Hey peeps....... biggrin So I am adding another post and all I would like to know who sits here and does this?
wahmbulance All the nubes asking for meh to donate need to go away wahmbulance
I felt that was important^^
WEll once again I still have my gaia virginity for another day! surprised Thats the way to keep it.
Also it is fun to make fun of those nubes getting told to be followed and their like 9 so If someone asks they are always going to say yes!
Thats what I hate....They create monsters...
So I got some cool websites I might put up on muh profile!
Well I am goin to keep adding on to this I think but for now I'll keep on talking...
I went to the [YMCA] gonk
Well it was fun...But these old people are the teen room is reserved for seniors/ I am thinking and should have told em ThIS IS THE [[[[TEEN]]]]] >( }}}}}}}ROOM{{{{{{{
What are they goin to do in there? There is not anough room for streching!
That is why there is a gym, yoga room No ideas how that is spelled because I hate to look at people do it!, and their own speacial room I have seen them go in, I mean really there is a DDR a air hockey thing , pool with the sticks ^^, and ping pong!
They also have a pool where they have so many damn classes in and it makes the pool smell like a**!
Any ways all they can do is play bingo standing up with out the pads are coin chip thingys!

as I see it they hog every thing such as
The gym
the running track
the pool
the hang out and watch TV place where they stare at a blank screen I don't know if they can figgure that out.
The {{{{{{{Teen Room}}}}}}
The work out room
The bike room
And much more....
So on the way home we stopped for mexican food yum...
But then after that we went shopping for food and other things like soap and crap. stare
One thing you have to know is I hate shopping!
Sometimes I relate when I need things to wear.
Anyways on the way out we were almost done packing the things we bought and my MOM saw a buggy with a big pack of toilet paper on the bottom!
Knowing me I made a joke and said I got the goods.
I ran over and grabbed them through them in the back and told my mom to hurry and lets go so they can't catch us..
Well when we pull out a guy was following us for the longest time taking pics. of are car...Well finally Thank god for Mc N Ds
It got his eye and he went there instead of following us.
We got home bla bla bla bla i had to tak in the things we buoght.
WEll all out I had fun. biggrin

/Till next time/ xo xo ox ox Patt are in muh real name don't you forget it Eddie. heart