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~{Crazy} Family Life~
RP-ing away! ^__^
TAHIR1: hiyaz
Tessalia: hi! ^^
TAHIR1: i gotta try sumthin
TAHIR1: burning_eyes
Tessalia: O_o what is it, sir?
TAHIR1: nope doesnt work
Tessalia: aww...;__;
Tessalia: sir, I noticed you got new clothes...they're cool!
Tessalia: YES, SIR!!
TAHIR1: thnks
Tessalia: ^^
Tessalia: how are the fishes doing, sir?
TAHIR1: terrible
Tessalia: and...did you go on that suicide mission yesterday? ;_;
Tessalia: terrible?? *gasps*
TAHIR1: our captive called them to my construct and they beat me up
Tessalia: No!!! But...you're a ghost!!! why couldn't you escape?
TAHIR1: cuz my construct is trying to make me human again
Tessalia: O__O *tries not to jump around in hapiness*
Tessalia: I'm sorry I wasn't there to back you up, sir
TAHIR1: but.....
TAHIR1: its blowed up!!!
Tessalia: O__O
Tessalia: *sweatdrops*
TAHIR1: i have stuck the captive to WORK now he must fix it!!!
Tessalia: ok, sir! what do you want me to do? btw...*gives crunch bars*
TAHIR1: thank you soldier
TAHIR1: my plan is to catch as many as we can and interrogate them
TAHIR1: i have already caught a tire
TAHIR1: they dont talk much
Tessalia: ok, sir! *shoots*
TAHIR1: capture not KILL
Tessalia: ups....ok!
TAHIR1: i wonder....
Tessalia: you're right, they are not talking much...
Tessalia: how is your aqua pet?
Tessalia: what do you wonder, sir?
TAHIR1: he is the captive
Tessalia: lol
Tessalia: and he is NOT talking?!
TAHIR1: oh no
Tessalia: but...yesterday he talked a lot, right, sir?
TAHIR1: he is talking
Tessalia: XD
TAHIR1: just not about what i vvant him to
TAHIR1: vv
Tessalia: damm! Try giving it soap or something it really hates...ups...he was in a tube, right?
TAHIR1: yup
Tessalia: damm, another one escaped! >_<
Tessalia: try shaking the tube! mwhahaha
TAHIR1: its too quiet...
TAHIR1: nope
TAHIR1: now he is dancing
TAHIR1: but still
TAHIR1: too quiet
Tessalia: like the calm before a storm?
TAHIR1: yesh
Tessalia: *starts to get scared*
TAHIR1: *dissapears*
Tessalia: Tahir, sir?!
Tessalia: ...
Tessalia: sir...??
Tessalia: *clutches crunch bars*
TAHIR1: *flying TV screen comes in fron of u*
Tessalia: O__O
Tessalia: ahhh!!!
Tessalia: what's this?? *turns TV on*
TAHIR1: ZURG says"we have your precious leader"
TAHIR1: "and santa"
TAHIR1: "and a guy named casper"
Tessalia: O__O
Tessalia: cas...per? *looks around* oh, noes! if they have a ghost that means that...
Bassplayer44 enters the chat.
Tessalia: hi!
Bassplayer44: hello
TAHIR1: *cant say hi
Tessalia: you joined us at a crytical moment!
Bassplayer44: y
Tessalia: our leader, Tahir, has suddenly disappeared!
TAHIR1: (me)
Bassplayer44: watg happened
Bassplayer44: wat*
Tessalia: and the Zurg say they have him! *points at TV screen with a Zurg in it*
Bassplayer44: uh oh
Tessalia: yeah! I don't know what to do! They even have CASPER and SANTA!!
Tessalia: lol
TAHIR1: (very bad)
Bassplayer44: lol
Bassplayer44: SANTA!!!!!!!!
Tessalia: yeah!
Tessalia: do you have any idea of how have they been able to put their hands on a GHOST?
Bassplayer44: just get a shotgun and blow their heads off
Tessalia: ok, ok!
Bassplayer44: no i don't
Tessalia: it all started with the fishes of this lake! they're half-Zurg mutants XD
Bassplayer44: lol
Bassplayer44: scary
Tessalia: we were fishing them...and tried to get into their base but our leader, P1, was killed
TAHIR1: (i got shot and died and now im a ghost)
Tessalia: and now he's a ghost
Bassplayer44: 0.0
Bassplayer44: dats bad
Tessalia: (though I'd prefer it if he returned to his human shape, this ghost form is very useful in missions!)
TAHIR1: (crunch bars are like med-kits)
Bassplayer44: lol
Tessalia: XD that's right! We have lots of crunch bars and chocolate!
Tessalia: we must guard them, 'cause they're our energy
Bassplayer44: SWEET!
Tessalia: upps...true, true...soda too! XD
Bassplayer44: awsoME!
Tessalia: so, will you help us defeat the evil fish from hell and save our leader, Tahir?
Bassplayer44: yups ok
TAHIR1: (and im pretty much screwed cuz im captured)
Bassplayer44: lol
Tessalia: thanks!
Bassplayer44: now where to get some gear
Tessalia: first of all, we must interrogate our captives (aka, the fish) to get any information!
Bassplayer44: lol
Bassplayer44: do they talk
Tessalia: then, we must find their base and save our leader
Tessalia: yep!
Tessalia: and boots and cans too XD
Bassplayer44: lo
Bassplayer44: lol*
Tessalia: our leader is, as you already know, Tahir
TAHIR1: (yay)
Bassplayer44: lol
Tessalia: yeah, Santa and Casper must also be saved ...though our priority is Tahir!
Bassplayer44: ok
Tessalia: uh, oh! one of my boots confessed that their base is near the dock!
Bassplayer44: we need gear rite?
Bassplayer44: wait WE'RE OM THE DOCK
Bassplayer44: on*
Tessalia: you are! I am on the beach!
Tessalia: follow me!
TAHIR1: (and im up here razz )
Tessalia: XD
Tessalia: ok, here! *gives guns to Bass*
Bassplayer44: sweet
Tessalia: now, prepare to dive and save P1!
Bassplayer44: alrite, lets move out
Tessalia: *jumps into the lake*
Bassplayer44: follows
Tessalia: *dives* it must be nearby!!
Bassplayer44: *gets pulled under*
Bassplayer44: i think they found me
Tessalia: no!!! *catches arm and drags him towards a door*
Bassplayer44: *takes the butt of the gun and beats the fish wit it
Tessalia: lol
Bassplayer44: thanx
Tessalia: wait, we need him alive!
Tessalia: he might know something!!
Bassplayer44: ok, i'll get him
TAHIR1: *TV floats nearby showing me on it* "THEY ARE DOING TESTS ON ME"
Tessalia: *catches fish* you, stupid thing!! where is our commander?
Tessalia: *gapes at the TV* it swims!!
Bassplayer44: uh oh
Tessalia: we must hurry!
Bassplayer44: this is bad
Tessalia: the fish said that he's over there! *hurries towards a white door
Bassplayer44: *follows*
TAHIR1: *TV follows*
Bassplayer44: i'll bust the door open
Bassplayer44: then u throw a grenade
Tessalia: ok, thanks! *stands to the side*
Bassplayer44: *kicks the door open then backs away*
Tessalia: wait! if the boss is inside we might hurt him! (even though he's a ghost)
Tessalia: *takes out a gun* FREEZE!!!
Tessalia: *the fish in the room stand still*
cool-funk enters the chat.
Bassplayer44: *walks into the room*
TAHIR1: TV zurg says'' youll find him in there"
Tessalia: *whisper to boss* do you see our leader?
cool-funk: hey im new
Tessalia: ok, thanks TV!
Bassplayer44: (helolo new person
Tessalia: hi, cool!
TAHIR1: (typo
cool-funk: u new
TAHIR1: (TV zurg meant to say that you WONT find me in there
Tessalia: we are saving our leader, Tahir! wait a sec, we almost have him...and then we'll introduce you to this!
Tessalia: WHAT?? *glares at TV*
Tessalia: *throws granade* run, Boss!
cool-funk: wait
Bassplayer44: i'm sick of this tv
TAHIR1: "I said you wont find him in there!!!!"
TAHIR1: "deaf lady"
Tessalia: lol...this TV...what if the leader is inside?!
Bassplayer44: *jumps away*
Bassplayer44: wats wit the grenade thowin
Tessalia: Bassplayer, you rock! X3
Tessalia: sorry, I got angry...
TAHIR1: "then he would die within60 seconds LOSERS!!!"
Tessalia: O_O
Tessalia: WHAT??
Bassplayer44: O.o
Tessalia: NOOOOO!!
Bassplayer44: wat i do
Bassplayer44: uh oh
Bassplayer44: *runs in circles*
cool-funk: do you like naruto
Tessalia: *glomps TV* tell us!!
TAHIR1: BASE SAYS"self destruct in 1 minute!!!!"
Tessalia: yeah, naruto rocks!
Bassplayer44: wats happening!!!!
Tessalia: where is TAHIR, YOU STUPID TV??!!
Bassplayer44: though that door
TAHIR1: "bye bye" ROCK falls on TV
Bassplayer44: *points*
cool-funk: who is your fav
Tessalia: ok! *follows Bass* we have 60 sec!
TAHIR1: 10!
Bassplayer44: *kicks open the door*
TAHIR1: 9!
Tessalia: My fav are Naruto and Sasuke!
Bassplayer44: there
TAHIR1: 8!
TAHIR1: 7!
TAHIR1: 6!
Tessalia: *grabs tahir*
Tessalia: hurry, Boss!
Bassplayer44: runs out
TAHIR1: (im not in ther stupids
Tessalia: *drags everyone out*
Tessalia: no??!!!
Bassplayer44: WAT!??!?!?!
Tessalia: then...WHERE ARE YOU?? T crying T
Bassplayer44: its a dummy
cool-funk: those are my fav
Bassplayer44: look the boom
TAHIR1: (keep interrogating the fishiessssssss)
Bassplayer44: bomb*
Tessalia: O_O
Tessalia: Boss, you ok?
TAHIR1: *base blows up*
Bassplayer44: ughhh
Tessalia: TAHIIIRR!! *dramatic scene with flames, dead fishes and lots of tears*
Tessalia: Boss? you hurt?
Bassplayer44: somethin hit me
TAHIR1: (im not there stupid)
TAHIR1: (imm in a diff base)
cool-funk: i suck
Bassplayer44: wait a second
Bassplayer44: that was a decoy
Tessalia: Cool-funk, please, help me cure Bass!
Bassplayer44: look! *points to sky* a ship
Tessalia: dammit, we need to find the real base!
Tessalia: *looks*
Tessalia: *sweatdrops* it was there!!
cool-funk: man my rod sucks
Bassplayer44: follow that ship
TAHIR1: second TV says"welcome to the citidel of the DAMNED!!!!"
Tessalia: O_O
Bassplayer44: O.o
Bassplayer44: thats not good
cool-funk leaves the chat.
Tessalia: how can we follow it? My Gwee is too small to fly!
Bassplayer44: my wings aren't too small
Bassplayer44: XD
TAHIR1: *i appear on second tv mangled and bleeding * "HURRY!!!"
Tessalia: *gasps*
Tessalia: Bass, do you think your wings could bear my weight, also?
Bassplayer44: *flys into air than picks up Tessalia*
Bassplayer44: yup!
Tessalia: thanks!! ^^
Bassplayer44: *follows the ship
Tessalia: wow, the lake looks so small!
TAHIR1: brb gotta get a glass of milk
Tessalia: look, there is an opening!
Bassplayer44: its landing
Bassplayer44: *flys down and lands in the opening*
Tessalia: where are they going? >_<
Tessalia: thanks, bass! ^__^
Tessalia: ok, let's find Tahir!
Bassplayer44: welk
Bassplayer44: hey look a cave
Tessalia: let's go inside! But we must be really silent...
Bassplayer44: ok*follows*
Tessalia: *looks around*
TAHIR1: Zurg on TV grins and yells "SYSTEM LOCKDOWN!!!"
Tessalia: O__O
Tessalia: *pulls out bazoka*
Bassplayer44: *whispers* look a zurg
Bassplayer44: uh oh
Tessalia: dammit!
Tessalia: *glares at Zurg*
Bassplayer44: wait let me get him
Tessalia: you sure? I'll back you up!
Bassplayer44: *pulls out a sykes commando knife and sneaks behind the zurg*
Tessalia: *silenty moves so she can shoot Zurg in case of emergency*
Bassplayer44: *grabs him and pulls him into the bushes*
TAHIR1: *I appear on TV being electrocuted* "U R AT THE WROOONNNG BASSSEEEEEE!!!!!!"
Tessalia: GAIN??
Tessalia: AGAIN*
Bassplayer44: *starts questioning the Zurg*
Tessalia: but, sir! you don't know where you are!
Bassplayer44: i found where he is
TAHIR1: "I overheard them talking
Tessalia: *sits with Boss and listen to the confession*
TAHIR1: "they have about 67 false bases"
Tessalia: O_O
Tessalia: but now we know which one it is! right, Boss?
Bassplayer44: the Zurg will show us the way
TAHIR1: *flame thrower burns ME*
Bassplayer44: i gtg
Bassplayer44: srry pplz
Bassplayer44: get our leader witout me!
TAHIR1: ok np jus come again latr
Tessalia: *cries*
Tessalia: you did a good job! thanks for helping me, Boss!
Bassplayer44: thanx
Bassplayer44: bye
Tessalia: bye!
Bassplayer44 leaves the chat.
Tessalia: ^_^
Tessalia: damm, now I'm alone again!
TAHIR1: *gets shot with a needle shotgun*
Tessalia: *gasps* resist a bit longer, sir!
Tessalia: *jumps into spaceship*
TAHIR1: "ill try"
Tessalia: *spaceship starts and goes to base 55, where you are being kept*
TAHIR1: *something explodes in the room and the TV shows STATIC*
Tessalia: O_O
Tessalia: thank god I'm almost there!
TAHIR1: *wakes up*
Tessalia: *spaceship lands and I jump out*
Tessalia: Now to find our commander!
TAHIR1: (ur character doesnt know what im doing BUT U WILL DONT SPOIL IT)
TAHIR1: (ok?)
Tessalia: *ok...*
Tessalia: *moves around the base, searching for a lab or something alike*
TAHIR1: *i get up grab the closest zurg and kill him*
Tessalia: That door...*watches a group of Zurgs leaving it*
Tessalia: *listens to conversation*
TAHIR1: *grabs the shotgun that the zurg had
Tessalia: That must be the room!
Tessalia: *enters silently*
Tessalia: *pulls out sword*
TAHIR1: *exits the room and runs down the hall*
Tessalia: *sees shadows moving around*
Tessalia: what is this? *thinks, scared*
Tessalia: *grabs one of the shadows* it's a Zurg!! *screams and stabs it*
TAHIR1: *some wierdo captures me and brings me to another base*
Tessalia: dammit, where is boss?! T crying T
Tessalia: I thought he was going to escape...
TAHIR1: My captor says "we arent done with you yet!!!"
Tessalia: *hears that sentence*
Tessalia: *stops being silent and runs along the hallway*
Tessalia: SIR??!
TAHIR1: "we will have another TV tell your soldier that you didnt make it HAHAHAAAA"*gets in dropship*
TAHIR1: *dropship flys away*
Tessalia: noooo!!!
Tessalia: *jumps into another ship parked at the dock* ...how in the hell does this thing work??
Tessalia: *starts pushing buttons until she manages to start following the other ship*
Tessalia: *doesn't know there is a Zurg in her ship*
TAHIR1: *a tv similar to the other 2 floats up to you and you hear moaning in the background and a zurg says* "your little friend didnt make it!!!!"
TAHIR1: "hahahahaaaaaaaaaaa"
TAHIR1: "and neither will YOU!!!!"
Tessalia: *cries in alarm as she feels an arm grab her*
Tessalia: dammit! I.must.help.Tahir!
Tessalia: *reaches for her sword*
TAHIR1: *TV screen goes blank and you hear a squishy slicing sound*
Tessalia: *kills Zurg* next time I see the commander, I'm telling him to give walkie talkies to all his soldiers!
Tessalia: *goes pale when she hears the sound*
Tessalia: *hurry, stupid Zurgh ship!!!
TAHIR1: *TV turns back on and you see a bloody zurg*
Tessalia: *gapes at the TV* ....commander?
Tessalia: *grins* I'll take that as a good sign!
TAHIR1: "amazingly he survived a part of the process"
Tessalia: that's my leader!
TAHIR1: "but he wont for long"
Tessalia: *gins* hurry up, spaceship!!! *makes it go at full speed* almost there!!
Tessalia: dammit boss, don't die on me now!! you've reached this far!!
TAHIR1: "ill let you see the final minute of his life!!!!"
TAHIR1: *zurg grabs a gun and you see me almost cut in half*
TAHIR1: *zurg walks up to my body*
Tessalia: *tears run down her face* dammit!! *ship lands*
Tessalia: *gets out of the ship and full speed; opens doors in all the corridors*
TAHIR1: *there was a bright flash of light and the tv cuts off*
Tessalia: TAHIR?? *listens carefully*
Tessalia: where are the Zurg??!! *is afraid she failed again*
TAHIR1: *you hear a scuffle at the end of the corridoor*
Tessalia: *hears a small sound in a room*
Tessalia: *runs towards it*
Tessalia: *opens the door and points gun at a Zurg bend over something*
TAHIR1: *the door gets blown off its hinges*
TAHIR1: *you see somthing slick and green on the floor and the zurg falls on the floor*
Tessalia: *stares*
Tessalia: *sees you* sir!!
TAHIR1: *you look closer and find out that the green thing is a sword*
Tessalia: *gasps*
Tessalia: ...sir?! are you ok?
TAHIR1: *then you notice a large hole in the wall*
Tessalia: what...what is going on?!
TAHIR1: *and a blood trail leading out of it*
TAHIR1: *you look again at the zurg and notice that his hands are missing*
Tessalia: ...wha...what? *looks for you*
TAHIR1: *you see a green trail intermingled with the blood*
Tessalia: *follows it* *clutches sword tightly*
TAHIR1: *you see many more holes in the walls*
Tessalia: *shudders*
Tessalia: *whispers* sir...?
TAHIR1: *at the end of the hall you see the trail dissapear*
Tessalia: *follows it as quickly as she can*
Tessalia: *the trail stops*
TAHIR1: *when you reach the end of the hall you hear something dripping*
TAHIR1: *and you feel a small splat splat on your head*
Tessalia: *shivers and slowly, slowly, looks up*
TAHIR1: *you see a monster covered in green and red blood*
TAHIR1: *and wounds all over*
Tessalia: *tries not to scream* ...sir...?
TAHIR1: *the monster, noticing that you noticed it jumps down the hall into one of the various holes*
Tessalia: WAIT! *follows it*
Tessalia: I will not hurt you! *puts sword away*
TAHIR1: *then you hear an explosion and a big sucking sound*
TAHIR1: *and feel cold wind*
TAHIR1: *blowing all over*
Tessalia: kyaaa! *graps into a door handle*
TAHIR1: (sounds creepy eh?)
Tessalia: (yes! T crying T)
Tessalia: sir...?
TAHIR1: (i think im good at this)
TAHIR1: *you look into the room and see a big hole in the wall leading to the outside air*
Tessalia: (lol....I agree!The story is really interesting...but my character seems like a average crying-screaming girl u_u)
Tessalia: *pokes head out and takes a look*
TAHIR1: (wonder why*
TAHIR1: *you start feeling a pull on you*
TAHIR1: (u do know that ur still in the air dont you?)
Tessalia: *grabs tightly but is being dragged* (I didn't remember it *sweatdrops* thanks for reminding me!)
TAHIR1: (u know what happens on an airplane when the door is open when ur in teh air???)
Tessalia: (yes! T crying T)
TAHIR1: (thats whats happening now)
Tessalia: *falls into the hole*
Tessalia: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! *is falling*
TAHIR1: *while you are in the air you notice a shape far below yuo*
Tessalia: *looks down* what's that?
TAHIR1: *the shape suddenly stops falling*
Tessalia: *gasps*
TAHIR1: *and it just floats there*
Tessalia: oh gods!! *sees that she's falling towards the shape*
TAHIR1: *when you get close enough you notice its the monster*
TAHIR1: (i found a crunch bar in my candy bag^_^)
Tessalia: (lol XDD *munches chocolate bar*)
Tessalia: *estrangely enough, is not scared of the monster*
TAHIR1: *the monster starts flying upwards at alarming speed*
Tessalia: *gulps* *tries to change direction but it's futile*
TAHIR1: *the monster hits you and you pass out*
Tessalia: @__@
TAHIR1: *the next few (what seemed like hours but were really days) were a blur but you noticed changes in things*
TAHIR1: *some that you wished you hadnt*
Tessalia: *starts to wake up again* is this..another...dream...?
Tessalia: *remembers those things* those were dreams, right?
TAHIR1: *you wake up in a dark hotel room with blood all over and you notice a note on your head*
Tessalia: *brings the note to her eyes and reads*
TAHIR1: the note says "you will never forgive the horrid things i have done" *there was a key on a bedside table*
TAHIR1: (i like how im doing this)
TAHIR1: *beside the key was another note*
Tessalia: *reads it again*
Tessalia: *is afraid to what she'll find*
Tessalia: of*
TAHIR1: "some things i shouldnt have done and didnt want to do, take this key and use it on the bathroom door*
Tessalia: *stands up and moves to the bathroom, noticing that her clothes all are torn up and dirty*
TAHIR1: *there was another note on the door*
Tessalia: *with shacking hands reaches it and reads*
TAHIR1: "look at what i have done to myself and clean yourself of my evil blood"
Tessalia: *remembers all the good things lived with you, and shackes head* I cannot believe you capable of evil things, sir
Tessalia: *opens door*
TAHIR1: *you see many horrible pictures from newspapers and from cameras showing a monster killing innocent people*
TAHIR1: *one of them you recognized*
TAHIR1: *you look closely at the picture*
TAHIR1: *it was your family*
TAHIR1: *liying in a heap*
TAHIR1: *of blood*
TAHIR1: *their own blood*
Tessalia: *gasps* *is white as a sheet*
Tessalia: what...how...
Tessalia: *passes out*
TAHIR1: *another note is on the shower floor*
TAHIR1: (nooo ur not supposed to pass out)
Tessalia: *(sorry! XP...)
Tessalia: *reads the note*
TAHIR1: the note says "you may have said while reading the note on the door that i was uncabable of doing evil i wish that were true"
Tessalia: *shakes head* how can I find you? You need help...
TAHIR1: *another note is on the door to the outside*
Tessalia: *goes to grab it*
TAHIR1: this note written in blood says "theese notes were from my last sane moments of life dont come for me, keep your door locked and keep a gun with you at all times"
TAHIR1: note continued" and watch the tapes next to the TV"
TAHIR1: "they will tell you all you need to know"
Tessalia: *shakes head* even though you're convinced that there is no hope; I'm sure there must be a way to cure you of this madness.,,I just hope you can remember all the
Tessalia: good things
TAHIR1: "goodbye" the last word was the bloodiest word"
TAHIR1: (now ya gotta watch the tapes)
Tessalia: *stares at the goodbye and wipes tears that run down her face angrily* I'll save you, dammit! don't give up
Tessalia: *goes to the TV and puts first tape*
Tessalia: *sits on the bed to watch*
TAHIR1: there was a news anchorman who was talking about "somthing vicious" he pauses
TAHIR1: *you turn it up*
Tessalia: *gets a bad feeling*
Tessalia: *turns up*
TAHIR1: "twenty men died this evening and 1111 were injured by, a strange monster"*the screen fizzez*
Tessalia: *tries to move TV so it doesn't fizz*
Tessalia: I don't want to have to hunt him down now...*whispers*
TAHIR1: "we do not know what happened and we ne-" there was screaming and blood covered the camera and the monster whispered in a mangled voice,
TAHIR1: "im sorry"
TAHIR1: *the screen blacks out*
Tessalia: *gasps* I knew it!!! He still remembers what he was before!
TAHIR1: (tape #2 now)
Tessalia: *puts another tape*
TAHIR1: *this time the screen was fuzzy to begin with, and a scared looking soldier in a room filled with blood was talking*
Tessalia: *notices the uniform the soldier is wearing*
TAHIR1: he said" captian sir?" he stopped "are you there???"
Tessalia: *shivers in fear*
TAHIR1: *there was a gasp and a horrible distorted voice spoke*" transmit this to the news channel and i will try harder to not kill you TESS WHEN YOU WATCH THIS PLEASE D-"
TAHIR1: *the screen cuts off*
TAHIR1: (one more tape)
Tessalia: *sits up straight* hurries to check if there are more tapes
Tessalia: *puts another one and sits on the floor in front of TV*
TAHIR1: *there you saw the monster, in the hotel room* he said "I cant talk much If you read the notes you will notice how horrible i have been"
TAHIR1: "pleas dont try to stop me, and please dont get in my way"
Tessalia: *bits lip*
TAHIR1: *then a change overcame him he was getting bigger and he ran out of the room and locked the door behind him*
TAHIR1: (end of movies)
Tessalia: I'll have to find him *snort* he obviously doesn't know me very much if he thought I wouldn't follow him
TAHIR1: *a key was in the box where the movies were*
Tessalia: *gathers sword and guns and a crunch bar*
TAHIR1: (guns and sword arent in there)
TAHIR1: (he new that you would get them)
TAHIR1: (knew*
Tessalia: damm
Tessalia: *holds the key in her hand* let's see what can I open with it...
TAHIR1: *you take the key and unlock the front door and you suddenly wished you hadnt*
Tessalia: what...what happened?!
TAHIR1: *the scene you saw was terrifiying and you smelled a putrid smell of death*
Tessalia: *gags* ...I have to find Tahir!
TAHIR1: *there out there you saw a city*
TAHIR1: *the city was destroyed and the sky was dark and it was day*
Tessalia: where am I?
Tessalia: has all of this...been done by Tahir...? *cannot believe it*
TAHIR1: *you looked at the wall next to the door*
TAHIR1: *there was writing in blood that said Tess GO this way------->*
Tessalia: ...*follows indication*...
TAHIR1: *you wondered what was the other way*
Tessalia: *feels defenseless without sword* *looks at the other way*
TAHIR1: (aww man... im creeping myself out)
Tessalia: (lol!! I hope there is not too much death people! *Crosses fingers*)
TAHIR1: *there you saw a dark corridor filled with corpses you did a quick count and there were 9hundred 92 in estamate(did i mention that you were in alcatraz???)*
Tessalia: *covers her mouth with hand* gods... *decides to follow the indication, even though he was curious about the other way
TAHIR1: *the whole population of the city was in that large gaping corridor*
TAHIR1: *you saw an elevator with an X in blood written on it*
Tessalia: *shudders*
Tessalia: *goes towards elevator*
TAHIR1: *you decided to take the stairs*
TAHIR1: *amazingly the stairs where clean except there were a few puddles of vomit and feces*
Tessalia: dammit, this place is a mess....*holds breath*
TAHIR1: *you continue*
TAHIR1: *once you got to the bottom you sawpiles and piles of pillows you guessed that this was one of the places that people hid in*
Tessalia: *looks to see if there are any survivors*
TAHIR1: *there was only one thing of notice*
TAHIR1: *a fizzy TV*
TAHIR1: *you hit the TV and the static left*
Tessalia: *gapes at TV* I knew we'll meet again sooner or later!
TAHIR1: *there was a man on that TV*
TAHIR1: *he looked very solemn and you heard something about a rescue team to check in the place*
TAHIR1: *you walk closer*
Tessalia: *turns up volume*
TAHIR1: *he notices you(2 way TV) and says my god A SURVIVOR!!!*
TAHIR1: (say sumthin)
Tessalia: *gasps*
TAHIR1: (ill make him say sumthin if you dont say sumthin)
Tessalia: you see me?
TAHIR1: "wait...
Tessalia: O__o
Tessalia: *is getting confused*
Tessalia: what about me?
Tessalia: ....*gulps*
Tessalia: do you know where is commander Tahir?
Tessalia: *is glad that someone recognises her*
Tessalia: I was missing?! O_O
Tessalia: commander made sure to inform the base every other day of our position!
TAHIR1: "unfortunatley we havent seen him ever since a monster appeared, we think it killed him"
Tessalia: *pales* *thinks* I think I know where he is...but...I cannot say it!
TAHIR1: "why not?
TAHIR1: (brb)
Tessalia: *to the man* I'll proceed to start a recovery mission
TAHIR1: (back
Tessalia: I'll contact the base once I have found the commander ...you better give him a dammed medal!
TAHIR1: "very well, sister"
TAHIR1: (betcha wernt expecting that)
Tessalia: O__O
Tessalia: (no!)
Tessalia: sis...sister?!
TAHIR1: "the whole family died, except me,"
TAHIR1: (i lurve suprises)
TAHIR1: "i thought you were dead"
Tessalia: gods, I didn't recognise you!!
Tessalia: I also thought you were dead!
Tessalia: I'm so glad to see you alive and well!
TAHIR1: "why would you think i was dead ???"
Tessalia: I have to find Tahir. I know he's a good boy... I'll explain why I thought that later...
Tessalia: can we meet?
TAHIR1: "im afraid that we are fighting a war against this monster, im about to be next..."
Tessalia: no!!
Tessalia: you MUSTN'T fight him!
TAHIR1: "im afraid i must do you know what the death count is because of it????"
Tessalia: ...what?!!!
Tessalia: *pales*
TAHIR1: "it is shocking"
Tessalia: but it's not his fault! It's an illness it's suffering! we must heal him
TAHIR1: "his? im afraid i dont follow you"
Tessalia: ...I...cannot tell you what I know; that information could put you in danger but...you must believe me!
TAHIR1: "im afraid i cant"
Tessalia: why not? I'm your sister!
TAHIR1: "you have been missing for 4 years anything could have happened to your mind"
Tessalia: 4...4...4 years!!!
Tessalia: *notices that her younger brother now seems older than her*
TAHIR1: "although its strange... you havent aged a minute"
Tessalia: *shivers* i...i have to find that "monster" I know he has the answer to everything!
Tessalia: (man, the story is getting complex, uh? *__*)
TAHIR1: "you have 1 week sister"
TAHIR1: (yes it is)
Tessalia: 1 week?
Tessalia: I'll do my best!
TAHIR1: "one more thing"
Tessalia: (hey, I've to go to sleep! TT__TT let's finish this episode in a cool way... u_u)
Tessalia: more?
Tessalia: tell me!
TAHIR1: "there is an abandoned base south of your position"
Tessalia: south? Ok, thanks for telling me! I'll check it out...just in case
Tessalia: *smiles at her brother*
TAHIR1: "look there for the monster, and supplies"
TAHIR1: *the screen fades
Tessalia: thanks!
TAHIR1: *Suddenly you get attacked by,,,, A giant robot*


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Doctor Norman
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun May 27, 2007 @ 06:27am
WAT A WONDERFUL DAY THAT WAS! i was so happy do put a cliffie at the end, WE R EBIL< HEAR US RAWR!!! domokun domokun domokun domokun

Don't worry... I'm a DOCTOR! My patients don't mind much, but I guess that's because they're dead! Or maybe that's my blood. I'm too dizzy to tell. Who're you?
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