A banker banks. A baker bakes. A firefighter firefights. A director directs. An inventor invents. A writer writes. An actor acts. A cobbler cobbles. A programmer programs.
A lawyer doesn't lawy. A carpenter doesn't carpent. A hooker doesn't hook. (I was so poor I had to hook!) A curator doesn't curate. A doctor doesn't doct. A mother doesn't moth. A father doesn't fath. A sister doesn't sist. A brother doesn't broth. An ancestor doesn't ancest.
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It's like those other sites on the Internet, except this one is awesome instead of suck.
[img:b0d8b4409e]http://kawaii-radio.net/images/shuushuu-link.jpg[/img:b0d8b4409e] - Cute Anime Pics
[img:b0d8b4409e]http://data.die2nite.com/gfx/loc/en/88x31.gif[/img:b0d8b4409e] - A Cool Game
[img:b0d8b4409e]http://i54.tinypic.com/2mzlg7d.png[/img:b0d8b4409e] - Self-explanatory
[img:b0d8b4409e]http://kawaii-radio.net/images/shuushuu-link.jpg[/img:b0d8b4409e] - Cute Anime Pics
[img:b0d8b4409e]http://data.die2nite.com/gfx/loc/en/88x31.gif[/img:b0d8b4409e] - A Cool Game
[img:b0d8b4409e]http://i54.tinypic.com/2mzlg7d.png[/img:b0d8b4409e] - Self-explanatory