2006 reminded me a lot of 2005, which, in turn, recalled memories of 2004, which I kind of remember being like 2003 and 2003, well, that was really just a shoddy facsimile of 2002, which was kind of like if 2001 had a retarded twin brother, whereas 2001 was like the stepson of 2000, which was in no related to 1999, but as soon as you saw the two side by side, you could swear they were separated at birth or something, but the impact was somewhat lessened because 1999 was basically 1998 with a fake moustache, but without the eyeliner, which was the only differentiation between it and 1997, which smelled and tasted almost exactly like 1996, but if you were very perceptive you might've noticed the addition of Splenda, which was nowhere to be found in 1995, but Sweet N' Low did the job back then, just like in 1994, except without the tongue ring, which you couldn't even really see most of the time so it barely made a difference, but, hey, 1993 was the sign of a big change, as its behavior was mostly based on heart rather than feeling, as was the case in 1992, which was basically just trying to be 1991, which spoke from the gut, but, honestly, all 1991 really wanted was to be 1990, which did everything based on the balls, which was kind of grody, but was keeping with the standards of 1989, which used deoderant, but not the anti-perspirant kind because it's more "natural" that way or some bullshit like that, but I guess it was still technically a step up from 1988, which just hid Glade plug-ins under its pits, but that did emulate the flowery smell of 1987, which was as artificial an attempt at beauty as 1986's push-up bra, 1985's face lift, 1984's tummy tuck, 1983's attempts at being politically correct, and 1982's insistence on sending Christmas cards to everyone it had ever come into contact with at any point throughout its career.
I'm afraid any thoughts I'd have on any years prior to this would be assumptions as I hadn't been born yet. =o
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