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What if:
1 I committed suicide:
2 I said I liked you:
3 I kissed you:
4 I lived next door to you:
5 I started smoking:
6 I stole something:
7 I was hospitalized:
8 I ran away from home:
9 I got into a fight and you weren't there:

What do you think about my:
1 Personality:
2 Eyes:
3 Face:
4 Hair:
5 Clothes:
6 Mannerisms:

1 Who are you?
2 Are we friends?
3 When and how did we meet?
4 How have I affected you?
5 What do you think of me?
6 What's the fondest memory you have of me?
7 How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
8 Do you love me?
9 Have I ever hurt you?
10 Would you hug me?
11 Would you kiss me?
12 Would you devirginize me?
13 Would you marry me?
14 Emotionally, what stands out?
15 Do you wish I was cooler?
16 On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
17 Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
18 Am I loveable?
19 How long have you known me?
20 Describe me in one word.
21 What was your first impression?
22 Do you still think that way about me now?
23 What do you think my weakness is?
24 Do you think I'll get married?
25 What about me makes you happy?
26 What about me makes you sad?
27 What reminds you of me?
28 What's something you would change about me?
29 How well do you know me?
30 Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31 Do you think I would kill someone?
32 Are we close?
33 Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?


Those that replied to this: <3
Sincerely Elliot
[eViL ShArPiE]

User Comments: [4]
Community Member

Sun Mar 18, 2007 @ 03:44am

HEHE, FIRST POST, I WIN!!!!!!!! READ THIS =O I WANT ALL MY FRIENDS TO RESPOND TO THIS PLEASE What if 1 I committed suicide O= I'd visit you in heaven and slap you silly. >[ 2 I said I liked you blush x3 3 I kissed you blush harder xD 4 I lived next door to you I'd come everyday and bother you! icon_heart.gif 5 I started smoking I'd pull those cancer sticks out of your mouth and stomp on them! >[ 6 I stole something Ask you what you took. =3 7 I was hospitalized Visit you and bring you flowers and doughnuts. x3 8 I ran away from home Ask you to run away to my house 9 I got into a fight and you weren't there Hate the fact that I missed the fight of the year, but take comfort at the fact that you'd win. What do you think about my 1 Personality Sweet 2 Eyes I'm guessing they're beautiful 3 Face I'm thinking hot 4 Hair Nice and silky 5 Clothes Sexy 6 Mannerisms Polite <3 Other 1 Who are you? I R DoH 2 Are we friends? Yesh! 3 When and how did we meet? Gaia WG Forums 4 How have I affected you? You have made me smile 5 What do you think of me? Great friend to have 6 What's the fondest memory you have of me? Freddie and Shawn too! Oh, and all our random PM's with doughnuts and bizzarre dreams. 7 How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Friends until one of us quits Gaia. ;.; 8 Do you love me? Yes 9 Have I ever hurt you? No 10 Would you hug me? Yes 11 Would you kiss me? Of course icon_ninja.gif As long as you, Haru and Billy don't mind. x3 12 Would you devirginize me? virtually? xD That's too pathetic. icon_heart.gif Personally? Maybeh. icon_ninja.gif Lol. 13 Would you marry me? *researches which states allow same sex marriage* xD 14 Emotionally, what stands out? Your sweetness and sensivity 15 Do you wish I was cooler? Naw, you're plenty cool icon_cool.gif 16 On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? way past the number scale 17 Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Cherryboi for obvious reasons 18 Am I loveable? You know it 19 How long have you known me? Not very long 20 Describe me in one word. Terrific 21 What was your first impression? Cute 22 Do you still think that way about me now? Duh 23 What do you think my weakness is? Billy 24 Do you think I'll get married? Yes! And I better be the bestman! 25 What about me makes you happy? Everything 26 What about me makes you sad? o= Nothing 27 What reminds you of me? Donuts, snowman, marshmallow, yarn, foxes, the list goes on 28 What's something you would change about me? Nothing! >] 29 How well do you know me? I believe I know you well 30 Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Like what? 31 Do you think I would kill someone? Gosh, hope not 32 Are we close? Like peas in a pod xD 33 Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Oh, but I have. =3 <333333 Much luff from DoHies. xD

Sincerely Elliot
Community Member

Tue Mar 20, 2007 @ 12:23am

What if 1 I committed suicide I would cry like OMG. Then I would pay someone to bring you back to life! Using monkey body parts. 8) 2 I said I liked you I would think it was cute. And blush lots. 3 I kissed you I would be all shocked. And kiss you back =O 4 I lived next door to you I would go over to your place all of the time to bother you! 5 I started smoking I would hit you. D No smoking. 6 I stole something I would make you share it with me! =O 7 I was hospitalized I would visit you EVERYDAY! 8 I ran away from home You can come live in my closet! 9 I got into a fight and you weren't there I would kick the person who you were fighting! Or at least pay someone to do it for me. >< What do you think about my... 1 Personality It's beyond the point of super! 2 Eyes I've never seen them. D But I bet they're super pretty. <3 3 Face I bet it's even prettier than your eyes. 4 Hair Pokeable? 5 Clothes Super smexy like 6 Mannerisms You have some quirks, but they're super. <3 Other 1 Who are you? I am your hug buddy! 2 Are we friends? I'm hoping so. 3 When and how did we meet? Gaia, a few months ago? 4 How have I affected you? You make me all smiley and happy. =D! 5 What do you think of me? I think you're a super duper coolio person. 6 What's the fondest memory you have of me? There are too many. @_@ 7 How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? For like ever. =O 8 Do you love me? In the most friendliest way. 9 Have I ever hurt you?Nu. Never. 10 Would you hug me? Yes. 11 Would you kiss me? On the cheek probably. 12 Would you devirginize me? Nu... 13 Would you marry me? To keep you in the country! Or something. / 14 Emotionally, what stands out? Your total awesomeness. And how you are always just sweet. 15 Do you wish I was cooler? Goodness no. You are already too cool. 16 On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 20billion. 8) 17 Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. EEK! I don't know. D Cherry? You love'um them cherries. 18 Am I loveable? Yes! 19 How long have you known me? A few months? 20 Describe me in one word. Superawesomelyamazinglycutelikeandsweet! whee 21 What was your first impression? Super sweet. 22 Do you still think that way about me now? Yes. 23 What do you think my weakness is? Cherries? O.o 24 Do you think I'll get married? Yes. 25 What about me makes you happy? EVERYTHING 26 What about me makes you sad? Absolutely nothing. 27 What reminds you of me? Too many things. 28 What's something you would change about me? Nothing. Nope. Nada. 29 How well do you know me? Pretty well, I think... 30 Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? No, I don't think so. I pretty much say whatever... 31 Do you think I would kill someone? No, you are far too sweet. 32 Are we close? Kinda. 33 Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? I already have it there.

Community Member

Tue Mar 20, 2007 @ 04:42am

1 I committed suicide: i'd be upset and i would cry 2 I said I liked you: blush... 3 I kissed you: surprised and probably blush 4 I lived next door to you: that'd be awesome! :3nod: we'd probably be better friends 5 I started smoking: i would help you try and quit and if you refuse then i'll stop (i wouldn't want to force you to do anything) 6 I stole something: wouldn't bother me.......but if you got caught that would be a different story 7 I was hospitalized: i'd go visit you.....and bring you get well balloons and gifts :D 8 I ran away from home: i'd help you out, give you stuff and a place to stay.......and help you through it 9 I got into a fight and you weren't there: you don't have to worry about that one, i'll either find out and show up or beat up the person later What do you think about my: 1 Personality: couldn't get any better :3nod: and fun 2 Eyes: havn't seen them......but i'd probably love them 3 Face: it would fit your personality, cheerful 4 Hair: hmm....i don't know cause i've never seen it......but i'd like it 5 Clothes: i'd probably like them because you have good taste 6 Mannerisms: great Other: 1 Who are you? your friend Pepper! 2 Are we friends? yes 3 When and how did we meet? on gaia......i think the forums 4 How have I affected you? good, it's always nice talking to you! 5 What do you think of me? a nice person and a great friend :big: 6 What's the fondest memory you have of me? the new years party! and our first conversation 7 How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? a while i hope! 8 Do you love me? as a friend, yes 9 Have I ever hurt you? nope 10 Would you hug me? yes 11 Would you kiss me? maybe a friend kiss on the cheek 12 Would you devirginize me? no.... 13 Would you marry me? no......unless some really strange reason came up 14 Emotionally, what stands out? your humor and niceness 15 Do you wish I was cooler? no, cause you can't get anymore cooler! 16 On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? way over 10! 17 Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. i don't know.....i think i'll just stick with Dchan :D 18 Am I loveable? yes! 19 How long have you known me? uhh, i think around when you joined gaia.....3-4 months i think 20 Describe me in one word. awesomenessnice 21 What was your first impression? nice and funny 22 Do you still think that way about me now? yes 23 What do you think my weakness is? tektek....lol 24 Do you think I'll get married? yes 25 What about me makes you happy? everything 26 What about me makes you sad? nothing 27 What reminds you of me? cherries 28 What's something you would change about me? nothing 29 How well do you know me? well-ish 30 Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? hmm...nope, i don't think so 31 Do you think I would kill someone? no of course not!........unless you needed to like self-defense 32 Are we close? sorta 33 Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? yes, and don't forget! lol :big:

[eViL ShArPiE]
Community Member

Sun Apr 01, 2007 @ 10:28pm

READ THIS =O I WANT ALL MY FRIENDS TO RESPOND TO THIS PLEASE What if: 1 I committed suicide: I would cry my heart out D; 2 I said I liked you: I would probably smile and laugh 3 I kissed you: i would be shocked 4 I lived next door to you: i would make you come hang with me 5 I started smoking: i would slap you 6 I stole something: I would MAKE you take it back 7 I was hospitalized: i would'nt leave the hospital 8 I ran away from home: I would invite you to run away to my house 9 I got into a fight and you weren't there: I would hate myself What do you think about my: 1 Personality: Fabulous 2 Eyes: Gorgeous (going by avi) 3 Face: perfect 4 Hair: pretty<33 5 Clothes: awesome 6 Mannerisms: Excellent Other: 1 Who are you? Sharpie 2 Are we friends? 'Course 3 When and how did we meet? WG forums yes? 4 How have I affected you? you've been a great friend 5 What do you think of me? I think you're a great person. 6 What's the fondest memory you have of me? The day we we started putting stickers on eachother 7 How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? For a really long time 8 Do you love me? Indeed 9 Have I ever hurt you? Not to date. 10 Would you hug me? All the time. 11 Would you kiss me? if i had the chance 12 Would you devirginize me? Err...let's leave that to someone you really love. 13 Would you marry me? Sure, if you asked me. 14 Emotionally, what stands out? You're awesomeness 15 Do you wish I was cooler? Not at all 16 On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 13 17 Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. i'd pick stickers. Just because by now you probably have about 24 that ive givin you. 18 Am I loveable? Indeed. 19 How long have you known me? Mmm...4 months maybe? 20 Describe me in one word. Caring. 21 What was your first impression? Sweet. 22 Do you still think that way about me now? Yup. 23 What do you think my weakness is? Love. 24 Do you think I'll get married? in the future 25 What about me makes you happy? your kindness. 26 What about me makes you sad? Your present. 27 What reminds you of me? stickers. 28 What's something you would change about me? Not at all. 29 How well do you know me? Alright. could learn some more. 30 Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Mmm...no. i can tell you everything. 31 Do you think I would kill someone? No, you're too nice. 32 Are we close? I would think so. 33 Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? already did. (Reply back?)

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