Well, there are two things on the agenda today, but don't get scared, no one's died. The first is, I got an awesome haircut. My hair was dark brown and shoulder length. It was messy, shaggy, chaos, however you want to phrase it. Now my bangs go to right below my eyes and are pushed to one side (when I bother). Then my hair goes down to my jaw and comes to a point. Then it goes strait up to right above my ear. Then it goes back down so it's even with my jaw again and goes strait back. I'm really suprised it actually looks good; the last time I had hair this short it was in a different style and it made my head look small. xp I've burned all my school pictures from last year so that they don't burn anyones eyes out. burning_eyes So R.I.P. all my hair that was cut off. The person who cut it even said that was the largest amount of hair he'd cut off in quite a while.
Anyways, moving on. The next thing is, I just realized that Steve Irwin is dead! No, I'm not so sheltered as to not know that he died, but it really just hit me last night. I went into my room and my mom had my TV on for Yum Yum, my newest cat. She's a moody cat and none of the others like her yet, so she sleeps in my room with the door closed. However, I was brushing my teeth and stuff, so my mom turned on the TV. Anyways, I went in there and it was on Animal Planet and The Crocodile Hunter was on. I didn't have my book, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde if anyone's wondering, it's really good, but a bit confusing, so I was watching it for a while. It was some special called something like "The Search for the Super Croc" and near the end of it, when they had found the "Super Croc" and were all piled on top of it, he broke his rib. He turns to the camera, and you can definitely telll he's in pain, he tells the audience that his rib is broken but then he takes a deep breath, and now hiding the pain more skillfully than I could hope to, says "Well, that's life."
Well, that's life!
My god! He's still more alive than most people! He was such an amazing person! You don't have to save the world to be a great person! Just like a book doesn't need some hidden symbolism to be awesome! The Series of Unfortunate Events is genius even if there isn't some deep meaning. I suppose the closest thing would be "There are always going to be bad people." People should really take a hint from the Croc Hunter! He died doing what he loved! While all the damn emos are dying of blood loss from cutting themselves! Although I suppose the world will really be a better place when they're all gone. I hate sad people! I can hardly stand condoling a close friend, the best I can do is change the subject. Not to mention all those stupid morons that are depressed at things that happen to everyone! Stop feeling sorry for yourself, no one else does! Oh, does that make you sadder? Suck it up and enjoy your miserable lives! What the ******** are you even sad about? This is what I'd like to figure out! School? Family? I can garentee you that eveyone else is going to the same thing! But they aren't throwing themselves pity parties! Guess what, that's life!
Rest In Peace, Steve Irwin
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You know, I wish you would have said all that to my face, because I'm really impressed with you. I don't think anyone really cared that Steve died (myself included. Sorry, I've got my own pain to deal with) and you managed to care, but for a good reason. Most people only paid attention because he was famous, but you actually appreciated the fact that he lived and breathed, unlike so many of the rest of us. And, yes, you're right, I think it would do to keep the fact that no matter what happens, it IS life. And it's worth living, if you let it.
However, while I see your point in the last bit, I think you're not being insensitive, merely retarded. Some people DO care about other people's problems, even if you don't. I believe in doing your best to carry your own weight, and NOT whining and pitying yourself. But I also believe that love, understanding, and gratitude are the only things that really matter in this world. I've tried the selfish route, and it didn't work. Though, that doesn't mean that you ignore your own problems to solve someone else's. NEVER try to solve someone else's problems. It makes you both weak. And I cannot STAND weakness.