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Do you fly when you touch the sky?
Pains in my neck... And new Year Resolution
Well, I am hanging out with my family which doessn't happen that often now due to the fact that I live 6 hrs away and most of the time I have been here has been quite nice. All except today. Today my sister was all moppy and depressed and what not. (Which is fine except for where she was going with it). Well, she starts in with "My friend died due to a blood clot caused by birth controll and I just found out yesterday and then had to go to work." Well, I am not God. I can't change when, why, or how people die; Nor can I change when you find out about it so I said "Ok."

There really wasn't anything I could do. Well, Then she starts in on "the family hates me and I get the smallest room in the new house AGAIN."
So I said, "Did you think it has something to do with you living in your moms house and being 28?"

My sister being herself starts in on the entire family hates me and everyone (including my friends) give her the shaft. (How can my friends give her the shaft when they are my freinds that I introduced her to?) And all of my freinds think they are better than her and so does the rest of the family. (Keep in mind that my sister is lazy and rarly cleans after herself) I told her that I can't change how people act. I am not God here. Wish I were... No I don't. That would be worst. (No offense God.)

And what's sadder is that she says, "you know why my friends hate you? Cause when we were moving they saw you in a nwe light." question
I have never tried to decieve anyone in my life and I have no idea what gives her reason to say this now. If they thought that I was someone who I was not then they assumed something. And you know what they say about assumtion. (You make an a** out of you and me)

Then when mom came home my sister refused to tell her why she was upset and so I brought it up. In 21 years I have never brought any of my sisters bull-s**t up that included the family. Most of what I would bring up to mom would have to do with me and her.

I am not in town for very long and I don't have a lot of time to spend with them. All I wanted was for everyone to get alone while I was here. Is that so much to ask? That was and is all I want when I come to see them. It's true that my mom, sister and my neice all live in a small house and while I am gone my sister will sleep in my room. But it is too much to ask that she (my sister) be grateful or happy that I am there for what little time I am?

I know my New Year Resolution...
To be happy. I am so tired of being sad; of being put down like this by my sister. This isn't the first time she has done this. (When her child was an infant she bite her to stop her crying. My sister has choked and hit me before then when I walked out to try to keep from it happening again while she cooled down she called mom and said I ran away.) I am so tired of everything sad. I want to be happy.

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