i gauged my ear again...u know those nails that are used to hold in thick cables or something on the ceiling...the thick ones....well...thats in my ear now...from a paper clip to one of those...my ear was sore for the whole day...and its still sore...but not as bad...i have sunday and tuesday off of next week....probably and hopefully one of those days we will have band practice. korns cd comes out today and im gonna get it...if i have the money...i got 15 bucks to blow on it...i have work today...processing...*sighs* oh...and for bigger news...jackie called me...we talked a bit...she was happy b/c her bathroom and floor are done now..then she had to go...and that was it...it kinda makes me sad...we don't even say "love u" ne more to each other...oh well...shes moving on ya know...shes a big girl now..well thats it for now..