just a little thing to say that I LOVE YOU, EMMA! I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!
yeah. other that that, nmh. just musicals. and talkin' to Bryce on AIM. I'll post this here: (I'm VampireKitsune89.)
Sailingice [8:48 PM]: sharon?
VampireKitsune89 [8:48 PM]: well duh.
Sailingice [8:48 PM]: lol I guess the vampire gave it away
VampireKitsune89 [8:48 PM]: who else is this sexy?
Sailingice [8:48 PM]: WHATS UP!
VampireKitsune89 [8:48 PM]: not a lot, just got off work. i smell like chicken and it's GREAT.
Sailingice [8:49 PM]: are you wearing chicken clothes again?
VampireKitsune89 [8:49 PM]: not anymore, i just haven't taken a shower yet.
VampireKitsune89 [8:49 PM]: i still reek of chickeny goodness.
Sailingice [8:49 PM]: you know, that wont give you money when you beg on the strip
Sailingice [8:49 PM]: whats vador doing in my screen
Sailingice [8:49 PM]: ahhhh!!
VampireKitsune89 [8:49 PM]: um.... Vader is my homeboy.
Sailingice [8:50 PM]: OF COURSE!
Sailingice [8:50 PM]: brb
VampireKitsune89 [8:50 PM]: gotcha
Sailingice [8:56 PM]: boo!
VampireKitsune89 [8:56 PM]: WUAAAGH! WUAAAAGH! WUAAAGGGH!
VampireKitsune89 [8:58 PM]: hi there! ^_^
Sailingice [8:58 PM]: what you up to?
VampireKitsune89 [8:58 PM]: checking all my messages everywhere.
VampireKitsune89 [9:00 PM]: how bout u?
Sailingice [9:00 PM]: multitasking baby
VampireKitsune89 [9:00 PM]: swate swate!
Sailingice [9:02 PM]: hoLY CRAP!
VampireKitsune89 [9:02 PM]: What?
Sailingice [9:02 PM]: fat people
Sailingice [9:02 PM]: like 700 pounds fat
VampireKitsune89 [9:02 PM]: hey, we are a proud race.
VampireKitsune89 [9:04 PM]: obesity will one day RULE THE WORLD! MUAHAHAHA!
Sailingice [9:05 PM]: i beleive it
Sailingice [9:05 PM]: segways were the gateway to it
VampireKitsune89 [9:05 PM]: for cereal.
Sailingice [9:05 PM]: SUPER cerale
VampireKitsune89 [9:05 PM]: you know it.
Sailingice [9:06 PM]: brb
VampireKitsune89 [9:06 PM]: k
Sailingice [9:22 PM]: mmmk
VampireKitsune89 [9:22 PM]: cheese!
Sailingice [9:23 PM]: boogers
Sailingice [9:23 PM]: oh wate
Sailingice [9:23 PM]: people arent supposed to know I eat those
VampireKitsune89 [9:24 PM]: eeeew
Sailingice [9:24 PM]: I know
Sailingice [9:25 PM]: its an addiction
VampireKitsune89 [9:25 PM]: mmm, fetuses.
Sailingice [9:25 PM]: you show those damn pro lifers!
VampireKitsune89 [9:25 PM]: YES! muahaha! that ranks up with my favorite saying - "save a cow, eat a vegetarian."
Sailingice [9:26 PM]: HA! that is seriously hillarious
VampireKitsune89 [9:26 PM]: it's true. they want to save cows, then destroy the human scourge. humans suck.
VampireKitsune89 [9:26 PM]: mmmm, vegan.
Sailingice [9:28 PM]: white people suck
Sailingice [9:28 PM]: well not now
Sailingice [9:28 PM]: some do
VampireKitsune89 [9:29 PM]: don't they? ******** porch monkeys. (don't worry, i'm taking it back.)
Sailingice [9:30 PM]: the porch or the word?
VampireKitsune89 [9:31 PM]: .......and if you haven't seen Clerks II you won't get that at ALL.
(or you can go to Youtube and search "Clerks II porch monkeys" and see the entire scene.)
Sailingice [9:31 PM]: BUT I HAVE!
Sailingice [9:31 PM]: that was probably my favorite part
Sailingice [9:31 PM]: and pillow pants
VampireKitsune89 [9:32 PM]: HAHHAAHAHA yes. I just love the look on Randal's face as Elias is explaining p***y trolls.
Sailingice [9:32 PM]: I hate those things
VampireKitsune89 [9:33 PM]: lol, don't we all?
Sailingice [9:34 PM]: black people dont
Sailingice [9:34 PM]: its a challenge to them!
Sailingice [9:34 PM]: to fight the troll
VampireKitsune89 [9:34 PM]: OH, sick burn!
VampireKitsune89 [9:34 PM]: razz
Sailingice [9:35 PM]: thats my speacilty
Sailingice [9:35 PM]: not realy
VampireKitsune89 [9:35 PM]: you don't seem like the "sick burn" type lol. more like the "mild discomforting comment" type.
Sailingice [9:36 PM]: lol that sounds about right
VampireKitsune89 [9:36 PM]: d00d i am completely PSYCHED bout this weekend
Sailingice [9:37 PM]: whats going down?
VampireKitsune89 [9:38 PM]: my lovely girlfriend and i are going to see a play in STL.
Sailingice [9:38 PM]: OOOO!! what is it!!!
Sailingice [9:39 PM]: is it edward scisor hands the musical>
VampireKitsune89 [9:39 PM]: Edward Scissorhands (the musical)
Sailingice [9:39 PM]: ?
VampireKitsune89 [9:39 PM]: ******** right!
Sailingice [9:39 PM]: HA!
Sailingice [9:39 PM]: me and my mom were going to see that!
Sailingice [9:39 PM]: but not this weekend
VampireKitsune89 [9:39 PM]: aw that sucks
VampireKitsune89 [9:39 PM]: it'd be pretty flippin sweet to see you there lol
Sailingice [9:41 PM]: I think i may see it during spring break
VampireKitsune89 [9:42 PM]: swate then i wont tell you anything about it xcept how awesome (or how unawesome) it is.
VampireKitsune89 [9:42 PM]: i didn't know you liked musicals.
Sailingice [9:43 PM]: i was in one
VampireKitsune89 [9:43 PM]: REALLY?
Sailingice [9:43 PM]: the schools
Sailingice [9:43 PM]: oaklahoma
VampireKitsune89 [9:43 PM]: sweetness.
Sailingice [9:43 PM]: I like some operas too
Sailingice [9:43 PM]: but only some
VampireKitsune89 [9:44 PM]: I love to sing show tunes (Phantom of the Opera, Rent, Avenue Q, and Wicked being favorites) but i'm too much of a chicken to actually audition for anything. maybe i'll sing for you sometime
Sailingice [9:45 PM]: I DIDNT KNOW YOU SANG!
Sailingice [9:45 PM]: the shitt you learn
VampireKitsune89 [9:46 PM]: yeah... the s**t you learn.
I can sing, it's just that I'm a big wuss when it comes to actually performing - even though i HEART the spotlight I just.....gwah.
Yeah my favorite role is being the Phantom (erik) and me and some friends sing together but that's the closest to publicly performing as i get - I might work up the gumption to serenade the Marcullus king with something this year though. maybe.
Sailingice [9:48 PM]: do it
Sailingice [9:48 PM]: or I will kill you
VampireKitsune89 [9:48 PM]: lol i'll audition but that doesn't mean i'll make it.
Sailingice [9:49 PM]: at least youll audition
VampireKitsune89 [9:49 PM]: i'm thinking "The Music of the Night" from Phantom.
Sailingice [9:49 PM]: you probably wont get it b/c the judges are popular upity pricks
Sailingice [9:49 PM]: my friend ryan sang a blues song for his audition and I know he blew them away
Sailingice [9:49 PM]: but they didnt know him
Sailingice [9:49 PM]: so he didnt get it
VampireKitsune89 [9:49 PM]: ******** jerkholes.
Sailingice [9:49 PM]: but its worth a shot
VampireKitsune89 [9:51 PM]: but my friend Rhiannon is on prom committee and i think she has something to do with that so....hmm. and she's heard me sing we used to sing Elton John tuneage in Art III together lol.
yeah the ppl who made it SUCKED! the guy who sang barely knew his song and didn't know to keep the microphone more than an inch away from his face and the girls were too busy trying to upstage each other to do well.
VampireKitsune89 [9:51 PM]: it really burned my lasagna.
Sailingice [9:52 PM]: dman those lasagna burners
Sailingice [9:52 PM]: ya I laghed the entire time b/c it looked like he was trying to suck off the mic
VampireKitsune89 [9:53 PM]: lol that just produced a great mental image lol. MicDildo!
ew or like McDildo McDonald's new sex toy chain.
Sailingice [9:54 PM]: lol i wuoldnt bring it past them
Sailingice [9:54 PM]: when they start going out of business because of obesity
VampireKitsune89 [9:54 PM]: i'm telling you, obesity will rule the world. Music video vixens will be replaced with morbidly FAT people eating burgers.
Sailingice [9:55 PM]: sweet
VampireKitsune89 [9:55 PM]: My Lard Shake brings all the boys to the yard.
VampireKitsune89 [9:55 PM]: dude i wanna make a music video full of fat people for the Senior Slideshow.
VampireKitsune89 [9:55 PM]: close-ups of jiggling, bubbling fat.
VampireKitsune89 [9:55 PM]: (i'm seriously laughing my a** off)
Sailingice [9:56 PM]: and then theyll eat twinkies that they hide in there rolls
Sailingice [9:56 PM]: senior video wont have that
Sailingice [9:56 PM]: but hopefully it will be cool if I start working on it
VampireKitsune89 [9:57 PM]: sweet will you do voices again?
Sailingice [9:57 PM]: lol no
Sailingice [9:57 PM]: I dont think were doing a cartoon
VampireKitsune89 [9:57 PM]: JIGGLING FAT BLOBS
Sailingice [9:57 PM]: rather, were doing this cool little thing were we take the video clip and use this filter on it to make the footage look like a comic book
VampireKitsune89 [9:58 PM]: ******** SWEET!
VampireKitsune89 [9:58 PM]: aw s**t but i g2g hey i'll talk to you in the hallway tomorrow
Sailingice [9:58 PM]: sure thing
Sailingice [9:58 PM]: later
VampireKitsune89 [9:58 PM]: p.e.a.c.e
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