Yes, yes, all can be joyous
Because of Christmas?
Because of ME!
and Christmas
So, how have mah homie gees, been?
I hope ya'll've been good.
'Cause I have!!
Except for the fact that I'm not moving
>: (
So mah IRL homies will have to wait even longer to be graced by my presence
I'm sorreh
But on a brighter note!
I got Okami for Christmas!!
And PotC 2!!!
-Johnny Depp and his sexeh self X3-
And stuffed animals!!
And a digital camera!!!!!!!!!
Well, I get the dig. cam. on Thursday when mah Aunt Terry comes!!!
She's awesome
She's a psychiatrist like somethin or another
Somethin' like that
But anyway, yeah,
she's awesome
I've been playin FFXII a lot again
Not really a lot...
Just more than usual
I've gotta fight Ahriman
They should have FFXII characters in KH3
Ya' know?
Cuz dat be da shiz, yo
Fo sho
I read 100 facts about Mr. T and Chuck Norris each
They were awesome
Mr. T's coo'
Fo sho
"I pity d'foo!"
Yepper doodles
I want a hair cut.
I've been wanting a hair cut for like, four years
I just don't know how I want it cut emo
I want a Guitar of Demona
Fo sho
I used to have one
But I sold it during mah Steel-plated Ninja Band quest
Don't regret it a bit
I'm hungry
And thirsty
I want a Dr. Pepper
I now have a Dr Pepper >3
Fo sho
How many times have I said that?
Quite a bit, I imagine
Fo sho
There it is again
As you can probably tell, I'm not having a very imaginative mind right now
I'm excited to see mah Aunt Terry
And mah digital camera X3
Hello Kitty's awesome!!
I'll take pictures of mah room with mah digital camera, and post them up for all to see
It'll be aaaaaaaawesooooooooome.
Fo sho
Well, comment please
Remark on my lack of creativity this week, I don't care
Just comment
And comment mah profile, too
And give meh gold and items X3
You don't have, too, of course
It'd just make meh vereh vereh happeh X3
FFXII reference X3Yes, yes, all can be joyous
Because of Christmas?
Because of ME!
and Christmas
So, how have mah homie gees, been?
I hope ya'll've been good.
'Cause I have!!
Except for the fact that I'm not moving
>: (
So mah IRL homies will have to wait even longer to be graced by my presence
I'm sorreh
But on a brighter note!
I got Okami for Christmas!!
And PotC 2!!!
-Johnny Depp and his sexeh self X3-
And stuffed animals!!
And a digital camera!!!!!!!!!
Well, I get the dig. cam. on Thursday when mah Aunt Terry comes!!!
She's awesome
She's a psychiatrist like somethin or another
Somethin' like that
But anyway, yeah,
she's awesome
I've been playin FFXII a lot again
Not really a lot...
Just more than usual
I've gotta fight Ahriman
They should have FFXII characters in KH3
Ya' know?
Cuz dat be da shiz, yo
Fo sho
I read 100 facts about Mr. T and Chuck Norris each
They were awesome
Mr. T's coo'
Fo sho
"I pity d'foo!"
Yepper doodles
I want a hair cut.
I've been wanting a hair cut for like, four years
I just don't know how I want it cut emo
I want a Guitar of Demona
Fo sho
I used to have one
But I sold it during mah Steel-plated Ninja Band quest
Don't regret it a bit
I'm hungry
And thirsty
I want a Dr. Pepper
I now have a Dr Pepper >3
Fo sho
How many times have I said that?
Quite a bit, I imagine
Fo sho
There it is again
As you can probably tell, I'm not having a very imaginative mind right now
I'm excited to see mah Aunt Terry
And mah digital camera X3
Hello Kitty's awesome!!
I'll take pictures of mah room with mah digital camera, and post them up for all to see
It'll be aaaaaaaawesooooooooome.
Fo sho
Well, comment please
Remark on my lack of creativity this week, I don't care
Just comment
And comment mah profile, too
And give meh gold and items X3
You don't have, too, of course
It'd just make meh vereh vereh happeh X3
Community Member
Dig cam is most awesome to have... I want one gonk
I just got a brand new scanner ^^ WOOT!!!!