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What's wrong with the world, today?
Everyday I seem to notice that the world is getting worse and worse. Gun fights, gang wars, terrorism, global warming, facism (you don't think its out there, but what about the demoralization of gays, Mexicans, and yes, even emos [everyone is entitled to their own opinion], the list goes on forever), deforestation, poaching, murder, rape, theft, it makes me sick. I'm so tired of this world destroying itself. At one point in my life, I belived that overpopulation was a problem, it is, but the ways the world is indirectly handling it is inhumane. Bush and Blaire, please Sean, don't bash me for saying this, his war in Iraq is costing the US billions, the UK hundreds of millions, and Iraq, which in my opinion is getting it the worst, having about 2 citizens killed for every terrorist killed. And Bush is sending more troops into Iraq?! What is he thinking? Alot of his fellow republicans don't agree with this rash descision, but he does it anyways. He doesn't even know what its like to be in a battle, because he's been living of off daddy's money all of his life. Now I'm not saying I like the guy (in fact I'm almost happy he lost the election), but at least John Kerry knew what war was like. And he was in one of the worst ones too. Now what's up with all of the hating going on in the world? I'm guessing the media is behind this whole thing. Everyone looks at groups of people by the stereo-types, but are too afraid and too proud to get to know the individuals of those groups. Everyone in America imagines Mexicans to be those people with funny accents, who cannot speak English well, cause crime, and do other people's yards, but most of the Mexicans I've met are really smart, nice people. Same things with gays and blacks. People stereotype blacks to be people who are criminals who rap, have southern accents and tote guns, but they're also great. And as for gays, they develope such thick skins because of all of the mental torment they get from people who live by stereotypes, but they are pretty much no diffrent from anyone else. I don't understand why the media puts these things on the air when it hurts people so much. When some get entertainment others get offended. Finally there's that lovely little deal with that Earth of ours. People, stop buying eco-pig cars! That means Hummers! You know, one of our family friends is helping in the development of the hydrogen powered car? That would be great! Filling your tank would be practically free. Deforestation is also another matter that makes me sick. Todays generation will have to live in oxygen bubbles to survive here on Earth. Not to mention that plants, peoples and animals native only to those forests will disappear. People are killing other people who are trying to protect these rainforests in Brazil. And poaching. There are new shipments of fresh ivory (elephant tusks) comming in from Africa. People watching over national park are finding heaps of dead, tuskless elephants. They're indangered! Stop shooting them! It almost seems asthough God created man to destroy Earth and learn what monstrosities they have commited upon it and themselves. The world is terrible today, but with a new generation (the children of today) comming into power, there is a new hope.

Sir Chicken of England
Community Member
  • 02/11/07 to 02/04/07 (1)
  • 01/14/07 to 01/07/07 (1)
  • 01/15/06 to 01/08/06 (1)
  • 12/18/05 to 12/11/05 (1)
  • 11/27/05 to 11/20/05 (3)

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    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Fri Jan 12, 2007 @ 06:40am
    I've seen a hydrogen car, well actually it's a hybrid with two tanks, one for hydrogen and one for unleaded gasoline. I'm not supposed to give out what state we're in, but where in South Dakota is anyone going to find a hydrogen station? Let alone it can only go about 80-100 miles on hydrogen. But since our gasoline in South Dakota and Wyoming's made with corn it already burns cleaner and gets better mileage than the stuff you get in bigger states where they need it most. It's cost effective and doesn't pollute as much as the cruder stuff you get elsewhere. God created earth for man to cultivate it, but when the first humans sinned they completely rebelled against God and their offspring merely followed the pattern. Few humans today live a lifestyle that if there is a God, surely it pleases him to see the ones that love God and neighbor and demonstrate it. I don't know if there's any religion that teaches what God wants for us. I know that Christians fight Christians, Buddhists fight Buddhists and so on and so forth in wars. God doesn't support any of it, if he did then our existence has no purpose and all we can do is destroy.

    commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 01:56am

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    commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 01:57am
    @Max: Christianity does teach what God wants for us, it's in the Bible. If you go to a good, bible based church (meaning that they teach from soley the bible, not what the preacher thinks; so NOT [most] Episcopal or [most] methodist), they will tell you that. In-depth Bible studys show God's will for us.

    Anyways, that aside,

    @Callan: I agree with you mostly here. There are two points, only, that I disagree with.
    Gays. I don't know about this one, it's hard to say it in a nice way. We SHOULD NOT SUPPORT THEM! Now, I AM NOT saying that we should forsake them and treat them like scum (the way many people think these days). However, those who are gay, we should try to show them the truth. In the Bible, there are verses strongly against homosexuality. So, what we need to do is show them their fault. If they change their mind, and want to become straight again, then we should welcome them with open arms. If they refuse to change, we should keep trying, until there is no hope left, and then move on. Sever ties with them and not let them influence us. This sounds harsh, but I can't explain it as well on the Internet as I can in person.

    Next topic: John Kerry. I know you do not fully suport him, but this is just for insight. (by the way, these facts can be proved on www.snopes.com. It is a government website [i think] that takes "facts" of modern subjects and tests them to actually see whether or not they are true.) It is true that John Kerry was in Vietnam. However, he was a very poor officer as a Navy Lieutenant. Several of his own men were quoted saying how poor of a leader he was. Also, he has three purple hearts. Little known fact though. These Pruple Hearts (in an easily supportable opinion) are ILLEGITIMATE! There is proof out ther that says that he worked the system in order to get purple hearts.

    commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 01:59am
    Continued from last post

    For those who do not know, Purple Hearts are awarded to those men in Uniformed Services who recieve wounds During BATTLE. To start off, all three of his Purple Hearts were awarded for Band-aid wounds (that is to say, wounds that were so minor, it took his Medic less than 2 minutes to treat, compared to genuine bullet or shrapnel wounds, which require at least 10 minutes, if you are lucky, to treat.). One of these wounds were caused by friendly fire. Usually that would be legitimite, but check out the situation. As he was on one of his boats, near shore in Vietnam, he thinks he sees something, so he either throws or fires a grenade onto the spot of movement. This grenade effectively kills the "enemy", but a single piece of shrapnel comes back and hits Kerry. It hit him in a very insignificant place (like a forearm or something, where it couldn't cause any real damage no matter how hard it tried). The others were very similar wounds. Also, the "enemy" on the shore, I think, turned out to be a snake or mouse or something. Also, many soldiers do NOT want to recieve Purple Hearts, usually. There are soldiers who recieve much more gruesome wounds, and refuse the medal, since they want to CONTINUE FIGHTING FOR THEIR COUNTRY AND FRIENDS! Kerry, from my observations, simply wanted a break from his job, so he took the ticket that bit him in the rump.

    Just thought that might be interesting. My liddle tidbit for the day about extreme Liberals. However, I am not in FULL support of Bush either. Check my journal for more info on that. my hands hurt, I am done typ...

    Community Member
    Sir Chicken of England
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 07:47am
    @ Matt: You know I have two close family friends in England who are married to each other? They have as much right to do as they want as all of us and we feel we must repress their belifes because of a book. Matt, I know you are a strong Christian and most of the belifes are good, but God, in most religons, doesn't want man to enforce his will upon others. He breathed life into all of us so that we can make our own choices, not to tell other people what they can or can't do. So if you're saying we shouldn't support gays, it means we shouldn't support anyone who doesn't act the way we do. Being gay isn't a fault, it is just another part of who a person is. And furthermore, what you say about gays is alot like what Adolf Hitler felt. He, though, was a little bit more homocidal. Now if there is truly a All Loving God, then he would teach his people to love each other, no matter their diffrences, and to stop discriminating against any and everyone. And one final nial into this little topic, did Jesus hate gays? The bible and those who preach it tell of jesus being a man who loved everyone, but according to what you say, the religon that he founded tells you to force them to change, or throw them out of our society. Jesus loved everyone, he tried to tell the world to love and respect each other and to accept each other's diffrences.

    commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 07:49am
    Can you prove that? If so, at least he's seen war. Bush has been living out of the pit of his father's wallet and stealing elections.

    Sir Chicken of England
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    commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 07:17pm
    Everyday I seem to notice that the world is getting worse and worse. Gun fights, gang wars, terrorism, global warming, facism (you don't think its out there, but what about the demoralization of gays, Mexicans, and yes, even emos [everyone is entitled to their own opinion], the list goes on forever), deforestation, poaching, murder, rape, theft, it makes me sick. I'm so tired of this world destroying itself.

    Demoralization of Mexicans? neutral If you want to go to a country and thrive there, at least learn the language. It pisses me off to see so many illegal immigrants that want a 'better life', but they're not even willing to learn to speak English. They're dead weight, and have themselves to blame.
    At one point in my life, I belived that overpopulation was a problem, it is, but the ways the world is indirectly handling it is inhumane. Bush and Blaire, please Sean, don't bash me for saying this, his war in Iraq is costing the US billions, the UK hundreds of millions, and Iraq, which in my opinion is getting it the worst, having about 2 citizens killed for every terrorist killed.

    I love how you put the UK in there, like they're this angelic nation. Guess what? They're not. I don't care if you have a strong sense of nationalism, but it's England that has themselves to blame. Sure, you can paint Bush as a scapegoat, and that he led Blair, but you know what? Blair was stupid, and he and England are paying for it.

    commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 07:19pm
    And Bush is sending more troops into Iraq?! What is he thinking? Alot of his fellow republicans don't agree with this rash descision, but he does it anyways. He doesn't even know what its like to be in a battle, because he's been living of off daddy's money all of his life.

    I also disagree with the decision to send in more troops. However, by your logic you say that a president that has never been in a war should not have people go to war. James Madison, the President that declared war on the British, had never gone into battle. His dad was rich, (owned a tobacco plantation) and Madison probably lived off his dad's money. neutral Now, don't get me wrong. I really hate Bush.

    Now I'm not saying I like the guy (in fact I'm almost happy he lost the election), but at least John Kerry knew what war was like. And he was in one of the worst ones too.

    Just because you know what war is like doesn't mean that you're going to be a good president. The US shouldn't even have been involved with Vietnam.

    Now what's up with all of the hating going on in the world? I'm guessing the media is behind this whole thing. Everyone looks at groups of people by the stereo-types, but are too afraid and too proud to get to know the individuals of those groups. Everyone in America imagines Mexicans to be those people with funny accents, who cannot speak English well, cause crime, and do other people's yards, but most of the Mexicans I've met are really smart, nice people. Same things with gays and blacks. People stereotype blacks to be people who are criminals who rap, have southern accents and tote guns, but they're also great.

    Don't let it get to your head. I've seen you stereotype people before, especially gays. I don't even see why stereotypes bother you. neutral

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 07:25pm
    And as for gays, they develope such thick skins because of all of the mental torment they get from people who live by stereotypes, but they are pretty much no diffrent from anyone else. I don't understand why the media puts these things on the air when it hurts people so much. When some get entertainment others get offended. Finally there's that lovely little deal with that Earth of ours. People, stop buying eco-pig cars! That means Hummers! You know, one of our family friends is helping in the development of the hydrogen powered car?

    Sure, go ahead and call me a homophobe, but I don't really like gays. Oh, watch a bunch of people try and attack me.
    Sure, and then I guess I agree with not buying cars that have low gas/mileage ratio.

    That would be great! Filling your tank would be practically free. Deforestation is also another matter that makes me sick. Todays generation will have to live in oxygen bubbles to survive here on Earth. Not to mention that plants, peoples and animals native only to those forests will disappear. People are killing other people who are trying to protect these rainforests in Brazil. And poaching. There are new shipments of fresh ivory (elephant tusks) comming in from Africa.

    Not to the U.S. I believe that it's illegal, especially because poaching is illegal. I don't think that ivory is even allowed, because elephants are endangered. (?)

    commentCommented on: Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 07:29pm
    People watching over national park are finding heaps of dead, tuskless elephants. They're indangered! Stop shooting them! It almost seems asthough God created man to destroy Earth and learn what monstrosities they have commited upon it and themselves. The world is terrible today, but with a new generation (the children of today) comming into power, there is a new hope.

    Here's a big problem. You're agnostic. Man has brought this upon themselves, it's not like God goes around saying, 'oh lol i wanna destroy the earth lol oh here's a man lol'. Sure, the world is terrible. The 'new' generation is just as bad as any other generation, maybe worse.

    Oh yeah. Some of my thoughts on your UK:
    They've destroyed India. 'Jewel in the Crown'? Not anymore. They literally took everything that was worth anything in India. Now it's very poor. South Africa? Screwed up. In fact, I won't single them out. All nations that have colonized have screwed up that place where they were. Vietnam. South America. The list goes on. So go blame those countries.

    Community Member
    Sir Chicken of England
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    commentCommented on: Sun Jan 14, 2007 @ 08:53am
    "I love how you put the UK in there, like they're this angelic nation. Guess what? They're not. I don't care if you have a strong sense of nationalism, but it's England that has themselves to blame. Sure, you can paint Bush as a scapegoat, and that he led Blair, but you know what? Blair was stupid, and he and England are paying for it
    Oh yeah. Some of my thoughts on your UK:
    They've destroyed India. 'Jewel in the Crown'? Not anymore. They literally took everything that was worth anything in India. Now it's very poor. South Africa? Screwed up. In fact, I won't single them out. All nations that have colonized have screwed up that place where they were. Vietnam. South America. The list goes on. So go blame those countries"
    Sean, from what I've read it seams asthough you hate England. Yes I know Blaire is at fault, he chose to be the puppet for a chimpanze. But Blaire is trying to make it up by pulling British troops out in like 5 months and stepping down next year. But this doesn't mean you have to bash Britain and me. Also, India and South Africa destroyed themselves. South Africa demmanded freedom and drove England out. They are doing fine when it comes to leaders, don't get me wrong, but they can't keep crime under control. It's their fault, not the UK's. India too, except the problem was more on the lines of over population. Damn karma sutra! It isn't that Britain took all of their resources, its just that there are so many people living there that the resources were depleted very quickly.

    commentCommented on: Mon Jan 15, 2007 @ 06:22am
    First of all I want to say this:
    Bible =/= legitimate arguement.
    That's like saying Dragons are real because Eragon and Eldest say they are.

    Also, I hate when people start saying we need to "correct", "fix", or bring gays "back into the path of God" or something like that. Gay people are born gay. It has to do with a hormone imbalance during prenatal development. So if gays have to be "brought into the light", then so do mentally handicapped people, women who have gone through menopause, and basically anyone who has a dibilatating injury. (such as a deaf/dumb/blind/lame person).

    Callan, what you also don't realize is that hydrogen fuel cells are far from perfect. They are extremely expensive to produce. Hydrogen is also very hard to obtain (because it reacts with almost anything), and is about 10X more explosive than gasoline (which means that there is almost no chance of survival in an accident). A much better alternative is grain alcohol or bio-diesel, since they are biodegradible and burn cleaner. It can also be made from corn, which is the most grown crop in America.

    Also, Matt, you say that Episcopal and Methodist churches are based on what the precher thinks, but that's where you're wrong.
    If you attend Mr. Marmelstein's Human Deveopment class, you'll learn that Epsicopal is founded on the principal that we should interpret the Bible for ourselves, and it's also based on how we worship, rather than what we worship. (Methodist I don't know; I know nothing about that branch of Protestantism). Catholicism is based on how the Preacher interprets the Bible. In short, you have it backwards.

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    commentCommented on: Mon Jan 15, 2007 @ 08:26pm
    @ Callan's post right after my long two...

    You're right about that stuff. I couldn't explain it very well. I mean we should be loving and suportive, but we should... I don't know, I can't put my finger on it. I did not mean what I sounded like I ment.

    commentCommented on: Mon Jan 15, 2007 @ 08:39pm
    @ Ryan:
    Also, Matt, you say that Episcopal and Methodist churches are based on what the precher thinks, but that's where you're wrong.
    If you attend Mr. Marmelstein's Human Deveopment class, you'll learn that Epsicopal is founded on the principal that we should interpret the Bible for ourselves, and it's also based on how we worship, rather than what we worship. (Methodist I don't know; I know nothing about that branch of Protestantism). Catholicism is based on how the Preacher interprets the Bible. In short, you have it backwards.

    You didn't listen. I said Bible-based! and "most". I don't disagree with all those churches, just several. I am in Marmelstien's class. The point you made about how we worship... etc. Is true. That is what they ADVERITIZE! However, they do not abide by several rules of the Bible, although they claim they do. For instance, they adveritise to not be hippocritical, but they allow everyone to take communion when the Bible clearly states that only those SAVED should partake, otherwise it is mocking God. That is being hippocritical. Anyways, I am not saying that everyone has to be perfect, I am only sayin that Churches should try to do what they say they do.

    I'm done arguing about Religious topics, since I am obviously pushing ALOT of people's buttons.

    Sorry, I am just the "weird" person, since I disagree with alot of society today. I am sorry for making people mad, but I can't really change my beliefs, it won't happen.


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    commentCommented on: Mon Jan 15, 2007 @ 08:40pm

    sorry for the triple post stare

    I am not Catholic by the way. I am non-denominational/evangelical? ya... just for your information...

    commentCommented on: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 09:11am
    You aren't really pushing my buttons, since I'm Agnostic.
    It doesn't really bother me.

    Community Member
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    commentCommented on: Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 04:57pm
    Thrawn is a lunatic with a poor understanding both of history and of current affairs.

    In other news; elephants are not universally endangered, and I would happily shoot one.

    As an aside; the country is going to the dogs, but not here.

    commentCommented on: Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 07:08pm
    I can't really agree with you about elephants not being endangered. I'm talking about the African elephants, which are being poached to extinction.

    Sir Chicken of England
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    commentCommented on: Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 08:08am
    Thrawn is a lunatic with a poor understanding both of history and of current affairs.

    In other news; elephants are not universally endangered, and I would happily shoot one.

    As an aside; the country is going to the dogs, but not here.

    Lunatic, huh?


    commentCommented on: Sat Jan 27, 2007 @ 04:23am
    On December 25, 2012, everyone and everything is going to die.
    In fact, the entire universe will fall into a cataclysm, and thus will cease to exist.
    Does that satisfy both sides? *yes it does*

    Community Member
    Sir Chicken of England
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sat Jan 27, 2007 @ 08:57am
    Ryan, no more herbal brownies for you!

    commentCommented on: Wed Jan 31, 2007 @ 12:44am
    Where's that Invictus guy?

    Community Member
    Sir Chicken of England
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Wed Jan 31, 2007 @ 05:59am

    commentCommented on: Sat Feb 03, 2007 @ 04:42am
    I think they should stop hunting all endangered animals. I've seen sharks dead in nets with their fins chopped off for soup, turtles which have been left with nothing but their shell and heads and most disturbing of all, fishing nets which purge the ocean floor of everything as well as pods of dolphins. It has to stop.

    Steve Irwin Croc Hunter
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    commentCommented on: Sun Feb 04, 2007 @ 12:15am
    Marine biologists agree:
    If we continue fishing at the rate we are today, most species of marine animals will be extinct within 50 years.

    commentCommented on: Mon Feb 05, 2007 @ 02:17am
    Marine biologists agree:
    If we continue fishing at the rate we are today, most species of marine animals will be extinct within 50 years.

    Ya so just becuase they are gone doesn't mean that we will forget that they were there in the first place, unless they dicover so cure for cancer or a way to make world peace why the ******** should i give a ********



    The Grand Archangel
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