Did some back flips off of high stuff, about shoulder hight when I get a chance I'm going to find something bigger...school bus, buildings, sounds fun XD. I'm about to take a shower but here is todays Quote of the day, I just fixed my unicycle and I was riding it up to my house, and theres this guy next to the dumpster out back, he calls himself the mayor. He's just some crazy black guy on a tricycle though, anyway he said "never fear the mayor is here." I just though it was funny coming from him.
My ddr stopped working for a while and i had to re-download it, but it's all good now and I'm getting better. I have to move some songs over from my laptop to my dads computer and then burn it all onto a cd and give it to my gym teacher, then maybe she will buy mats and we can ddr for gym.
This morning I turned of my alarm clock and went to turn on my music on my lap top, but somehow I fell back to sleep after getting it half open. Then I woke up again after having a dream about looking through my old school phone book with Tara (and all of the people in it had #'s next to there name, not phone #'s regular #'s). Right then, so I had to run to school and my ipod kept freezing from my running or something. It was pissing me off cause I had to stop a lot.
I have to get a shirt for the formal I'm going to with Jamie on Saturday. I also have to get some close for dress like a ninja day. It turns out the day before I came up with this idea in the announcements they said happy ninja day...I was listening to Sharpnel so i missed it. Thats ok I can still have a dress like a ninja day
I need to get some nets, and maybe some black shorts...
Besides fixing my unicycle I got new hack saw blades, and some cookies (maple oat chocolate chip). They were yummy....the cookies for those of you that thought I meant the hack saw blades, well now I can chop up all those dead bodies...hehe, just kidding. Now I can make weapons to make dead bodies. ninja
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