*Sane rose from the ground. He felt an air of uncomfort between them both now... He should have never given her that flower... She probably didn't even care... He ws silly for thinking... He quickly shuts his thoughts out of his head and grabs his bundle grabbing his canteen and jumping on his horse.* Okay Kari... I guess we should get going...
::As they rode, Kari waas deep in thought. She had been so stupid to kiss him...and then that question? Where had that come from? She beat herself up in her mind for her foolishness... He was probably just being kind... Just being a friend... She looked over at him and the pain that glazed his eyes shot a knife through her gut. It was all she could do to keep herself together as she turned away once again...::
*Sane looks at the trees... He didn't want to look at Kari... He didn't want to see how she felt... He should have just tried to be friends... Yet... He shook his head and looked at the ground. It didn't matter anymore. As they both road forth he ripped off a leaf from a tree twirling it around in his fingers.*
::As evening fell and twilight pulled a mask over the sun, they reached the next river. Kari dismounted and removed the riding pad and bridle from her black stallion, hanging them on a branch as she had before. She built a fire in silence and moved to her pack, pulling two large pieces of bread, along with two apples. Kari then walked to Sane and held out half the aquired rations to him, forcing a smile:: Here...
*Sane takes the food she offers and looks at the ground. He takes a bite and chews a bit. He wasn't hungry that much anymore... He looked at the apple and bit into it...* Thanks Kari...
::She could still hear the pained edge in his voice. A long silence passed between them as they ate. Finally, Kari gathered enough courage to speak:: I am sorry, for earlier. I did not think before I spoke. ::She cut herself off there and turned away::
*Sane forces a smile.* It's fine Kari... don't worry about it. I was stupid... it was a stupid thing to do on my side. It should be me apologizing. *Sane grins and brakes off a piece of branch he takes out a small knife and begins to carve it. He smiles looks at Kari and continues to carve it soothed him.*
::She forced a smile. She had been right, he had just been being friendly...she had been so foolish to think otherwise... Kari stood and moved to the water's edge, getting a drink before picking out a branch to sleep on. Climbing the tree and getting comfortable, she spoke to Sane:: Goodnight, Sane... ::She curled up and fell asleep::
*Sane smiles and continues to carve.* Goodnight Kari... *He wasn't sleepy yet... He hums a bit as he continues to carve the wood which is now starting to look like a person... A head and a body. He smiles and watches his work take shape in his hands by the light of the fire.*
::Kari awoke a few minutes later and heard Sane humming. Rolling onto her stomach, she looked down at him as he sat by the fire, carving. She smiled and listened to him hum as she watched the flames dance and light up his face::
*Sane smiles and scratches his chin with his knife. He pulls out a little tiny needle type tool which he used to start the fine detail on the face on the person. He hums a more and than whistles softly... He turns the piece of wood in his hands as he works on in and than puts it aside putting his knife and needle tool away. He smiles and rests on the tree trunk huming to himself as he looks at ths stars.* They shine so bright... It's as if it's magic... Peaceful, I wish my heart was the same way... Yet it's torn in two...
::Kari's smile faded when she heard him speak. Could there be another? She should have been wary against such a thing... There must be another woman in his heart... She rolled over onto her back again, her eyes gazing at the stars through the trees leaves::
*Sane stops humming when he hears the branches rustle... Had she heard him? He shook his head she couldn't have... He grins thinking of Kari's happy face as he falls into a light sleep.*
::Kari awoke first the next morning, dropping silently to the ground. The day was quite young. The sun was just barely beginning to peek over the horizon. The half-elf looked to where Sane slept. She smiled, her eyes glistening. She turned away, realizing she was staring, and moved to the water's edge. She knelt and splashed water on her face, then took a long slow drink of the pure water::
*Sane stirred out of his sleep he turned to Kari who was by the water. He props his head on his elbow and watches her. She looked perfect in the morning. He lays back down and rests his head on the grass. He smiles and rubs his eye.* Morning Kari...
::Kari dried her face on her skirt and stood, turning to Sane. She managed a smile. Her shirt was unbuttoned halfway, her chestcloth visible. It didnt bother her, he had seen her in less. Her hair was unusually wild and her eyes were a dark emerald, glossy in the morning light:: Good morning...
*Sane grins and stands up going over to the river.* How are you feeling today? *Sane takes a handful of water and splashes his face. He washes his hands and looks at Kari.*
::Kari caught herself staring again and turned her gaze away:: I'm...I'm well...and you?
*Sane looks at Kari and raises his eyebrow.* I'm fine I guess... I mean... heck... I have you as a companion... That's enough to keep me happy forever. *Sane grins and gets up going over to his bundle and taking out his water pouch going over to the lake to fill it up with water*
::Kari smiled. He was always so kind... She moved to her own pack and removed food for the two of them. Handing him his ration of Lambas bread and jerky, she subconsciously sat down next to him and began to eat. It was just habit for her now to sit beside him::
*Sane smiles as she sits down beside him, he takes a small bite of his food and chews.* So, what part of the journey are we now... are we near the end of the forest? *Sane grins and bites into the bread chewing, taking a sip of water and swallowing.*
::Kari managed to relax and nodded as she swallowed a mouthful of jerky:: Yes, we should reach Velnarre by nightfall. It's not much farther. If we leave soon, we may make it by the afternoon.
*Sane nodded.* That's good... we should set off soon than... maybe there I can get some desent clothes. *Sane laughs and takes another bite of jerky with bread*
::Kari laughed:: Yes, I think I could probably help you out... My cousin is the Lady of Velnarre. She is like a sister to me. I'm sure she will greet us with much courtesy. ::She stood and packed up:: Well, let's get going then... ::She tacked up her horse and changed back into her pants, then mounted and awaited Sane::
*Sane hurried to finish eating and jumped onto his horse leaning down to the side to grab his bundle of belongings. He smiles at Kari.* That would be nice Kari... I sure do need a pair of new pants... Ready to go?
::Kari smiled and nodded, and they started off on the last leg of their journey to Velnarre::
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