Yesterday before I left/clocked out, my boss told me I was supposedly too rude (according to some customers) and not motivated enough, therefore they let me go. Also they said something about me having a "30 day trial", persay, and if I wasn't good enough they wouldn't keep me. What kind of crap is that??!! Besides it hadn't been 30 days yet so I'm pissed and feel cheated. On the plus side, I'll be on more but I need to get another job quick so I can help Kage with rent. At least I'll be getting my last check next Friday, so I can still have X-mas $ for Kage and Sophia. But still.....I'm real mad that this ever happened. It shouldn't have and I feel like I've been cheated or something.....Icis, if you read this, please comment, particuarly if you had to have a 30 day trial like thing. I wanna know if that even sounds fair to you, let alone if that's a normal policy they use. Thanks all! ~VirgoBushin/Natalie~
Nina Layne Williams · Sat Dec 02, 2006 @ 07:49pm · 0 Comments |