Still, haven't gotten those pictures from the other computer yet. It's always occupied or I would just put them online, and edit my journal from there. But oh well, when I get the chance I will. I've still been playing DDR and doing things like that, though I did get another application someplace. I haven't turned it in, but I still have it. So that's good I suppose. Oh, Julia's coming here for her spring break in a week or so! I'm uber excited, I've been dancing around and all that stuff.
It's been cool, oh I plan on forcing my friends, into playing a live action role playing game. Sounds nerdy I know, but we played DnD the last time I was with them... but we used pokemon in the game, and everyone had fun laughing and what not. So, I decided to take it a step further and develope a live action system, with points and balances and what have you, yeah I used to be huge into RPG's and whatnot. But, yeah I so want to do some hilarious, like these guys...
Yeah, I found that picture on google and added the text. I showed Jacob it, as refrence when refering to it. It was amusing, anyways I have just started a small minor hobby. I've been marking money with the www.wheresgeorge.com url. That's a site that lets you track bills across the country, by the next person that gets it and enters it in the site. It's amusing, I'm adding silly stories with my comments for the bill. For instance, I had a five dollar bill and when someone enters in it's serial number, they'll get my page with the comment "Yeah, this five dollar bill used to be my pet... I'd lay and sleep with it for hours.. now it looks like I lost my pet! crying "
Just things like that, anyways if you find a dollar bill or something, with the sites address on it, and a small "XD" in the corner. It was once mine!... so send it back... >.> but, other then that nothings happen. At least anything I can think of at the moment. Well, I'm going to submit this and what have you.
Edit: Hoshiat!!!!!1111one11!shift?!1 L0cke so talked to me. surprised Here...HERE! and gaia housing is out! It's like freaking cool and such.
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Thu Mar 03, 2005 @ 11:36pm · 4 Comments |