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My Dreams
Stories and dreams that i've made up, Chany these are mainly for you when your bored out of your mind you can read them and jaison dont insult my writing :P
High-school for the not so grand (really really long!!!)
Highschool...it would be for any normal person a new and exciting thing right? well if you think yes, than your saddly mistaken, highschool is all but new and exciting.I am a not so grand, I'm an average girl an average person who noone but you can see! for you are just like me. An average girl in a new highschool is a daily thing, I move from one place to another so often I lose myself just thinking about it but this is the life I have and here I am. Liveing it.Walking through the two old paint chipped doors of (made up name..er) Doonsbury Highschool, (going to your point of view-as in your now "me" wink You notice a small totam(sp?) poll directly across from you beside a glass display case, infront of the library wich is the center of the school. To your right you notice the office and are slightly relieved that it is not in some randomly imposible place to find like in the last school you went to. You go into the office and stand in front of the secretaries desk shes looking at some paper work and continuse to ignor you until her phone rings then she smiles at you and says she will be right with you.She finishes talking on the phone and asks you what you want, "I'm a new student here, I'm trying to get my scedual for my classes" you say as calmly as you can. "oh, well you'll have to see the counciler go down that hall and take a seat".
so you head down a hall to the left of her desk and follow it to a small waiting room, there are three doors with a different name printed on each door and the grades they council for also printed on the door your in Grd 11 this year so you are going to see the only male counciler Mr.Cross you wait for about ten minutes befor you get sick of waiting and so you nock on his door he opens it and smiles hello you must be the new student come in *turns out he didnt know you where waiting >.<* He hands you a scedual and asks you if you want a student to help show you around, and you would have declined if the head of the student council hade not just walked into the waiting room. "Ah Victoria! perfect timeing I would like you to meet _____, she's a new student would you please show her around?" "Of course I wouldn't mind ^_^" she says in her more than overly sweet voice, and takes your hand O.O now even when you make friends with people holding hands is weird and so this just creeped you out, not only that but she was 6'0 she towers over you! you being 5'4 "what's you schedual like?" she asksShe takes the piece of paper and reads out loud "English 11, Miss. Parkers class, hey we have the same English and gym class!" "oh boy" *sarcasm to the extream* so she takes you to room E003 and introduces you to the teacher like their best friends or something, and your seated next to Victoria. The class room was average in the way that its set up but the people who ocupied the classroom, even to you seemed extremly..well..strange. Behind you sat two girls on mexican and one from jamaica(sp?) (sorry i will go through later and correct spelling) who seemed to glare at you for turning around. In front of you was nothing but a blackboard you sat in the front row,middle of the class, to your right starting from the door sat a boy with green dyed hair and red contacs in his eyes next to him was a girl much the same 'twins?' and then of course Victoria, to your left sat another boy who looked normal with brown hair and eyes he was just doodleing on his English work, next to him sat another boy who looked as if he might be permantly pissed off at something, or someone, befor you could look around at the rest of the people in the class the teacher called out your name and told you to come introduce yourself."Hi, my name is _____ _____, I just moved here from Queen Charlotte (used to live there ^_~) I dont have much to say about myself but if you have any questions nows the time to ask because I wont tell you later ^_^" *hates public speaking..* the mexican girl who sits behind you smiles and puts up her hand "I don't have a question but would like to say Hi my names Sam and this is *indicates girl beside her* Liz, and we thought since your new you should eat lunch with us" she was slightly nicer and wierder than you had thought but it was better than Victiria so you said "ok, shure" and than since no one but Victoria had their hand up you decided to sit down, wich strangly made everyone like you more...well except Victoria.You get assigned the novel, that the class is reading " Of Mice And Men " The class is already in chapter four so your teacher sugests you read the missed chapters for homework, after the class you head to your next class which is Chemestry 11, no one from your english class is in this class so after the intro you sit near the back of class. You are assigned to a goup of people to do an experament, two boys, the first boy "hello, there sweet'art how are you?" the secound boy rolls his eyes "Hi i'm Sean and this idiot is Danny, please ignor him, and don't worry you can hit him if he's makeing you mad" "lol thankyou but I dont really mind ^_^" "your going to regret saying that" he warns you and smiles. After Danny manages to break several glass beakers the bell finaly rings and you gladly head out to find Sam and Liz for lunch.You walk around the circle untill you get to the front doors and hear someone call your name "hey _____! over here" you turn and see Chan and Liz sitting beside the totum poll. You go and sit next to them"Hey guys, whats up?" you ask as you pull out your favourite lunch. "UGGHH math >.< can't think...no...more in..so much...PAIN!"-Sam replied, falling over in 'pain' you and Liz both laugh while Liz turns too you "nothing, much happened in my soc.st class, sorry to disopoint razz " "thats ok nothing much happened in chemesrty except I met a cute guy ^.~" chan and Liz-"OHHH? who?" you blush slightly "well um...his names Sean, he's really nice and.." you were cut off with Liz saying "hey *lightly punches you* he's mine ^.^" "oh *blushes to the extream* sorry hehe" "lol no prob he is cute ^.~"-liz "yap"-chan & you chirp at the same time "talking about me again?" a strange voice says behind you...who is it?well whatever you chose you half right, its both Sean and the boy who spoke sat down beside you, Sean sat next to Liz and befor introductions could be made another boy who you recognized from english as the guy "who looks permentaly pissed of comes over "who the hell is that?"You glare at him, and Sam sighs "can't you just pretend your not a jerk?" "go crawl into the hole you came from" Liz snapped both Sean and the boy next to you smiled and say "Hey man dont be an a**, shes new to the school" meanwhile your sitting there wonder who the hell he thinks he is to be so pissy towards people he doesn't know. He sits next to Sam, and doesn't say another word 'must not like new people' you think to yourself "well" Sam says "we should introduce you, you already know Sean, so the boy next to you is Ron and mister grumpy pants next to me is Trent, feel free to kill him" both glare daggers at eachother untill...You hear a boy scream "Sammy ^_^" it's a slightly annoying manish voice that sounded like it came from right behind you but when you turn you notice he's all the way across the hall "man he's loud" you coment and everyone just nodds Liz looks angry "damn it Sam why must you have such annoying friends??" "oh come on he's not that bad"-Sam, he walks over and bear hugs everyone but Liz and Trent,yes thats right he hugged you, you look at him o.O "what are you doing?" you ask "hugging you" "err Jaison what did we say about you just hugging people?"-Sam "^_~ I don't remember" he says with a grin, and sits next to you in front of Trent "I got *something outragious*"-Jaison says really loud so that people passing look at you all.Liz and almost everyone rolls their eyes and Liz says "stop bullshittin Jaison" "thats a little harsh"-you say and Jaison hugs you again "aww your so nice" *death glare* at him "err well semi-nice" he corrects you laugh and turn to Sam "so anyone else I should meet?" "well actually yes ^_^ thier is still Sarah, Yuka, Kim and...." she was cut off by "the F*ck you doing here Jaison"You turn and glare at one of the hottest guys you've ever seen hes a fricken goddess (I say this because hes girl hot not boy hot ^_~ oh and hes gay) Jaison also glares at him and Sam sighs "as I was saying Sarah, Yuka, Kim and this guy Jesse" "and if you didnt notice...they hate eachother" -Liz says everyone seemed to ignore what Jesse had said and so he sat beside Trent and they talked quietly to themselves Sarah came with Yuka and Kim and they all sat down and said hello. Sarah was really cute personality and was really nice to you and so was Yuka but Kim was a little competetive wich wasnt bad because you found that listening to Liz, Jaison and her argue about politics interesting even if it didnt make sense smile you were becoming friends with everyone and had just told them you had biology next! Kim, Sarah, Liz and Trent all have biology so you all get your books together and go to class and yes you had to introduce yourself and then you get to chose any empty seat you want there is one next to Trent empty are you brave enough to risk it?You walk slowly over to him and ask "can I sit with you?" and almost everyone is watching you like O.O as he turns with a sleepy expression "shure, why not?" so you sit down and the class room breaths again...anyway your teacher tells everyone that today they are disecting a frog and this is totaly not what you needed after lunch! but your not going to back down so you get up and get the frog and disection tools.You hand it all to Trent who gives you the what the hell am I suppost to do with this look, and you sigh you had hoped he would do the honors and cut it up, so you follow the instructions and answere questions or try to but you dont know alot about the frog so Trent helps, hes actualy really smart. Now that he's helping you, the two of you start talking about random things such as music and your other classes. You hadnt noticed befor but he has really nice green eyes, your favourite colour and pitch black hair. Why your just realizing this now is beyond you, but you are and when hes not looking pissed off hes kinda cute his hair fell down infront of his eyes, and you watched him brush it away, you smiled at him and he raises an eyebrow at you and you just shrug at this semi-punk and think to yourselfyou think to yourself 'he's...' but the bell goes, stopping all your thoughts. Next class, you did not want to go, gym...was not your favorite class. Not that your not good at sports or anything, you just don't enjoy the class, You head down after saying goodbye to Trent and the others. With your gym outfit, shorts that go to your knees and a plain grey t-shirt. When you get into the class you see Victoria talking to the teacher.Of course this is not a perticularly happy moment, you introduce yourself to the class and since your so very lucky your doing dance in gym for the next week -.- fun right?You *sigh* because you know no one in your gym class sept Victoria, and then the boys class came in and to your shock Jesse and Trent who neglected to tell you walk in to the gym and join the guys class, Trents wearing a pair of black shorts down to his knees and a plain black shirt thats tight enough to show off his muscles, and Jesse is wearing his street cloths, he dosnt think its worth his time to get changed for dance classes. They both notice you and walk over "hey _____, so dance...you excited?" Jesse asked in a tone that told you he was not, "YaY really excited *rolls eyes* I love danceing with myself" you say in your sarcastic way "dance with me than" Trent said with a slight smile, you smile really big and say "really you guys will dance with me! so I wont look like a complete losert??" "well, we can't help that but we will dance with you"-Jesse, "cool..wait is that an insult?" you ask, "umm no?" was all he said, you would have pushed the subject but the teacher told you all to sit down and listen up. "Ok class we are in great luck! a real dance insructor to teach you so you will be learning more than the normal square dancing" every one cheered and he continued "Please welcome Mr. Tang" every one claps and Mr. Tang smiles all right everyone please find a partner and get in two lines boys on one side of the gym girls on the other" "Trent grabs your hand and Jesse follows as the three of you go to your spots you stand across from both of them and Victoria comes over and takes Jesse away from you.You kinda feel sorry for Jess because he had to dance with Victoria, but you had your own problems, you don't know how to dance..but from the look of it everyone else did.
The teacher decided that he would teach the tango first.The first thing the teacher did was show the leaders (boys) their steps, and you noticed that both Jesse and Trent looked like they could dance without instructions, and then the teacher had the followers learn their steps, and you all practiced with out your partner to music, you lost your place alot and felt really bad, when the teacher said "everyone get with a partner" you wanted to run away, but Trent caught you and pulled you into postition.
You ended up stepping on his foot 'inner mind''O.O omg I stept on him *dies from embarasment*' but when you looked at him and mummbled an apology he just smiled and shrugged "your too light to do any damage"-Trent, so you guys danced and you stepped on him a couple more times but you where just getting the hang of it when Jesse cut in with "I can't take that idiot anymore switch with me NOW" Trent frowned "no way! I can't stand her, shes almost the same hight as me, besides she likes you" "DON'T EVER SAY THAT AGAIN" Jesse almost screamed it at us, so I cut in with "come on you guys some one has to dance with her! look you've hurt her feelings!" "SO" they both replied at the same time, but in a wisper scream so she wouldn't hear them talking about her, "Hey partner whats the hold up?" Victoria asked in her normal cheery way.
Trent glared as he walked over to Victoria, "Oh but Jesse! why won't you dance with me"
but Jesse just ignored her. And the two of you started danceing, now Jesse was really good at danceing and you didn't step on his foot even once! he spun you around when the bell went, at the end of class, the two of you had just had a great time, but Trent was mad at both of you and had gone back to his normal self being I hate everything.You went and got changed and walked out to find the guys waiting for you on the stairs that bring you up to the circle, you walk with them to your locker and start to pull your homework out and putting it into your bag, when Jesse pops the question "do you want to go get coffee with Trent and me?"You look at the two of them and contemplate going on on hand your brothers home sick with the flu and may need you..but you wanted to get to know your new friends better..soOk so you nodd and say "I would love too, but I have to phone home first, my brothers got the flu." so you guys go to the office and use the pay phone, your brother dosn't mind but tells you to bring somthing home for him.
You go out the back door of the school that leads into the parking lot, and Trent and Jesse both get into a car, Trent is in the drivers seat, but he shouldn't be able to drive he's only 16, what do you do?Trent smirks and looks at you "I'm 17 not 16 I got my N a few months ago, so its ok, and Jess here is like a brother...so hop in we won't get in trouble the cops are too busy to care about us!" you sigh and get in, "so how is it that your 17?" you ask as you buckle up.
"He's a december baby" Jesse says, as the car starts up. You guys pull into the starbucks parking lot and get out of the car, you had been quiet the entire drive and felt slightly out of place again, as you got to the starbucks doors Trent stepped forward and held the doors for you and JesseYou guys go in and get into line "_____, what do you want?" Jesse asks, he's decided to pay for you coffee, so you say "(name of drink), and go with Trent to get a table for the three of you. Trent sits next to you and asks you "If you had a good first day" you turn and look at him and say"It was ok, but I don't like gym -.-, as you noticed i'm not very good at it...err I'm sorry about stepping on you so many times, I'm kind of a klutz" he laughed and it shocked you, he had a nice laugh Jesse sat down with your coffee as Trent stopped laughing and said "it's ok really, I don't mind being stepped on..by you, and besides you'll get better we have two weeks or whatever to teach you to dance right Jesse?" "right, and heres you coffee." You thank him and start to drink the hot (name of drink), you smile and ask"so how about you guys tell me alittle about yourselves?" they both look at eachother and Jesse starts "well, I like rock/metal/and punk music, and um I don't know I enjoy reading manga, and anything to do with japanese culture and I don't like school at all..and thats about all I can think to say so Trent you go.." "well I like almost all music but rap, and I like to write and i'm in a band...and well I sorta like school but I don't like people all that much..Ron and Sean where my first real friends so they are the reason I go to school..but not much else to say." "oh, wow so you both are alot alike than. So who else is in the band?" you ask happy to find out something interesting that could keep the conversation going"Sean and Ron are both in the band with me I'm the singer, and Ron's base guitar, and Sean's the drummer, I also play eletric guitar but not alot. We still don't have a band name but Chan calls us Hot pink sound...I'm not shure why...""thats a little weird, but kinda interesting" you say you guys finish your coffee and talk some more about nothing in perticular when Jesse points out to Trent he's going to be late picking up Mary for the movie! and Trent seems to get annoyed but takes you guys home, Jesse lives a block away from you and Trent points out Chan's house which is only four houses away from yours! you thank him for the ride and he just nodds it seems that hes mad at you again but maby its somthing else. He drives off once you enter your house, your brother is watching tv, and you forgot to bring something home for him...You slowly walk up to the front door and walk inside.
Your brothers watching Tv, he turns and smiles "NCIS is on" "oh, is it a new one?" you ask as you toss your backpack into your room which is across from the small living room, "uh I have never seen it before but I think you watched it without me a couple weeks ago, It's about a car that kills or something, I can't seem to follow the show today" he says as he starts to cough rather badly. "mm-hmm can I get you anything?" "lol no thank-you I would like to not be poisoned!" "waaah my cooking is not that bad!!!" you say in defense even if you yourself didn't believe it...
He just laughed and nodded "I know, but I'm not hungry, If you hadn't noticed nothings staying down" he indicates a bucket, "eww I so did not need that -.-
"so wheres mom and dad?" you ask, walking into your room and turning on your lab top computer, to be greeted by a screen saver picture of your old friends from Queen Charlotte, "at some kind of dinner party for dad's new office...mom put some cold pizza in the oven, for you."
You log onto MSN,
Snooty-Hey man What's UP??? (Your best friend from QC)
Deranged-Not much... had my first day of school today (You)
Snooty-what!! thats so cool, well how was it???
Deranged-it was...good
Snooty- oh come on details girl!!
Deranged-sigh...ok well It started....(long story)
Snooty- WOW thats so cool ^_^ so your new friends, Jesse and Trent...they Hot??
Deranged- What??? I...I don't know...I mean...I
Deranged-yes! ok just don't tell anyone!
Snooty-oh please, who am I going to tell? Mike? *rolling eyes*
Deranged-lol ya I guess thats true...
"hey, _____, I almost forgot some really happy, hyper girl stopped bye, asking for you"
"what do you mean? who stopped by?" you ask "oh I think she said her name was Sam...or something" your brother said with out interest.
"well did she leave a message or something?" you ask slightly annoyed with your brother, "no...just wanted you to go to a movie with her and some other people tomorrow night...said she'd talk to you tomorrow at school"

Deranged-hey I got to go...ttul!!
Snooty-awww sad that sucks, ttul <3 bye

You signed off
~~~Trent's Point of View~~~

You had just dropped off ______, and had maybe fifteen minutes before you sister Mary went mad waiting for you, It was your day with her, ever since your parents had split six years ago, and you went with your dad when she went with your mom, you had been taking her out ever monday and saturday night, and had never been late! You pull up into the drive and run up the steps, your mother opens the door and glares at you, she'd never forgiven you for going with your father..."sorry I'm late, where's the little Angle?" he asked with a forced smile, "she's crying, your a horrible brother" she said rather flatly, this tore at your heart, but you'd never show it, you pushed past her and ran to your sisters room and walked in.
"hey kiddo...sorry I'm late I was..." "Ah!!!!! Trent!! mom said you weren't coming" she said with a small sniffle.You just smiled "I'd never cancel our date!, your my little Angel!" Mary smiled and hugged you, "lets go!!!, I can't wait to see this movie ^_^"

~~~Your point of view~~~

You where watching TV eating cold pizza, with your brother when your parents got home, and you both were told to go to bed.
You dreamed of strange things

User Comments: [2] [add]
Itchy Gonzalles
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jan 19, 2007 @ 03:50am
>_< omg!!
oh my... Sam is called 'Chan' quite afew times in this story... but the story is sooo awesome!! it actually makes me feel like we really do know them ^_^ so happy! i can't wait to read more! great job Joyce! i luv youuu! >.< domokun

commentCommented on: Fri Jan 19, 2007 @ 04:52am
lol I cant help it when i'm writing about us I just put in your name instead of Sam >.<

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