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Post one~Introduction = Première introduction de poteau-le
Just what is Bijou's thread all about, you may be wondering...well this post is where you find out exactly that!
Bijou`a Ailes-moi, is a girl who has made herself known around Gaia by jumping into threads, both quest and shop varieties, and making people aware of her. I'll either bump them silly, make a random donation, behave in a crazy and noticeable way, or simply charm the thread owners to pieces. I just can't help myself!
Too friendly-perhaps. Too much time on my hands- definately.But it's rare that my efforts aren't appreciated and my presence cherished. heart Thankfully! heart During the short time I've been active on Gaia, (a mere 6 weeks-and not to brag, believe me) I've made numerous friends, donated thousands of gold coins and items, subscribed to dozens-literally-of threads, and averaged well over 100 posts per day! sweatdrop Well anyone can see that this kind of pace simply cannot be kept up single handedly, and in an unorganised fashion! That is where Bijou's Quest Center & Thread Headquarters comes in!
Bijou's QC & T HQ is a home of sorts, where I can quest for my own dream avi items, keep track of my favourite threads and shops, advertise my friends and their endeavours, and just have a nice little spot for them all to come and say hello-bonjour-whenever they would like.
That's perfectly easy to understand now isn't it? Great, let's move along then shall we?
Mademoiselle Bijou`a Ailes
~NOW~ Before we go any further, let me take a moment to give credit where credit is due! Unless otherwise noted, any of my beautiful custom banners, headers, and graphics have been lovingly created especially for my thread by my dear friend CelticGoddess3889. You have seen her name on many of my bumps as well. She regularly feeds my graphics addiction, and keeps me very happy indeed. You will hear much more about her in coming posts, but since she customized my thread for me, she gets this position as well. heart
~the little flashy image seen above is not a CelticGoddess creation, I lifted that from photobucket. wink this gorgeous one below however, she did!~
Fish Are Delicious · Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 12:21am · 2 Comments |