On the Road to 2012
we are the living prophecy
the foundations of the old
are irrevocably dissolved
time itself is the foundation of the new
there beyond the edge of history
we plan to gather
each new tribe
each new clan
fire and blood, truth and sky
forming circles of healing
moving in circles of magic
there where the land awaits us
the earth is calling
the stars are opening their vaults
of wisdom
the sun is becoming a superstar
the moon is releasing her ancient memory
no shadows on the road to 2012
only light
of Galactic Mayan mind transmission
evolutionary signal
of Vela pulsar
illumining the night making incandescent
the very interior of each and every
cosmic vibratory root
“when it rains, everyone gets wet”
so open the interdimensional
portal of time
invoke the Blue Crystal Storm
that the rain of the noosphere
may drench every soul with the tender grace
of Universal Recollection
on the road to 2012,
journey’s end
of spiritual wayfarers
there you may put down your load
take out your medicine bundle
breathe air of fragrant smoke
and watch the hawks gliding
in cosmic spirals toward infinity
the victory has been promised
the prophecy oracle has been cast
do not be afraid to give your life
for the final cause
on the road to 2012
knowing the mind essence of all beings
is One
it can be done!
all beings bound by love
within the source of time itself
the Hunab Ku
all differences dissolved
all toward the One resolved
all into the mind of God evolved
not one trace of ignorance remaining
all sin, all crime absolved
on the road to 2012
who would not take this path
opened but by a simple change of time?
13 moons 28 days
it is the mirror to show us
we are all of one mind
on the road to 2012
—Closer of the Cycle