I never opposed so... WOOT in your face OPPOSERS! ((-__-U'l| I think I'll be ok...))
She falleth like Lucifer Community Member
Fri Dec 15, 2006 @ 02:12am
Haha and to those who continue doubting, I am officially meeting my online boyfriend tomorrow afternoon. He's flying in from Texas heart and we will be spending 5 days together. No one can tell me that online dating is for dreamers, because dreams can come true.
Yumatuu Serrono Community Member
Sun Dec 17, 2006 @ 03:38am
Holy crap... this journal entry is short... ARE YOU OK?
sergio19871 Community Member
Mon Jan 22, 2007 @ 10:16am
Yeah Kinda' short but anyhow i know what you mean because we have spoke about it before!
Anyway yeah im going to see Karen in May i live in England and she lives in Iceland so anyone who says online daters are sad or no hopers or whatever then please politly go away (piss off) xd because your comments or nasty little words are not wanted.