I can't wait for Gilmore Girls tonight. ^_^ I should go and check Deviantart. Actually I should just get off of the computer because I've noticed that my eyes have been really bothering me lately, but when I went the whole weekend without being on the computer (save for the 2 hours spent working on english paper but that couldnt be helped) my eyes were fine, then I come back to school and they hurt again. Or maybe I'm allergic to, like, school. I'm typing thie whole thing without paying any atention at all to the screen so I hope there aren't too many typos. I'm a fast typer. My mind sure does Wonder. Or is it wander? Why did I capitalize that because i t think I did but Im not looking and I dont even care what Im typing and now im just not hutting the ' button at all oh wait I just hit it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah okay thats enough randomness for the moment ugh i dont wanna do my lab todaaaaay and i didnt even start any of my art stuff but i frankly dont care so BAH HUM BUG