heart heart heart
iS iT rEAlLY a "happy new year''?
bUt wHY cAnt i fEeL iT
i dOnt eVen kNow thAt iTS nEw yEar aLrEadY
oHh god'
tHe tiMe goEs bY sO fAsT
i didNt nOtiCe
oHh bUt aNywAy
tHis cOmin nEw yEar, wE shOuld maKe a cHanGE
noT a simPlE cHaNgE
cHanGe oUr bAd tRaIts tO good.. blaugh
bE tHankfUl
bE fOrgivinG
gEt rid oF yOur duMb priDe
it'll tAkE yOu DOwN
nO rEallY..
yOur priDe wiLl bE a wAy fOr yOu to gO DOWn''
aNd bE prEpArEd fOr whAt wiLl hAppEn thIs cOminG nEw yEar
heart heart heart