Back? I cannot say definitely but I am sad to say that the place we met on is no longer the same place we love. We're glad to have cell phones to keep in contact & our email addresses never change. The love we have never dies, no matter what argument or big threatening interference we encounter... The love we experience for each other, I believe, can conquer it all. He is all I need to survive. Why should we be apart if we can only be happy when we are with one another's company and no other can satisfy us. We have a language spoke only by us and a deep understanding of the other person's soul. We are soulmates, and he's said it for a long time. He loves me and wants what is best for me, so I am going to be with him again despite all of my friends warnings. I only share the bad of him with them, they barely know of all his good. If you decide to take no knowledge of this then so be it, do not confront me if you plan to say how awful it is that I am with him. We are meant for each other. 1 year, 9 months, with periods of separation