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the randomness of me in writing....
O.o XP >.< ^-^ O.O <3
my story. this might take a while to read. its not done yet.
kaida woke to hear the alarm screaming in her ear. she sat up nad saw the time was 7:00.
"holy cow, i'm gonna be late!!!"
she jumped out of the bed, dressed, and started to leave her room when she saw a sparkle of blue out of the corner of her eye. she rushed over to her dresser, picked up the deep blue pendant, and snapped it around her neck.
"i can't forget my necklace."
she dashed out of her room, down the stairs, and out the door, calling "bye!" to her parents.
kaida and two of her friends hav ethe same necklace only different colors. her friend euan has a fire red one and her friend jake's was green. Mrs. Ennachin,her friend ambers mother, told her that she would be giving Amber a necklace like theirs only it was yellow. kaida was excited to see amber and congratulate her on ter twelth birthday, which was over the past weekend. kaida herself was thirteen.
kaida climbed onto the bus and instantly spotted the boys. she quickly found a seat in front of them.
“Hey guys.”
“Yo.” Both the boys said in unison.
The bus stopped and let Amber climb on the bus. She waved and found a seat next to Kaida.
“ Hiya!” said Amber in a cheery tone.
“Hi” said Kaida. Then she spotted the yellow pendant around Amber’s neck. “Nice necklace. It looks like ours.”
“Yup. It has been passed down through my family for generations. Just like Jake’s, Euan’s and yours,” Amber said grinning.
Euan piped up, “Hey yours has an engraving on it.”
Amber looked at her necklace. “Huh… it didn’t when I put it on.”
“What does it look like?” Jake asked.
“I don’t know…” Amber said studying it.
Kaida took a closer look. “It looks like a spiral Jake.” She glanced over at him. “Since when did yours have a leaf on it?”
It was Jake’s turn to look puzzled. He looked at Kaida’s pendant and then Euan’s. “Kaida has a wave looking thing on it and Euan has a fire symbol.”
They all looked at their pendants.
“Ok what is going on here?”
Before anyone could even try to answer the bus stopped in the front of their school.
They all looked at each other and shrugged then filed off of the bus.
Later that day Kaida was walking in the park near the creak that runs to the lake. She always walked home in the afternoon in the spring and fall. The winter was just too cold. It was late spring, school was going to be out in about one week, and she couldn’t help but feel happy. That happiness and the environment around her couldn’t keep her from daydreaming. She felt like she was walking on clouds. Suddenly the sun was gone. The trees, the grass, the creek, everything was gone. There was total darkness around her. Suddenly the darkness took shape and it turned into a long tunnel. At the end was a white light. Did I die or something? Even though her mind told her to not go toward the light she couldn’t help her curiosity. Maybe I didn’t die. Is it something I need to see? So Kaida walked toward the light, but the more she walked the farter away the light looked. What is going on here? Suddenly the light rushed toward her and it engulfed her. She looked at her surroundings again.
She was in a room with white walls and floor. She couldn’t even see the ceiling it was so far up. But she could see white silk hanging from above her and the silk was everywhere. In the center of the room there were white marble steps and a white glass podium with a piece of white silk draped on it. On top of the silk and glass podium was a white book with four white Bibles next to it. She walked up the steps and picked up the top Bible. It had her name engraved on the cover in blue. On the one under that was Euan’s name and it was in red. Under that was Jake’s and under that was Amber’s. She put down the Bibles and looked at the other white book. It had a strange symbol on the cover and no title. She started to open the book when she heard a voice.
“ Welcome Kaida. We knew one of you would come.” She turned and saw a figure in a dark purple cape with a hood. All she could see of their face was their chin and mouth with fangs.
“ You knew I would come?” Kaida asked. The figure smirked.
“We knew one of you would find the book and the Bibles. Now just give me the book.” Kaida opened the book and it had her and her friend’s names in it.
“Why should I give it to you if it has my name in it?”
“Because it belongs to me,” was the figures reply. Kaida stepped back and bumped into the podium so she stepped around it.
Instantly a light came from the wall to her left and she turned to see Euan holding out his hand to her. “Come on!” she ran to him, grabbed his hand, and he pulled her trough the portal. Along with the Bibles and book in her arms.

She saw lights racing past her in millions of colors she had never seen before. Then suddenly they were gone and she fell flat on her face on the floor in Amber’s bedroom. She looked up to see Euan sitting next to her, Amber sitting on her bed, and Jake sitting backwards in Amber’s computer chair. Jake instantly got up and picked up his, Euan’s, and Amber’s Bibles. He left Kaida’s by her and he passed out the others. Kaida sat up and felt them all looking at her. Jake finally spoke up.
“You happened to stumble upon the room of white eternity. These are ours because we own the pendants.” Kaida looked at him. He defiantly looked intelligent with his glasses on, but he always seemed to know what was going on. It always confused the rest of them.
“They were not the only things I found. I also found a white book with a strange design on the cover and no title. It also has our names in it.” Jake stood up.
“You found what?” screamed Jake. “Where did you find it?” Kaida looked confused.
“Next to the Bibles. I have the book right here.” She pulled the book out of a pocket in her khaki shorts. How it got there was a mystery. Jake shook his head. “Everyone get ready for the adventure of your lives.”

Kaida was looking out her window at the setting sun. She and her friends never found out why those symbols on their pendants suddenly just appeared. They all lived on the four corners of the same lake. She glanced at the lake and it seemed to glow in the dusk. Then she looked closer. It was glowing. What the heak? She opened her window and just jumped out, since she was on the first floor, and she started walking to the lake. When she reached the edge she looked at the glowing center. Suddenly she felt like someone was watching her. She looked across the lake and saw Amber standing knee deep on her side. Her eyes were glowing yellow and her pendant was glowing. She looked to her left and saw Jake, standing knee deep at his side, with his eyes and pendant glowing green. Then she looked to the right. Euan was standing knee deep in the water with his eyes and pendant glowing like the others only his were fire red.
Suddenly she felt a strong force pull her into the lake. She kept walking until she was knee deep. Instantly a bright light shot up from the water around her. Her pendant glared a bright blue. The last thing she saw were the lights around her friends.

Part 2

Kaida woke up in a field of… Purple grass?! She sat up with a start and looked around. The trees had blue leafs and the trunks were white. The sky was pink. And the grass was purple. She rubbed her eyes and started to wonder if something was up with her vision. She heard a movement to her left and saw Euan asleep on the grass next to her. Beside him was Jake and next to him was Amber. Amber’s clothes were a soft white and yellow. Her pretty brown hair had turned blond. Jake’s clothes were green and black. And his hair had turned snot green. Euan’s clothes were red and black and he had blood red hair. What in the world happened to them? Suddenly Euan stirred then sat up and looked around.
“Wow….” Euan pinched himself. “Its not a dream.” He turned to Kaida. “Double wow.”
“Your hair.”
Just then a lock of her hair fell in front of her face. “What the heak?! My hair is navy blue!!”
“Apparently.” Euan shrugged and looked at Amber and Jake. “Their hair changed too.”
“Your hair isn’t exactly blond anymore.”
“What? What color is it?”
“Blood red.”
Euan stared at her for a second. “That is…just plain cool!”
Kaida shook her head as she watched Euan try to wake up Jake. “Get up loser! Can’t you tell the sky is pink!?”
Jake rubbed his eyes. “ What are talking about?” Then he sat up. “Wow… dude what did you do to your hair?”
“Aint it cool!? And your hair is green!”
“Your hair is snot green!!”
Jake looked at Kaida. “I guess it could be true because your hair is blue.” He shrugged. “I guess that is what you expect when you find all the pieces to a legendary portal, the Angels Book, and wake up to find the sky is pink.”
Then suddenly Amber sat up. “Wow what did you guys do to your hair?”
They all looked at her and shook their heads.
Euan suddenly said, “The blond speaks.”
“What??” this was coming from amber.
“You are a blond.” Replied Jake.
Amber hesitated then said, “cool.”
“Hey look!” Jake said suddenly. “It’s that book you found Kaida. It now has the title the Angel’s Book. Just as expected.”
As Kaida and Euan looked over jakes shoulders at the book, Amber was surveying their surroundings. Amber then noticed there was a little green light at her feet. She tried to reach out and grab it but the light was too fast. Soon she saw a little green fairy boy in front of her face. Then it spoke.
“Your highness you must run!”
“What?” amber was confused because he called her “your highness”.
“ The troll will be here soon!”
“Who is this amber?” Jake asked. All three of them had turned around and all seemed to stare at the little fairy.
The fairy bowed to him, “hello my Prince… Sir Euan… Maiden Kaida…” he nodded to them as he said their names. “But there is a troll coming this way…”
The poor little fairy never had a chance to speak because instantly the troll came bursting through the trees. He quickly scooped up Kaida and Amber, sprayed paralyzing power on Euan and Jake, and bounded away with the little fairy following crying, “your Highness! Maiden!”
As soon as the giant troll and the screaming, furious girls was gone, it seemed as if the paralyze spell was lifted and they could move. Euan instantly stood.
“We have to go after them!” she shouted.
Jake then stood. “This is just like one of those old fairytales…”

After being dumped into the window of a tall castle tower Kaida rubbed her head, “this sucks.”
Amber sat up and rubbed her arm, “ This is like one of those fairy tales when the princesses and beautiful maidens get kidnapped by a dragon or something…”
Instantly both girls shrieked when they saw a giant eye outside the window.
“Me, TJ.” Said the troll. “Me think you perty.” Suddenly the door to the room where the girls were slammed open.
“How many times have it told you not to talk to0 the prisoners!” it was the woman in the purple cape with fangs.
The troll looked at her. “You ugly.”
Instantly miss fangs pulled out a whip. “What Did You Just Say!!!”
The troll shrieked in pain as miss fangs started to whip his visible eye. TJ shrank away and light streamed through the window again.
Miss fangs covered her face, or at least what was visible, and said, “ tsk. Blasted sun.” and she walked out of the room slamming and locking the door behind her.
Kaida and Amber looked at each other with questioning looks on their faces.
“What just happened?” Kaida asked.
“I don’t know…”

Three hours later Euan and Jake came storming through the door.
“What took you guy’s so long?” said Amber.
“Well we had to get past that fang lady without being seen. We didn’t have to worry about the troll because he is just too stupid.” said Euan.
“How did you get passed the fang lady?” asked Kaida.
“Oh her? We just sat a jar of peanut butter near the entry way and she instantly gulped it down and somehow got drunk off of the peanut butter.” Replied Jake.
“What is she doing now?” asked Amber.
“She is doing the can-can with the troll and her little darkness ball.” said Jake.
“Don’t forget the break dancing.” said Euan.
Kaida peered out the window. “Now she is doing the Macarena.” Kaida shook her head. “I could tell by the way she acted when we first met that she had a lot of sycoticness trapped inside her. Now we just need to remember that so we can use it to defeat her if we meet again.”
Then they all, being tired of staying in the small room, raced down the steps and into the courtyard opposite of where the fang lady was. In that courtyard was a pond. And a sign next to the pond said,
“Pond of fables.”
Then Amber recognized a little green light next to the pond. “Hey it’s that fairy!”
The all came over and kneeled around the little boy looking intently at him.
Jake finally said, “ What is your name?”
“My name is Green Light. If you haven’t already figured it out yourselves.
“How do we get out of this world Green Light?” asked Jake.
“Gaze into the water Prince. You will all eventually get teleported.”
Jake nodded. “Thank you Green Light.”

Part 3

Kaida, Euan, Amber, and Jake peered down into the water. This is what they saw.

There was once a fish and an eel. The eel loved pickles and the fish loved milk. One day the two of them met and they became friends. Suddenly the fish said,
“Hey, why don’t we see what happens when we mix some of your left over pickle juice and some of my milk!”
“Alright lets try it! What could happen?” replied the eel.
So the eel went to get a jar of pickles and the fish got some milk. The eel quickly ate all of the pickles and then poured some of the juice into two cups. The fish then poured some milk in with the pickle juice. The fish picked up one of the cups and the eel picked up the other. Then they both drank. The fish quickly spat out the pickle milk and said,
“That tastes disgusting!”
The eel nodded but still kept drinking. The eel soon swallowed the last mouthful of the disgusting concoction and then he feel over dead.

Part 4

“Gyaaaaa!!!!… Oww…”
Kaida looked up. A large black hole in the sky was starting to close up where she fell. She had just been at the pond of fables in the fairy tale world and then the ground opened up and she and her friends had fallen through. She had landed on her back and hit her head. Now it was sore. “Oww…” she rubbed her head and looked around. Amber, Jake, and Euan were nowhere to be found.
Her ears picked up a rustle in the bushes about 100 yards off. What was that…wait a second… how did I hear that in the first place? She looked toward where she heard the sound come from. Tons of strange stuff has been happening… oh well might as well go with the flow. In the bushes she saw a little girl with cat ears and a tail. The little darling had startling green eyes, and bight purple hair. How cute!© The little girl walked toward her.
“Are you lady Kaida?” the little girl asked her eyes wide.
Kaida smiled, “my name is Kaida but I am not sure about the lady part.” The little girl clapped her hands together.
“That’s perfect!”
Kaida looked at her questionably, “that’s… perfect?”
The little girl smiled, “my name is Suki and I am a caterain of the water tribe.”
“Caterain? Water tribe?”
Suki nodded, “I may look young but I know a lot and you can ask me any question you want.”
“Any question?” Kaida asked, “like the ones I just asked you?”
“Yup! Caterains are the race of cat people who live in this world and there are four tribes and the element has noting to do with the tribes people though the elders just thought it sounded cool.”
Kaida raised an eyebrow in amusement. It is interesting how this little girl is trying to tell me everything in one sentence. “Ok Suki. Now I have two more questions. Why did you call me lady? And where are my friends?”
The little caterain jumped up and down to hear there were more questions. She said, “ I called you lady because the elders said we have to call the four angels “lady” and “sir” and your friends are all about to go to the center of the island so they can find the big black hole thingy that you all came through and I think that thing is weird.”
Kaida didn’t really listen to what Suki said about the angel thing and was more focused on the location of her friends. “How do I get to center of the island?”
Suki beamed, “ you have to hold your breath for two hours while you swim across the lake!”
“Hold my… breath?” how am I supposed to do that? Kaida stared at her.
Suki nodded. “It is really easy I had to do it once and I did it for about 30 minutes and since you are a angel you should be able to do it longer and it really cool to see how far down you can dive and pick up shells and stuff.”
Kaida nodded. How do I even understand her?” “Where is the lake?”
Now the little girl was past fidgety and jumping up and down. “ I can take you there so follow me!” the caterain raced into the bushes with Kaida behind her. They dogged a few trees and bushes until they came to a wide lake. Wow… and I am supposed to swim across without breathing? She looked at Suki who was staring up at her with wide expectant eyes.
“ Are you gonna do it?” the little cat girl looked all excited and ready to cheer her on. She stared into the stunning green gaze of the little girl.
Kaida sighed and smiled at Suki, “might as well try.” Then Suki squealed and started jumping up and down. Then suddenly she stopped and stared at Kaida with knowing eyes.
“ Enjoy the tall tale while it lasts. That was never the book you were supposed to pick up in the first place. The next one is the one you need…” then Suki pushed her into the deep water at their feet.
Kaida opened up her eyes under the water. What did she mean? Kaida looked around her once again. She seemed to be about 20ft. bellow the surface of the water. I have to get to my friends… she sighed and started to swim. I can actually hold my breath longer than 10 seconds! This cool…she started to space out after about two minuets then she snapped back to reality as soon as she hit a rock. Oww…she rubbed her head. How long have I been swimming now? Then she realized that she was starting to loose air and she surfaced and noticed she had made it all the way across the lake. That was fast. Then she heard yelling from the shore.
“You made it!” Kaida looked toward the shore. There she saw amber and Jake standing on the edge of the water and Euan standing as far away from the water as possible. Kaida shook her head as she swam to shore. Who knew he was going to be that afraid of water. I wonder how he had to get here… as soon as she reached the shore amber grabbed her hand.
“Come on! The gateway is gonna close and if we don’t go through we wont make it to the right world!” she yelled. What is all this stuff about the ‘right world’? Before she could voice her question they had all passed into a tunnel of complete darkness.

Part 5

Someone…is calling me…I can hear them… they are saying something…” wake up… angel”…whose voice is that…it doesn’t sound familiar, and yet… it does at the same time…
Kaida opened her eyes. Above her she saw a smiling face she had never seen before. The girl had long white hair and shining blue eyes. The girl’s smile grew.
“Time to wake up angel © you can’t sleep all day.” She said and then giggled. Kaida sat up. The girl wore a long blue dress and she had huge white wings.
“Who is the angel here?” Kaida asked. The girl cocked her head questioning her. Kaida nodded toward the girl’s wings. The girl giggled again.
“I am an angel and you are an angel!”
“Didn’t Suki explain this to you? Oh wait she probably got sidetracked didn’t she? Oh well I guess I am gonna have to take you to Hanshou and have him explain.” The girl stood and then remembered something. “Oh, right. My name is Feisu. You are in Tenshi seken. The world I love and protect. And you my dear Kaida must come with me.”
Before Kaida could protest or question Feisu, Feisu grabbed her hand and flew up above the trees. Kaida gasped when she saw the view. There were trees everywhere of all different colors. Some of the colors she had never seen in her life. Here or there she could see a clearing but the world was made up of mostly forests and jungles. Besides the trees she saw a huge mountain of ice, a giant cup shape, and a floating bowl that looked like it glowed with fire and blood. As they flew Kaida noticed they were headed toward a huge clearing that stretched across the small country. Feisu landed on the ground in front of a house that stood between a blue forest and the giant cup shape.
Feisu let go of Kaida, walked to the door, and called, “Hanshou it’s me! I have Kaida with me.”
Soon Kaida heard footsteps and the door swung open. In the entryway stood a tall man with purple eyes, purple hair, and long pointed ears. His clothes were white and green. He met Kaida’s gaze and cocked an eyebrow.
He finally said, “interesting…” he turned to Feisu. “Please both of you come in. arrow and Jake are already here. The others should arrive shortly.”
Feisu nodded and looked at Kaida. “Please, come in,” she said smiling. What a beautiful smile! Kaida walked through the doorway and Feisu shut it behind her after entering. Across the room she saw Jake and another guy sitting next to each other discussing something. She was about to call out when she decided she should not disturb them from their conversation. She found a stool next to Feisu and looked around the room. Everything was either green or white. The man that Feisu called Hanshou stood next to a window and he looked slightly frustrated. Feisu had her eyes fixed on an object that Kaida couldn’t see.
Jake and the other boy were still talking. Actually they seemed to be arguing. The boy across from Jake had raven black hair and red eyes. He also had a scaly, dragon like tail and had some sort of V shaped horn on his forehead. The tip of his tail had the same type of V shaped horn and in the center of the two tips of the V, was a flame that seemed to be suspended in thin air that seemed to stay in the same space when the boy lashed his tail back and forth in anger. The boy’s clothes were red and black. The boy noticed she was staring at him and he met her gaze.
“What are you staring at?” he asked angrily. Then Jake saw her.
“Hey Kaida! When did you get here?” he asked.
“Um… I got here a little bit ago with Feisu.” She said hesitantly. She could still feel the other boy’s stares.
Jake seemed to notice she was feeling uncomfortable and he said, “oh, Kaida this is arrow. He is the dragon spirit of fire. And he is only starring at you because you stared at him. He gets mad easily.”
Arrow quickly turned to face him. “What is that supposed to mean?!”
Before Jake could answer there was a thud outside a window on the other side of the room. Then laughing was heard.
“Oh my gosh you cant walk very well can you?” a voice laughs.
“No not really. That’s why I try to get a ride.” Another voice says.
Both voices laugh again.
Kaida and Feisu both get up and peer out the window. On the ground is Amber and another girl with long blond hair, fins on her arms, green eyes, and her ears were fin like. It looked like they had fallen out of the sky and they had fallen on the ground. The girls continued to laugh so hard that they started to cry.
Feisu then said smiling, “ Kohana you klutz!”
The girl with the fins looked up with tears of laughter in her eyes at Feisu. “Can you guys help us out please?”
Feisu climbed out of the large window and Kaida followed her. Behind them the boys had gathered at the window. Hanshou was smiling, Jake was grinning, and arrow was still frowning. Feisu helped Kohana up on her feet and supported her.
“Remind me when this is over to give you walking lessons,” she said teasing Kohana.
Kohana pretended to pout, “ oh honestly!”
Kaida helped Amber up. “How are you this fine day?” she asked sarcastically.
“ Besides the fact that I got squished by a mermaid with jelly legs, I am doing great. How about you?” she responded back playing along. Both girls giggled. All four girls walked around the small house and went in the door, then found seats.
Hanshou was now standing over a counter with medicines, sweet smelling drinks, and concoctions made of herbs.
Feisu leaned over and to Kaida and said, “ Hanshou specializes in healing potions and medical things like that.”
Kaida nodded and pretended to understand. This is kinda like one of those fantasy stories… like lord of rings or something… Hanshou picked up a sweet smelling concoction of herbs and handed it to Amber.
“This is for and aches and pains you might have gotten during your travels,” He said allowed so Kaida, Amber, and Jake could hear him. Then he went back to the counter, got two more, and then gave them to Kaida and Jake. Kaida noticed there was another one still sitting on the counter.
She dismissed the wondering thoughts about whom it was for and took a drink of the sweet concoction. It tasted like chocolate and cinnamon. This tastes good… instantly Amber voiced her thoughts.
“This is delicious!” she exclaimed.
Hanshou grinned and said, “What does it taste like?”
Amber thought for a moment and said, “It tastes like… vanilla mint.”
“Interesting…” he turned to Kaida and said, “what do you think it tastes like?”
Kaida hesitated then said, “chocolate and cinnamon.”
Hanshou nodded. “Good. That mixture tastes different for every person. If someone was to taste the same flavor we should be suspicious.”
Then suddenly a knock was heard at the door. Then the door cracked open. A little head with purple hair and stunning green eyes popped in the opening. Then in a familiar voice the little cat girl said, “Hanshou, I brought Euan but it took a little bit though so sorry.”
Hanshou nodded. “Come in Suki. Bring in Euan too.”
Suki then opened the door all the way and pulled Euan into the room.
Euan looked around the room.“ I recognize some of you.”
Hanshou stood and let Suki take his chair. He then picked up the last potion and handed it to Euan. “Dink this.”
Euan took the drink and pulled up a chair. Hanshou did the same. Then Hanshou began.
“Now that you all are finally here I can begin we need to discuss some things…”
“What about Masshuu? Where is he?” kohana butted in.
Hanshou sighed. “He is on earth, kohana. How many times have I told you this?” before kohana could respond he continued. “You four with the angels book need to hear this because it is about someone you know. There is a wolf girl in a purple cape that conceals a whip. You have confronted her before when she took Kaida and amber hostage in the fairy tale land. Not pleasant correct? She is now here. At the moment she is hiding out on Ukime. And she wants the angels book right?” everyone nodded. “ I can tell she has something up her sleeve. How you ask? She sent me a note.” He pulled out a piece of paper out of a pocket. “ This reads, ‘please send Kaida and Euan to me. I would like to test out their powers…’ do you accept this invitation to fight from this girl?” Kaida and Euan looked at each other. Just by looking into Euans eyes she could tell he wanted to fight. And something within her wanted to fight this evil shadow as well. Then they looked back to Hanshou. They both nodded. “So you both except. You all need to be taught how to use your powers. So I will let someone take each of you out that has a similar element. I will let you get used to your elements and practice for an hour. That should be enough time for you to learn.” He nodded.
Kaida asked, “ How are we supposed to learn and master our powers that fast?”
Hanshou nodded. “ You have angelic abilities. You can learn quickly.” He replied. “Now go and practice!”

“I think I’ve got it!”
Kohana looked up from ice formation she was playing with. She watched as Kaida used some of the fighting moves she had taught her on a dummy made of ice. Kaida had taught Kaida how to change her legs into a fin when she entered the water, create ice formations of any sort, use water that she can control at will to fight with, and to heal wounds with ice. Kaida had learned it all. Plus she did it perfectly.
Kohana rose into a sitting position so that her green fin was tucked under her. She called to Kaida, “you may want to go see Hanshou and ask him what to do next.”
Kaida stopped what she was doing and stood in front of kohana. “I could bring you with me. It would be nothing to carry you.”
“No I should stay in the water as much as possible. You go on ahead. I can send a water sprite with you…”
“Oh no its fine,” Kaida shook her head, “ I can make it on my own.”
Kohana watched as Kaida opened up her wings and took flight. She mumbled, “she is gonna need all the help she can get… I can see that…”

Kaida was about to knock on Hanshou’s front door when she heard an unfamiliar voice talking to Hanshou.
“When can I meet these ‘angels’?”
“Two of them should be arriving soon,” replied Hanshou.
Kaida took this as her cue. She waited five seconds then knocked and said, “Hanshou, it’s me. Can I come in?”
There was silence for a moment then Hanshou replied, “Come on in.”
Kaida opened the door and walked in. on the counter in front of Hanshou was a sprite about the size of a normal persons hand. She had flaming red hair, her wings where red and orange, and she wore a dress that seemed to be made out of flames them self’s.
The little woman flew up in front of Kaida’s face and seemed to look her over. Then she said, “You must be Kaida.”
Kaida nodded. Then another knock was heard on the door. Then they all heard Euan call, “ May I come in Hanshou?”
Hanshou quickly said yes and Euan walked in the door. His attention was suddenly drawn to the sprite next Kaida.
“Uhhhhh…. Err… umm… pixie…”
As soon as the sprite heard that she flew up into his face. “What did you call me? I am a sprite not a pixie and I am glad I am. And my name isn’t sprite either its Anbaa.”
“Not now Anbaa. They have to meet the one girl now.” Hanshou stood and took hold of Anbaa so that she stood in his hand. Anbaa looked at Hanshou and then at Kaida and Euan. She looked worried.
“Y-you mean… its really going to happen?” she looked at Hanshou sadly. He nodded. Before either Kaida or Euan could question anbaa’s remark, Hanshou gave them the instructions they would have to follow.
Kaida soon found herself next to Euan at the gates of the mostly deserted land of Ukime. The place reeked with sulfur and brimstone and fire surrounded them. At least my waterpowers would stand a chance here… she looked at Euan. He looked strait ahead and waited for the caped girl. This is kinda scary. Why only me and Euan? Why here? Where is she? What did Anbaa mean by ‘you mean its really going to happen’? Why does this place seem so scary? Kaida then felt something and she looked down to see that Euan was squeezing her hand.
“We are going to be fine… she is here.”
Kaida looked up and saw that sanding on top of the gate was the girl in the cape still with the hood covering her eyes. The girl pointed two fingers at Kaida and Euan and out of the fire around them came black creatures with yellow eyes and fangs. The fire reflected in their eyes making them glow. Euan quickly did an ax kick hitting one of the creatures down. A blast of fire came from the sole of him foot burning the creatures in the way. Kaida created two swords of ice and she started fighting off the creatures.
She heard Euan call, “are you too afraid to fight us yourself?!”
She quickly looked up and saw the girl grin. “I thought I would let my friends play with you first.”
Kaida and Euan continued to fight the creatures until they had all fallen. Before Kaida could catch her breath she heard Euan cry out in pain. She watched him fall to his knees while clutching his wrist. Before Kaida could think she heard a whiplash and a spasm of pain raced through her. She clutched her wrist where the pain was coming from and her knees buckled. She started to cry. No loud sobs but only tears. When the she saw there was a little blood on her hand she lifted it to see two marks where the whip had hit her. The two thin lines of blood formed a cross shape right under the palm of her hand.
She heard the girl chuckle. “I only used those pathetic creatures to distract you while I poisoned my whip. You see, now if I knew you two would have the most powerful of elements so I had to find a way to disqualify you. If you now use your magic in any way, the poison will spread. The more you use your magic, the farther the poison spreads. That will go on until the cross grows bigger and the poison eventually kills you. So would you two rather live and give up or fight and die. It is your choice. If you choose to live the wound would heal like any other scar.” As soon as the girl said that she disappeared.
Kaida said under her breath, “I will find you and make you pay for even plotting to hurt my friends. I shall find out who you really are. By the grace of god you will be spared of torture…” everything around Kaida was starting to get fuzzy. She turned to look at Euan. He was kneeling and was staring at the fire around them. Maybe I can heal his wound so he wont have to suffer… before she could even think about what using her magic could cost her she took Euan’s are and she pressed her hand against the wound.
Euan protested, “No! You heard what she said so don’t use your magic!”
She didn’t listen. She made the wound cool down a little bit before she started getting seriously dizzy. She fell over onto the ground exhausted. The last thing she sensed was someone picking her up.

She felt gentle hands pressing a washcloth to her forehead. She opened her eyes to see Feisu not smiling as usual but worried. When Feisu noticed Kaida was awake she sighed and smiled sadly.
She said, “Everyone… she is awake…”
Kaida turned her head so that she could see kohana sitting at the foot of her bed, Amber standing at her left, and Anbaa kneeling on Feisu’s head. They all looked worried and relieved at the same time.
Anbaa flew down from her perch on Feisu’s head and sat on the pillow next to Kaida’s ear. “I am sorry I didn’t warn you… god sent me a dream about this but I thought it would only scare you… now I see I should have told you two.”
Kaida shook her head. “Its fine,” she sat up. “We have to get to next world.” She said this looking at Amber.
“No Kaida. You have to recover from the poison.”
Kaida shook her head again. “ I am fine. As soon as Euan is ok we are going to the next world. I have to find the original world the dark wolf girl was from.”
Feisu looked at Anbaa and kohana. Anbaa and kohana nodded. Feisu looked back at Kaida. “We can help you with that.”

Part 6

Kaida walked onto the grass on the outside of the portal. Behind her amber, Jake, and Euan emerged from the opening. Kaida then realized she was getting a little dizzy and she quickly steadied herself against a tree. Amber quickly came over to her.
“Are you ok Kaida,” she asked.
Kaida looked over to her. She looked just as worried as Kaida had seen her when she had first waked up.
She didn’t say anything for a moment then said, “im fine. Stop worrying. Its kinda freaky seeing you obsess over if I am ok or not.”
Amber sighed and then looked over to Jake who was steadying Euan on his feet. She finally nodded. “Fine. I wont ask any more if you don’t want me to.”
Kaida thanked her then walked over to Euan and Jake. “Ready to find the jerk who did this to you,” she asked.
Euan frowned. “She cursed you too.”
Kaida shrugged. “Im fine honestly.”
“What exactly are we doing,” Jake asked.
“We are going to find out that wolf jerks true identity. I am tired of calling her ‘wolf girl’ or ‘jerk’. I want to know a real name.”
“Um excuse me… can I help you?”
Everyone turned to see that next to the edge of the forest was a boy about the age of ten. He wore he had black hair, black wolf ears and tail, paws with claws, and he wore black. He carried a whip on his back. To them he looked strangely familiar. Then he smiled a familiar smile with fangs poking out the sides of his mouth.
Jake hesitated then said, “Have… we met…?”
The boy shook his head. “You don’t seem familiar to me.”
Kaida frowned and stepped forward. “Yes, you can help us. We are looking for a girl with fangs, wolf ears, and wears a purple cape that covers all of her other physical features?”
All eyes were on Kaida now. Jake, Euan, and Amber looked annoyed and confused at the way Kaida was behaving and the ‘wolf boy’ looked amused.
“I can help you all… for I know who you seek. But you have to pay a price for the info.”
Kaida raised her eyebrows. “A price? What kind?”
The boy grinned. “You have to a feather form each of your wings. The purest white ones too. It wont hurt at all to pull it out. Agreed?”
Kaida, Amber, and Euan, looked to Jake. He pondered the request. After a few moments he nodded yes. “But out of curiosity… why?”
“Aren’t little kids allowed to collect things? That’s what they all ask me. They are all suspicious. For your information I collect feathers from all the angels I meet and compare them to see which one is the whitest. There are other things about angel’s wings I like too. Each angel’s feathers are different. Like that one on the ground.” He pointed to a white feather on the ground that had a blue tint to the tip. “Just by looking at it I can tell it is yours.” He gestured to Kaida.
Kaida opened her wings and pulled out a feather. Then she picked up the feather on the ground. They looked exactly the same.
“Wow… your right.” She commented.
Without questions the four friends proceeded to pull out a pure white feather out of each wing. Then they gave the feathers to the boy. The boy reached out and took them.
“Thank you! Now to proceed… my name is New Moon. I am from the wolf pack that inhabits this small world. Would you like me to show you my camp?”
Before any of them could answer or protest they were following him through the woods. They soon came upon a small settlement. It was a small little camp with about five huts like houses.
“This is my village!” New moon pointed to a hut. “That’s my house.”
Almost as soon as he said that a girl exited the hut. She had long, long purple hair, and wore all black like New moon did. Her eyes made contact with Kaida’s and they instantly became wide with shock and fear. Her eyes were a haunting, almost black, purple.
“What are you doing here?!” the girl screamed then she turned and ran.
New moon looked confused and called out, “Where are you going Full moon? You just got back!”
Kaida instantly recognized Full moons voice and chased after her. Full moon ran faster. The girl quickly made a sharp turn and Kaida followed her around a tree. Full moon was gone. Kaida heard a rustle in the bushes and saw Full moon wearing her purple cape but her hood was down. She had the poisoned whip in her hand. Full moon made another run for it with Kaida close behind. They dashed after each other into a clearing and before them was a portal.
The wolf girl quickly ran into the portal and sealed the opening behind her. Kaida halted.
Under her breath she said, “I now know whom you are so watch out.”

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Kazexzun van Hellios
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jun 07, 2007 @ 07:50pm

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