mrgreen YAY ! another quiz thingy mrgreen
1.Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. More than friends?
4. What are your hobbies?
5. Where are you from?
6. What other languages can you speak?
7. Favorite type of music?
8. Describe me in one word.
9. Is there something you want to tell me, but can't?
10. What do you like best about me?
11. Pick one emoticon for me.
12. What's one thing you like about yourself?
13. One thing you hate about yourself?
14. One thing you like about me?
15. One thing you hate about me?
16. Who's your favorite person?
17. Would you kiss me?
18. Would you tell me that you loved me?
19. Would you have sex with me? (answer if you want)
20. Would you marry me?
21. Drive half-way across the country to see me?
22. Do something to harm me?
23. Whats your favorite anime/s?
24. Favorite colour/s?
25. Favorite food/s?
26. Favorite place/s to visit?
27. Favorite place/s to go for solitude?
28. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
29. Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you?
lolz... heart labu-lots heart
Community Member
2. Are we friends? yus
3. More than friends? no idea... sweatdrop
4. What are your hobbies? too many to list
5. Where are you from? England
6. What other languages can you speak? A few...
7. Favorite type of music? I dunno
8. Describe me in one word. too many words to describe you
9. Is there something you want to tell me, but can't? nope
10. What do you like best about me? your personality
11. Pick one emoticon for me. heart
12. What's one thing you like about yourself? my eyes
13. One thing you hate about yourself? my computer habits...
14. One thing you like about me? everything
15. One thing you hate about me? nothing
16. Who's your favorite person? you! heart
17. Would you kiss me? yus
18. Would you tell me that you loved me? yus
19. Would you have sex with me? (answer if you want) not until your ready... (but probably not... i don't care about that anyway...)
20. Would you marry me? no (because i'm never getting married)
21. Drive half-way across the country to see me? yus
22. Do something to harm me? never
23. Whats your favorite anime/s? Bleach
24. Favorite colour/s? (Black) Red/Blue/Purple
25. Favorite food/s? Pizza and spicy food
26. Favorite place/s to visit? loads of places
27. Favorite place/s to go for solitude? same as above
28. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? in your arms... jk xD probably asleep in my room
29. Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you? yus
heart labu-too heart