Well, if pirates are bad,
And vampires are worse,
Then I pray that as long as I be
That though I sing of Vampirates
I never one shall see.
And vampires are worse,
Then I pray that as long as I be
That though I sing of Vampirates
I never one shall see.
I would think most would agree that these words alone would get a person a little curious. So I will post the preview of the book that I found on the inside cover in my next post just as I did with Twilight and New Moon.
heart Some might be intrested in the fact that over the weekend I ventured out of my lovely aboad and veiwed the movie Eragon. Though I have yet to read the book I found the movie splendid and I throughly enjoyed watching it with my father. I shall most definetly be getting it when it comes out on DVD. It is a movie anyone be they a dragonlover or nondragon lover would enjoy. Though I fear I was a bit nauses from the spectacular veiws as the dragons soared around and such. But some of the sceanary is just spectacular to say the least.
Much love,
* * * Naoar * * *
* * * Naoar * * *