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Ino's Life

Waterbender Khyna
Community Member
Mixed Feelings
It was late at night and a full moon, now in the full moon dreams are haunted by feelings we don’t like to share or we are not completely aware of. These dreams seem so real people are said to have woken up sad and crying or happy and laughing. But some, like the few I will share wake completely shocked. Because a full moon brings the realization of a complicated emotion, love.
These few have Mixed Feelings.

He sat all alone on the steps of his home, it was summer time and he felt as if he could fall asleep right there. The sun beamed down on him and he looked up to see the clear blue sky.
“Shikamaru!” Called a voice.
He let out a sigh and looked down and to his surprise he saw Ino, his team mate.
“Ino? What are you doing here?” He asked scooting over so she could sit next to him.
“I came to see you!” She said sitting down with a smile.
“It’s summer, shouldn’t you be trying to get Sasuke? You’ve got nothing else to do.” Shikamaru scoffed.
Ino looked over at him and laughed.
“What’s so funny!?” Shikamaru exclaimed with a slight blush.
“I don’t want Sasuke...” She said softly.
Shikamaru eyes widened, “Wha...?”
“I..” Ino said leaning closer to Shikamaru, “I only want you.” And then she kissed him.
“Ino...” He said pulling her close to him, “I love you.”

Shikamaru opened his eyes and blushed.
“What the heck??” He said confused, “Why did she...? Why would I...? The heck did I dream that for!!??”
He sat up and looked out the window. He was embarrased and yet he didn’t want the dream to end.

“Oh Sasuke...! Where are you!?” Ino said with a sly smile.
“Ino!” Said a voice.
Ino turned around happily to hear the voice, but it wasn’t Sasuke, it was Shikamaru.
“S-shikamaru!” She shouted, “Why’d you do that, I was just about to make Sasuke mine and then you came and...!”
“I can’t let you do that.” He said blankly, “Ino I...”
“Shikamaru...?” Ino looked at him. He looked flustered and confused, and so was she. “What’s your reason?”
Shikamaru stood there silent and then he walked up to Ino and put his arms around her. “I know Sasuke loves Sakura and I don’t want to see you get hurt! I care for you too much!”
Ino blushed and smiled, “Thank you...” She pushed back away from him, “I’m happy you don’t want me to get hurt but I can’t let Sakura beat me.” She turned around and walked away from him.
Shikamaru clenched his fist and shouted, “Would it help any if I said I loved you!?”
Ino froze. She slowly turned around and whispered, “What did you say?”
“I said I’m in love with you.” He said.
“Shikamaru I...” A tear softly rolled down Ino’s face. “I love you too.”
Ino ran over to Shikamaru and fell into his arms. He held her tight and kissed her.

“No way!” Ino shouted shooting up, waking from her dream. “Keep it together, Ino! Shikamaru’s just a friend, Sasuke’s the prize!” She fell back down on her bed and stared at the ceiling, “I wonder what Shikamaru’d do if he knew I dreamed that.”

The next day Shikamaru woke up and went downstairs.
“G’morning.” He said picking up some toast and pouring some orange juice.
“Good morning dear!” Said his mother with a bright smile, “Did you sleep well, have sweet dreams?” Shikamaru dropped his toast remembering Ino in his arms. “I, uh...” He said, “I don’t remember.” “Aw...” His mother said, “That’s too bad. Last night was a full moon you know?”
“A full moon?” He repeated.
“Yeah! It’s said people have strange dreams during a full moon.” His mother said stirring her tea and sipping it happily.
So that’s why... He thought.
His mother smiled, “They say that some times people dream of things that will be or things that were and even people dream about there hidden love for some one!” Shikamaru spit out his juice.
“Oh my!” His mother exclaimed, “Are you all right, dear?” “Yeah, yeah...” He replied, “I’m fine. Uh... I’m gonna go over to Choji’s, okay?”
“All right, dear. Just make sure to be back by 4 o’ clock!” “Why? What’s happening at 4?” He asked whipping up his spilt juice.
“Your friend Ino’s mother is coming over and she’s bringing Ino!” His mother said with delight.
“Ino?” He said, “Oh... okay... well bye!”
“Bye dear!” His mother called as he ran out the door.
Shikamaru walked down the dirt road leading to Choji’s house.
Man this sucks. He thought kicking up some dirt, First I had that crazy dream and then Ino’s going to come over and I’ll have to be forced to talk to her. Man! What will I even say? “I had this dream where you kissed me and now I’m falling in love with you!” Shikamaru said waving his hand with his eyes closed.
“Uh... I didn’t know you swayed that way Shikamaru.”
“Huh?” Shikamaru opened his eyes to see Choji standing there his eye twitching. “C-choji!! Don’t sneak up on me like that, you idiot!!”
“What were you talking about?” Choji asked relived to know Shikamaru was not talking about him.
“Um... I uh... nothing.” Shikamaru replied putting his hands behind his head.
“Shikamaru!” Choji scolded. “Come on tell me, I’m your best friend!”
Shikamaru looked around, “Okay, but not here. Some one might be listening!”
So the two boys went to Choji’s house. They went into Choji’s room and shut the door.
“Now,” Choji said, “Tell me everything!”
Shikamaru blushed bright red and looked out the window. “Okay, last night was the full moon you know?”
“Don’t tell me you’re a monster!!” Choji exclaimed.
“Be serious!” Shikamaru shouted.
“Sorry.” said Choji.
“Any way. I had this weird dream last night where Ino came over to my house and she said she didn’t want Sasuke any more... she said she, uh, um... she said she wanted me. Me! And then she...” Shikamaru paused. “Shikamaru, go on with it.” Choji persuaded. Shikamaru turned bright red and then he said, “She kissed me.”
Choji’s jaw dropped and he exclaimed, “SHE KISSED YOU!!!!”
“Yeah and what's worse is a pulled her close to me and I told her I love her!” Shikamaru confessed, “And now she’s coming over and what am I supposed to do!?”
“Shikamaru...?” Said Choji with a sly smile, “You do love her don’t you?”
Shikamaru blushed and crossed his arms, “N-no.”
“Don’t lie to me.” Choji pried.
Shikamaru paused and stared out the window for a while. He finally said, “I do. And she likes Sasuke and there’s no chance in heck that she’d ever return my feelings...”
Choji felt sorry for Shikamaru as he watched him stare out the window. “Well,” He said, “We’re going to make Ino love you back!”
“What are you thinking, Choji?” Shikamaru asked.
For the rest of the afternoon Choji taught Shikamaru on how to be suave, the right things to say to a woman and when to confess your feelings. Not like he would know. “Hey Choji,” Shikamaru asked, “How do you know all this?”
“Read it some book I found.” He replied.
Kakashi: “Hey has any one seen my book?”
“Oh really?” Shikamaru said.
“Choji! Shikamaru!!” Choji’s mother called from the kitchen. “It’s 3:30, Shikamaru needs to head on home!”
“Ah! I gotta go!” Shikamaru exclaimed running out the door.
“Go get her tiger!!” Shouted Choji watching Shikamaru run.
“Her? What are you talking about?” Choji’s mother asked.
“Oh, Shikamaru’s in love with Ino.” Choji replied.
“Ino? Doesn’t she like Sasuke?” She said looking out the door just as Shikamaru was out of sight.
“Yup, she’s a fool for Sasuke.” Choji huffed.
“Oh my!” She exclaimed, “The poor fool.”

Oh man I’m gonna be late, late, late, late, so darn late!!! Shikamaru thought as he ran towards his house. Man, this sucks! She’ll already be there and it’ll make Choji’s training useless!! Aw, my life just sucks so bad!! Shikamaru ran faster and faster he ran and he finally saw his house. “Made it!” Just before he reached his steps he fell on flat on his face. “Aw, crap, this sucks...”
“Oh my! Are you all right, dear!” Shikamaru’s mother said helping him up.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He stood up and brushed off.
“Shikamaru?” Said a voice. “What happened? You’re bleeding! Did you get into a fight!?”
Shikamaru turned around to see Ino and her mother standing looking at him and his mother.
“Ouch...” He said looking down to see his leg covered in blood.
“Oh Ino, would you be a dear and bandage up his leg?” His mother said.
“Um... I, uh I...” Ino stuttered.
“She’d love to!” Ino’s mother volunteered.
“Oh I’m okay, Mom, really, I’ll just go wash off.” He tried to tell her.
“Dear, we can’t have you getting infected! Don’t you want to enjoy your summer brake?” His mother said.
“Well...” Shikamaru sighed, “I’ll go get the bandages, fallow me, Ino.”
“O-okay.” She said following him into the house.
This is so weird. I can’t get that stupid dream out of my head! Ino thought blushing.
Shikamaru took out some bandages and medicine and they went out side and sat by the pond in the back yard.
Shikamaru gave the medicines to Ino.
“This might hurt a bit,” She said whipping off the blood and cleaning the wound.
“You have no idea...” He sighed.
“What?” Ino asked looking up at him.
He blushed, “Oh nothing.”
The two sat in silence while Ino dressed the wound.
“So...” Ino muttered, “Why were you running so fast? You didn’t even notice us when you ran past.”
“I, uh...” He said, “Well you see, um...”
“It’s so different that your normal lazy self...” She smiled, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in such a hurry!”
“Well Mom told me to be back by 4 o’ clock and it was almost 4 and I didn’t want to make her mad.” He lied.
“Oh, okay.” She said tying the bandage, “There! All done!”
They looked out at the water.
“So... how’s the quest for Sasuke going?” Shikamaru said making idol conversation.
Ino’s mind flashed,
“I can’t let you do that.” Ino remembered Shikamaru saying in her dream.
“It’s uh, doing okay.” She blushed, “I don’t know if I’m going to win. After I saw the way Sakura was going to give up her life to protect Sasuke... I’m not sure I want to win.”
“Oh...” Shikamaru sighed looking down at the pond.
Come on man! Keep it together, remember what Choji tought you. Keep your cool. Shikamaru thought.
“Hey, do you want to go for a walk?” Ino asked standing up.
“Uh, sure.” Shikamaru replied.
The two stood up and walked down to the road. They walked for a while not saying a word.
What I supposed to say to him? Ino thought.
What should I say? I love her?? Shikamaru thought.
“I uh,” Ino said.
“Yes?” He asked.
“I haven’t seen you lately, how’ve you been?” Her heart started to beat faster.
“Besides the large cut in my leg, I’m doing fine.” He closed his eyes tight, “And you?”
“Oh I’m good.” Ino started to blush.
Shikamaru opened his eyes and looked down at Ino who was blushing, as they walked along.
“Sasuke?” Said a voice. Ino and Shikamaru looked over to see Sasuke and Sakura standing looking at each other. “That little---urk!!” Ino said as Shikamaru grabbed her and drug her behind a bush. “Be quiet!” He said putting his hand over Ino’s mouth.
“Sakura I...” Sasuke said looking at Sakura who was smiling at him.
“Sasuke? Did you want something?” Sakura asked.
“Yeah uh,” Sasuke took Sakura’s hand and she blushed, “I wanted to tell you something.”
“He’s saying something.” Shikamaru whispered.
“What...!?” Ino said muffled. “Let me see!”
Ino popped her head up a bit, just enough to see Sasuke and Sakura looking at each other.
“Um... Sakura would you...” Sasuke took a breath, “Do you think you could, I mean would you like to... ah, um...”
“Sasuke?” Sakura tilted her head over to the side.
“What I’m trying to say is this...!” Sasuke leaned over and kissed Sakura.
“........!!!” Ino fumed.
That little broad brow, freak! How dare she!!! I can’t believe she would do that to Sasuke! Ino thought.
“He finally fessed up.” Shikamaru whispered smiling.
Sakura was shocked, but never the less she kissed him back. “Sasuke.” She said.
“I... I’m sorry if I seemed too forward!” Sasuke said, “I... I gotta go!” He turned around and ran off.
“Sasuke, wait!” Sakura shouted running after him.
When they were out of sight Shikamaru and Ino got out from behind the bushes.
“I don’t believe it! Why would she kiss Sasuke!?” Ino paced back and forth.
“You know Sasuke was the one who kissed her?” Shikamaru pointed out.
Ino stopped, “He did, didn’t he?”
“A inspiration to us all! He tells the girl with out a second thought.” Shikamaru said not realizing who he was saying that in front of.
“Hey! Who’s side are you on?” Ino huffed.
Shikamaru didn’t answer.
“Well??” Ino asked irritated.
“I’m don’t want you to end up with Sasuke...” He muttered.
“Wha!?” Ino said shocked.
Ino remembered him saying in her dream.
“It’s not right for you to take Sasuke from Sakura. Sakura was your best friend, and then the one thing Sakura really wanted you were planing on taking away.” He said sitting down on a rock, “You wouldn’t just hurt Sakura.”
“Oh really?” Ino scoffed, “Who else?”
“Sasuke, for one...” He paused, “And...”
“On with it!” Ino yelled.
“Forget it, it’s not worth talking about.” Shikamaru sighed.
He stood up and walked back towards his house. Ino followed. They walked together, both thinking about the dreams of the night before. Shikamaru moved closer to Ino. He closed his eyes tight and grabbed her hand. Ino blushed. They walked on, hand in hand.
Shikamaru couldn’t help but smile.
I never really knew... Ino thought, But I really like Shikamaru. I never noticed how kind he was. Shikamaru started to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Ino asked.
“I was just thinking, you could have used the art of Valentine back there and made Sakura do something to make Sasuke not like her.” Shikamaru laughed.
Ino looked over at Shikamaru, “Why the heck didn’t I?”
Shikamaru just smiled. He looked up and saw his house. He let go of Ino’s hand. She looked at the house.
“What’s wrong.” Ino asked, “Why’d you let go?”
“Uh, well we better get back!” Shikamaru walked faster to his house.
“Okay.” Ino followed.
Just as they reached the house their mothers walked out.
“Shikamaru, Ino! Where have you been?” Ino’s mother asked.
“Oh, Mizumi! Go easy on them, there still young.” Shikamaru’s mother said.
“Well, Yomiko, I guess your right.” Mizumi said.
“Um... hi.” Ino said.
“Uh... yeah.” Shikamaru added.
Yomiko smiled and said, “Dear, say goodbye to Ino!” “See ya.” Shikamaru said.
“Bye.” Ino replied.
Ino and her mother walked away.
Shikamaru ran after them, “Ino! You wanna come over tomorrow? We can watch more of Sasuke and Sakura’s soap opera. You might even get to use Valentine!”
“Sure!” Ino winked.
He watched them walk away and when they were out of sight he jumped up shouting, “Yes! Whoo-hoo!!”
He ran back up to his house and told his mother he was going back to Choji’s.

“Hm... I wonder how Shikamaru’s doing. It’s 6:45 now, it’s been about 3 hours since he left.” Choji said eating a peach bun.
“Choji! Choji!!” Shouted Shikamaru banging on the door.
“Hm?” Choji walked over to the door and opened it.
Shikamaru stood at the door grinning from ear to ear. “I did it Choji, I did it!”
“You told her how you felt? You kissed her? You’re dating? You’re lovers? You’re getting married?? What is it!?” Choji asked getting excited.
“I held her hand!” Shikamaru exclaimed.
Choji’s eye twitched, “That’s all...? You got so worked up and came all the way back here to tell me you held her hand??”
“Yeah! Isn’t that great!” Shikamaru said.
Choji slammed the door in Shikamaru’s face.
“...!?” Shikamaru beat on the door, “Hey, Choji! Open the door!!”
“Not until you show so effort and at least kiss the girl!” Choji yelled from behind the door.
“Sasuke did!” Shikamaru shouted.
Choji swung open the door, “What did you say? Sasuke kissed Ino? In front of you!!”
“No, Sasuke kissed Sakura!” Shikamaru said.
“Sakura...?” Choji repeated, “You mean Sakura, Sakura? Or some other Sakura.”
“Sakura, Sakura, like in Naruto’s cell Sakura.” He explained. “Ino and I saw when we were walking.”
“You went walking?” Choji asked.
“Uh-huh! And tomorrow she’s coming over and we’re going walking again.” Shikamaru smirked.
“You dog, you!” Choji laughed. “Well you have to tell her tomorrow.”
“I will.” Shikamaru replied.
So he said goodbye to Choji and went back home.
I can’t believe it. He thought, Now I wont care so much when she used Valentine. It gives me an excuse to hold her. Shikamaru laughed. “Today is a good day.”
He laid down and tried to sleep but he was to happy to. But after a while his laziness came back and he passed out.

The next morning Ino woke up and went into the kitchen. “Hey mom.” She said sitting down at the table.
“Oh, hello Ino. Did you sleep well?” Mizumi asked setting a plate down in front of Ino.
“Yeah.” Ino replied.
Mizumi put some eggs on the plate, “So...” She said, “Aren’t you going to tell me all about yesterday with Shikamaru?”
Ino blushed, “Ack!” Ino exclaimed, “It was nothing!” She took a bite of her egg.
“Oh really?” Her mother gave a sly smile, “I knew It’d be either him or Choji. I was rooting on Shikamaru because Choji’s... well fat.”
“Pleasingly Plump, mother.” Ino informed.
“Pleasingly What?” Mizumi said.
“Fat, is a big, no-no around Choji, so he calls himself Pleasingly Plump.” She explained.
“I see...” Her mother nodded.
“Any way, Shikamaru and I are just friends, nothing more. I’m not giving up on Sasuke!” Ino huffed.
“But I thought Sasuke liked Sakura.” Mizumi tried to figure out her daughter’s little soap opera world.
“He does, but not for long.” Ino smirked.
Mizumi slammed her hand down on the table, “Ino, now you listen to me! No daughter of mine will be a home wrecker!!!”
Ino blinked.
“Okay, that came out wrong.” Mizumi said.
Ino and her mother laughed. “Well you better get going Ino, it’s 11:47.”
“Oh no! I’ve got to be there by twelve!” Ino shouted running out the door.
“Goodbye dear!” Mizumi shouted leaning out the door, waving. Mizumi smiled and shut the door, “Ah, young love. It’s so sweet.”
When Ino was half way there she saw Shikamaru standing there. “Hey,” he said, “I didn’t think you were gonna come.”
Ino put her hands on her hips, “Excuse me, Shikamaru, I always keep my promises.” Ino smiled.
“Yeah, yeah.” Shikamaru laughed, “Come on. Don’t wanna be late for the SasuSaku show.”
“SasuSaku? What’s that?” Ino asked confused.
Shikamaru started to walk. “Sasuke and Sakura. Sasu-Sasuke, Saku-Sakura. SasuSaku.”
“Ah, so you and I would be...?” Ino said.
Shikamaru blushed, “Um, ShikaIno. I, uh, guess...”
Ino laughed, “ShikaIno... I like that.”
They walked down the road a ways until they got to the site where they had seen Sasuke and Sakura’s little moment. But they weren’t there.
“Man, this sucks.” Shikamaru said plopping down on the rock, “We came all the way out here and nobody’s here!”
“Aw... and I was so looking forward to using Valentine!” Ino sulked, “Now what are we going to do?”
“Don’t know.” Shikamaru said looking up at the clear blue sky.
“I guess I’ll just go home.” Ino sighed, “You can go over to Choji’s and do guy stuff.”
“Not until you show so effort and at least kiss the girl!” Shikamaru remembered Choji tell him the night before.
“Uh, he and I aren't on speaking terms right now.” Shikamaru added.
“What? Why? Did you have a fight??” Ino asked.
“Not really...” He stood up, “He told me I couldn’t come back until I showed some effort...” “I...” Shikamaru stepped closer to Ino, “I just...”
“Shika...maru...” Ino said slowly leaning closer to him.
He leaned close to Ino and said, “You’re the only person I ever have or ever will lo---”
“Um, am I interrupting something?” A voice asked.
Shikamaru and Ino turned away from each other and looked at the person who was watching them. It was Uchiha Sasuke.
“S-sasuke!” Ino squealed running over to Sasuke and hugging him, “It’s been a while! How’ve you been?”
“Uh.. good.” Sasuke said getting loose of Ino’s grip.
“My life sucks... so bad.” Shikamaru sighed sitting back down on the rock putting his hands on his head.
“Is he okay?” Sasuke asked.
“Oh, he’s just fine! Don’t mind him!” Ino fluttered.
Shikamaru stood up, “Hey, Ino. I’m gonna head on home, you can hang out with Sasuke if you want. I’ll see you later.”
“Oh, okay. Bye!” Ino smiled.
Shikamaru walked back down the road.
My life, sucks. It sucks so bad. Man, I just hate Sasuke some times! Shikamaru picked up a rock and threw it as hard as he could. “Darn it, I hate my life!” He shouted.
“Uh, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Sasuke said trying to get Ino off his arm, “He seemed pretty upset.”
“Oh Sasuke! Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.” Ino beamed.
“Listen, Ino, I came here to look for Sakura and I’m kind of busy, so why don’t you go check on Shikamaru and I’ll go find Sakura, okay?”
Ino let go of Sasuke’s arm, “Fine... You win Sakura. I give up, it’ll be SasuSaku, not SasuIno.” Ino smiled, “Well see you Sasuke!”
She turned around and ran back down the road.
“Shikamaru! Shikamaru wait, wait!” She cried. She finally reached his house. “Shikamaru!?” She called.
“Ino?” Shikamaru’s mother said walking outside. “Shikamaru’s not here, he said he was going to the hill side, I think... or was it the lake side.”
“I’ll check both!” She said running away.
“Or was it that he was going to Choji’s? Hm...” Yomiko said.
I don’t need Sasuke, he was just something I couldn’t have so that was why I wanted him! I couldn’t see what was in front of me! Everything I needed was all ready there, She shut her eyes tight and ran as fast as she could, Every thing I need... All I need... “I just have to open my eyes!” She shouted. She tripped over a stone and fell down.
“Ino!” a voice cried.
She opened her eyes to see Shikamaru standing there looking down at her. “Ouch...” She said.
He helped her up and they walked over to a grassy hill side by a lake.
It was both... Ino thought, He was by the lake and hill.
“Ino...” Shikamaru said blankly staring out at the lake, “I don’t want to be a poor man’s Sasuke. I’m not going to be just a substitute for something you can’t have.”
“Shikamaru...?” Ino whispered.
“I don’t think I can... but I’ll try,” He paused, “I’m going to make myself hate you!”
Ino’s eyes started to water, “I... I’m sorry.”
“Please don’t cry.” He said turning away so he couldn’t see her face.
“Shikamaru, please don’t be mad at me. I let Sakura win, there will never be a SasuIno... the only thing I want is ShikaIno!”
“You lair...” Shikamaru scoffed, “The first chance you get you’ll go hanging all over Sasuke.”
“No! You’re wrong!” Ino shouted, “I don’t want Sasuke, all I want is you!”
“Yeah right, well would it help if I said I was in love with you!?” Shikamaru screamed.
The dream! They both thought. But how did...?
Ino ran to Shikamaru and hugged him.
“Ino I love you! Some how I always have!” Shikamaru said holding her tighter.
“I... I love you too!” She cried.
Shikamaru looked down at Ino. He closed his eyes and leaned forward. “What I was saying before... your the only person I ever have or ever will love.” He smiled and kissed her. Ino put her arms around him and kissed him back.
Now for these two to be so young they didn’t break up. They lived in a world where children are forced into growing up faster. But in our world when some one falls in love so early it never lasts but this is a completely different world where young love lasts a lifetime.
Now take this as a lesson and do not wander far to find life lest life, and love, pass you by.

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