I've been thinking about this whole relationship crap. And why not? It's almost the dreaded Valentine's Day, so what better excuse to let out an anti-love rant?
I figured out that this whole stupid thing with you-know-who is just a relationship of convenience. It's nice to get off campus, have someone pay for a decent meal, and make travel around in negative-degree weather not as painful. I don't want any PDA, I don't want any Private DA.
I'm sick of him and his juvenile, annoying, irritating, demanding, complaining attitude. So I don't effing want to have any kind of sex. He says he's okay with that, but then starts "joking around" about me changing my mind, and then he starts complaining that he's going to be a virgin forever, blah blah. I really can't stand him any more. He annoys the crap out of me, and the only reason I bother trying is because I know I get free rides and food out of it.
Who the eff cares about what "normal" people are doing, anyway?
So I'm telling myself to stick it out until the one year mark (this week, conveniently), and then to deal with it until I have a semester study trip.
And then, once I get out of here, I'll be finished with him.
Here's hoping.
Ersind · Mon Feb 12, 2007 @ 01:24am · 2 Comments |