Miz Yuki ish...
Gangsta Asian --Most likely to say: "I'm outz ni99az" - You're a lil rough around the edges, and mainly chill with people only in your clique. You most likely smoke something, or have smoked something, and you date only other gangsta asians or members of your 'black gang'. You've most probably dyed your hair once or twice before, but nothing too wild. Also, you have excessive "Azn Pryde" and disdain those who don't have any. *Best Asian Match: Gangsta Asians usually, Raver Asians, and very rarely Twinkie Asians
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Grab Code What you are, is a true Asian Girl. Asian beauty is in your reputation. You dont like to be anybody else but an Asian girl. Everyone loves to be around you, just cuz of your personality. You stand up for you friends and you're truly a fun friend to be around. People says you're laid back. That's right, coz you are. You sometimes are quiet but sometimes very flirty. You have the whole package to be a great girlfriend. You have beauty, brain and even proud. Proud to be an Asian girl! Just dont go and do something like trying to be black or white.......when you're already good enough.
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Grab CodeEh...I wuz bored -___-