heart Now here's the news, I've had like an average of 20 people view each entry I've written 4laugh . Sounds good right, well only one out of every five entries has had a comment left on it . Also the only people who ever comment also happen to be on my friends list and usually I've gone and asked them to look at my journal (and it's appreciated that they went and looked). So my point is I might start making this only for my friends to see if i don't get some feed back soon. And I know there are people elsewhere looking at this cause the ones that have like 20 views well ya see I only have like 15 friends. And ya see I'm even going to be nice and give ya something to review about(and when ya review that you can leave some good advice or other comment).So here's the stuff for you to vote on I'll post the results on my next entry.
heart Who's your favorite Naruto character? heart
cool Which colors better Black or White? cool
ninja What is your favorite Gaia game? pirate
mrgreen Would you rather read a Manga(Graphic Novel) or a Book? mrgreen
cool Which colors better Black or White? cool
ninja What is your favorite Gaia game? pirate
mrgreen Would you rather read a Manga(Graphic Novel) or a Book? mrgreen
cool Naoar
P.S. I'll add my own vote too.
cool Naoar
P.S. I'll add my own vote too.
Community Member
hmmm I guess i'll answer those q's quickly then
1) Kakshi-sensei (i'm not that in to the show cuz i never have time to watch it but from what i've seen he's awesome and hilarious) =P
2) black
3) the puzzles =P
4) actually i like both. as long as there's a good story it doesn't matter to me^^
k well i've gotta get to class so bye