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Calisto_Phoenix's Creative Juices
For those of you that don't know, I am an aspiring poet, so this will be the NEW home of my creativity. :)
Hey everyone,

It looks like I'll be wearing my current glasses a little longer than anticipated, as the bill never got to my program. But something isn't right, as the eye doctor did tell me that the bill was faxed. In the case that the bill doesn't reach my program, I am paying it up myself using a payment plan, so that I don't have to worry about my program being as unreliable as they already are. But at least I did make out those calls like I said I would. Well, people, I hear that cue again. I have to get to class in less than a hour. I will, however, write again tomorrow. Take care!


P.S. I also may have to ask my job for money for a bus pass next month if need be. There is something that I view as sooooooooooooo fishy about my program that it's starting to make me feel sick to my stomach. For some reason, I just don't trust my day program.

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