Female.
Happy with it?: Quite.
Eye color: Brown.
Happy with it?: Yesh.
If not, what would you change it to?: Purple. n.n
Hair color: Red.
Happy with it?: Extremely.
If not, what would you change it to?: Purple, of course!
Hair length: Just below my shoulders.
Hair style: Down and curly-ish.
Have you ever dyed your hair? - Nope, but I got highlights once.
What color? - Caramel-colored.
Do you dye your hair frequently? - No.
Has it ever gotten damaged? - Yes.
Are you clean-shaven? - Yes.
Are your fingers long and slender, short and fat, or somewhere in between? - Dunno.
Thin or full lips? - Full.. -_-;
Thin hair, thick hair, or somewhere in between? - Ridiculously thick.
Have you ever had lice? - Yep.
How old were you? - I was either 7 or 9.
Nicknames: Mady, Kasumi, Kas, Kassie, Kassy, Kasu-chan, Kt3, Kirei-chan, Elda-chan.. There are probably a few more that I forgot.
Happy with them?: Yeah, they're cute. n.n
Aliases: They.. call me.. Tater Salad.
What made you choose them?: A stupid question.
If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be?: George. 8D
Think of the situation above. What would you want your name to be?: Dunno.
If you had a choice, would you drop your last name?: I would change it to Martin.
What heritage does your first name imply?: French.. -_-;
Middle name?: Michelle.
Place of birth: Dayton.
Date of birth: 4/20/1991
Nationality: *shrug*
Were you named after anyone?: Yes.
Who?: The main character of my mom's favorite mini series.. and no, she didn't have red hair.
What side of the family does your name come from?: Dunno.
Did your parents immigrate?: No.
How about your grandparents?: No.
Your great grandparents?: I don't think so.
Where did they emmigrate from?: Dunno.
Where did they immigrate to?: Dunno.
Skin color: Pale.
What's your facial structure like?: Er.. icky?
Height: Like 5' 1".
Happy with it?: I'm short! T.T
Weight: Not telling.
Happy with it?: No.
How old are your parents?: 37 and 38.
What's your father's name?: Patrick.
Your mother's?: Tina.
Do you have any siblings?: Yes.
How old are they?: 12.
What are their names?: Zachary.
Do you get along with your family?: Mostly.
Do you wish they were different?: I'd rather not say.
Were you ever abused by any member of your family?: No.
Were you ever betrayed by a member of your family?: Yes.
Did your family ever disown any other member of your family?: No.
Who do you get along with most?: My uncle. xD

Your ideal Boy/Girl friend
Hair color: I don't know.
Hair length: I don't know.
Hair style: *shrug*
Eye color: Don't know..
Skin color: Still don't know.. xD
Any makeup?: Ew.
Clothing style: Nothing that'll give me STDs.
Shy or outgoing?: Depends.
Happy or depressed?: Happy.
Funny or serious?: Funny, but serious at the right times.
Abusive or kind?: Kind.. xD
Respectful or perverted?: Perverted! whee
Completely describe their personality: Eh..
Ideal height: Taller than me.
Ideal weight: More than me. xD
Body type: Average-ish stuff. >_>
Completely describe their appearance: D:
Artistic or athletic?: Artistic, I s'pose.
Intellectual or unintelligent?: Intellectual, I'd hope.
Complex or simple?: Dunno.
What would their hobbies be?: Nerdy things. n.n
Interests?: Dunno.
Obsessions: Don't know..
Would they hug you often?: Yesh.
Kiss you often?: I don't know.
Would they frequently tell you that they loved you?: Probably not.
Have you already found your ideal mate?: Yes.
Or as close as someone can get?: Yes.
Are you in love?: No.
What will you do together?: Dunno.
Your ideal date: Something simple.
Your ideal wedding: Japanese stuff.. n.n
How many kids?: I don't know, maybe 2 if any.
What will their names be?: I don't know.
What do you think they would look like?: I want a blond girl with brown eyes.. x3
Will you even have kids?: I don't know.
Will you even get married?: I don't know.
Are you taken or single?: Single.

What are you feeling?: Bored.
Doing?: This frickin' quiz. And listening to music.
Who are you talking to online?: Nobody's online.. T.T
What room of the house are you in?: My bedroom.
Are you cold?: Quite.
Bored?: Yes.
Warm?: No.
Hot?: Always. ;D
Do you look nice?: Probably not.
What are you wearing?: A sweater and jeans.
Are you eating anything?: No.
Drinking anything?: I have Mountain Dew.
What are you wishing for? What are you worried about?: Perfection; the doctor's appointment I have in an hour and a half.

Would you Ever...
Sacrifice everything for a friend?: Yes.
A lover?: Twice.
Give your life for a friend?: Depends.
A lover?: Yes.
Give your life to save a stranger's?: Yes.
Sell yourself?: If that's what it came to.
Lie to a friend?: Only if I had to.
Lie to your parents?: Yes.
Lie to a lover?: Only if it was completely necessary.
Steal from your parents?: No.
Hug them in public?: Yes.
Blow up your house?: No. T.T
Abuse someone?: I don't know.
Use someone?: I don't know.

Tell me about your Family...
How many people live in your house?: 4.
How many brothers do you have?: 1.
Sisters?: None.
Do your mom and dad live with you?: Yes.
Or are they divorced?: No.
You live on your own?: I wish.
How many cousins do you have?: At least 9.
How many uncles?: One.
How many aunts?: One.
Do you have more than one grandma?: Yes.
More than one grandpa?: Yes.
Do you have any second-cousins?: Yes.
Were you adopted?: Halfway.
Were any siblings of yours adopted?: No.

Gaia stuff
How long have you been a member?: 3 years.
When did you join?: October 2, 2003.
Do you have a mule?: Yes.
If so, how many?: 2.
How much time do you spend on Gaia every day?: A few hours.
Name one person on Gaia off the top of your head.: Bodie! whee
Are you in love with someone on Gaia?: I don't know.
Do they love you?: No.
Are you married on Gaia?: I almost was, once.
Do you own a bar?: Co-own.
Do you roleplay?: Every once in awhile.

Well that only wasted a half hour! gonk

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