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Ino's Life

Waterbender Khyna
Community Member
Shika's true love part 2

Oh hi Shikamaru!! She said straitening out her hair. How are you?

O fine, do you want to go out with me?

OMG!!!!! Temari shouted HELL YES!!!! She hugged him. Ino raised from the back of the couch and mouthed the words who was right??!! Shikamaru looked at her smiling so big he seemed to mouth the words shouting YOU WHERE!! YOU ARE!! YOU’RE AWESOME!!! She nodded smirking at him. And she hid behind the couch again.

Lets go somewhere!! Temari said

Where? Shikamaru asked

Anywhere but not here!! She answered

Ok Shikamaru said. Ino started to panic what do i do?? WHAT DO I DO??!! She thought crawling around franticly.

Are you ok? She looked up Temari was looking down on her with a confused look on her face and Shika with his face in his hands.

Uh yeah I.. I .. Was a.. a.. I’ll be going now!! She said and ran out the door. Later Ino was at her house resting in her bed. She just lay there and thought about what happened that day. she wrote in her dairy:

Dear dairy,
Ino here!!! Shika finally found a girl with my help of course. What are friends for? Umm what should I do now??

Ino stopped writing. She felt empty without emotion. It was strange she had never had that feeling before. She heard a knock at the door and sat up.

Ino it’s Shikamaru!!! Her mother called.

Coming!! She answered. She quickly put up her hair in a ponytail, put on a shirt over her cami, and ran down stairs. Oh, hi Shika what’s up?

I’ll tell you everything come on lets go!!

Alright, mom I’m going out!!! She called and slammed the door. Come on now tell me!!

I've never felt so happy!! It’s true Ino had never seen such a big smile on Shikamaru. It was kinda creepy.

O really Ino whispered what exactly happened??

Ok ok first we went to a great restaurant. The food was excellent. Then we went to the monument. The view was wonderful. At one point, we just sat there snuggling. It was awesome. Ino smiled a sad smile.

Sounds like it was fun. By then, they where near the field Shikamaru liked to watch clouds in.

It was!! And its all because of you Ino!!! He pulled her close and hugged her. omg she thought but hugged back. She looked up at his hair band. She reached up and pulled it out. She escaped from his grasp and ran deep into the field. She turned around and stopped then dangled the hair band for him to see.

Come and get it!! Shika always looked better with his hair down Ino thought. He smirked at her and ran after her. Of course, she ran for her life but Shikamaru was actually a good runner. He quickly caught up with her and tackled her.

Here you go you earned it she said handing him the hair band. They lay there watching the clouds. They were wonderful. They laid in silence for a while before Ino slowly looked at Shikamaru. He was so cute. He had that famous smirk on his face when he turned to look at Ino. She couldn't help but stare. He leaned in close and put his hand on her face then she felt his hand go though her hair. She closed her eyes, taking in the moment. Than her hair feel down on to her shoulders. She opened her eyes to see Shikamaru standing and smirking with her hair band dangling from his fingers.

Shika-kun!!! Give that back!!! He started to run and she stood up and ran after him. Than Shikamaru tripped and fell on his face and Ino couldn't slow down and tripped over him. They both started to laughing.

Ino get off of me!! Shika said pushing her off.

EXCUSE ME!!??? She started to tickling him. He let out a burst of laughter.

Hey stop that Ino!!! Shikamaru never really noticed but Ino knows him better than anyone. His parents, Asuma or even Chouji. Whenever he had a problem, he'd go to her for help. I mean he would not tell anyone else he liked Temari, even if he did they would not care enough to help. Not like Ino did. Not like Ino does. Now that he thought of it, he knew her best too. He started to tickle her back. When she smiled and laughed it made him think of how beautiful she was. It made him smile too. Suddenly the old clock tower gonged five times

Oh seriously!!!???? Shika said i have to go Ino!! Come on he gave her a hand witch she took and he pulled her up. I need to go meet Temari at the park bye!! He ran towards town than he stopped and quickly came back. Where is the park?? Ino chuckled and took his hand and ran pulling him along. When they got to the town, she gave him directions. Then he ran in sort of a confused run looking around and such. He finally found Temari.

What is up? he asked panting. She gave him a look

Who was that girl and why'd it take so long?? He could not tell the truth.

Her? She was just giving me directions. Nice person. It was true wasn’t it? And I was watching clouds and i lost track of time. Again another true statement.

Shika are you lying to me?? Shikamaru thought of Ino

No, he answered not technically he thought. They talked and played around until dark. By then, they were playing in the trees. Then suddenly Temari fell and hit the ground before Shika could catch her

AAAAHHHHWWWW!!!! Temari held her leg moaning in pain. Shikamaru rushed down to her looked at her leg.

It’s broken alright... i think.. Shika murmured

Oh well that makes me feel much more confident.. Shika smiled softly at her. Temari leaned in slightly for what looked like a kiss but Shikamaru acted like he saw nothing. He wasn’t that comfortable with Temari yet. Than he picked her up and carried her to his home. His mom answered the door.

Who’s this Shikamaru??? Why is she here?? blah blah nag nag nag so annoying

She’s my girlfriend ok?? She hurt her leg and her hotel has closed for the night. She will sleep on the couch ok mom??

Alright then. Ino on the other hand was sleep walking well sorta.. Her body was taking her to Shika's house and she couldn't stop. She had finally made it to the Nara's doorstep and knocked on the door. When Shika heard the knock, he dropped Temari on the couch and then he ran to the door.

Ouch Temari yelled. Shikamaru opened the door.

It isn’t a good time Ino. The reason he wasn't telling Temari about Ino is because he was afraid that she'd get the wrong idea. Temari got an umbrella from off the floor. She could see from the couch it was the girl from that afternoon.

Who is it Shika-kun? Temari asked impatiently

No one probably just a kid playing a prank. Ino blew Shikamaru a kiss as a little joke and Shika silently waved goodbye smiling softly. Temari took the umbrella and used it as a cane to hull herself up and limp over to the door. She opened the door again and yelled

If you EVER get close to Shika again, I WILL PERSONALLY BREAK YOUR SPINE!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah well your UGLY!!! Came Ino's comeback. Temari made a funny face before she slammed the door. You see Ino was really really tired and even though she was pissed, someone was yelling at her she was too lazy to think up something better than that. Temari looked at Shika

Who’s she huh??? And more importantly why didn't you tell me about her before?? I recognize her from the hotel and the park!!

Ok clam yourself she's my best friend and I didn't tell you about her because I knew you would get all jealous and think I was cheating on you. Temari looked at Shikamaru she could tell he was telling the truth.

Alright but if you guys do more than friendly behavior I’ll be watching you. Shikamaru smiled at her.

Ok deal. That’s ridiculous!!!! He thought. He kissed her on the forehead and marched slowly up to his bed.

Good night Temari. he called

Night. She said as she sat silently on the couch. Shika chuckled. Me and Ino... how strange... Temari is so paranoid!! He started to compare the two girls. He shoke his head and got into his bed. He had a strange dream that night. He saw children running around and playing ninja. They were so cute!!! He assumed he was their father. The boy had hair similar to his, but the girl had blond hair. Their mother must be Temari Shikamaru concluded. However, when he looked for her, he could only see Ino. She told him to calm down and that everything would be ok. Than she ran to play with the children and hugged them both. Now that he looked at the child with blond hair, her blond hair was lighter than Temari's. In fact it looked more like Ino’s hair. He watched himself run over to hug all three of them. Suddenly ino and he looked at each other than pulled each other close they closed their eyes. No this isn't real this is wrong!! NO!!! He woke immediately and had trouble falling asleep after that. Temari went home early in the morning, before Shikamaru woke up.

<1 week time jump>

Shikamaru kept trying to call Temari but she never picked up. he thought about going to ask Ino for help, but he didn't want to see her mostly because if Temari found find them she'd kill both of them. But also, because of the dream he had a week ago. He didn't know what bothered him so much about it. Maybe it was Ino knows him so well if she were to have seen him she would know what he was thinking. Maybe he was ashamed of thinking about a life without his current girlfriend. Maybe he had a feeling that his dream meant more than a just dream. But whatever the reason he couldn't see her. So he decided to go see Temari herself and ask her the problem and more importantly if it his fault. He walked though the streets. He thought about why he didn't want to see Ino. Finally he arrived and walked into the building and went straight to the front desk and asked

Witch room are the sand ninja staying? The girl at the desk searched though a box of people and there rooms and gave him a card that said SAND NINJA - FLOOR 4 ROOM 436. He strolled over to the elevator and he rode it up to the forth floor and followed the signs to Temari’s room. He knocked on the door steadily. then a boy came to the door. He had brown scruffy looking hair, black pants, and a white undershirt on.

And what is it that you want little weakling?? Shikamaru sighed it was Kankuro. He could tell by his voice, his troublesome attitude, and he had sort of a shade of purple on his face because his make up didn't come all the way off.

Um is Temari in? Shikamaru asked

No go away Kankuro said and slammed the door in his face. Shikamaru got pissed and knocked harder than before. Kankuro opened the door again looking extremely annoyed. Who are you? Shikamaru rolled his eyes

I’m Temari’s boyfriend. Shikamaru answered

O ok bye-bye now. Kankuro slowly closed the door.

Hey wait a sec. Shikamaru put his hand on the door. Where is she??

She said she was going on a mission now go away and leave me alone your annoying!! Kankuro slapped Shika’s hand off the door and slammed it.
Shikamaru was pretty happy. That meant that Temari wasn't mad but she was just on a mission. Before he knew it, he was outside and on his way to his favorite cloud watching spot. Ino kept calling Shikamaru but he never answered. she started to wonder if she'd never see her best friend again. She continued in her diary:

Dear Diary,
I honestly think that i will never see Shikamaru again!! I really miss him!! How can I live without my bestfriend??? This can't really be happening!! Oh this is so horrible!! That damn Temari!!! She had to take Shika-kun away from me!!!! Oh my god I am acting as if I'm jealous but that would mean I like Shikamaru. But that is so wrong!! It’s not true!! Or could it be? God I need to see Shikamaru again. At least once to keep me from going insane!!

She closed her diary again and ran out of her house on the edge of tears. As she ran though the streets, she remembered all the memories they had shared. Finally she found herself at the field were Shikamaru watched clouds. She fell onto the grass. She remembered the first day the met. She thought Shikamaru was so stupid and nothing but a lazy bum. Now she can only see how brilliant he is, and what a great person he is. She thought about all the battles they fought together with Chouji. How he would catch her when she fell. How he would protect her no matter what. Shikamaru walked into the field. He thought about why he was avoiding Ino, about his strange dream. He wanted to know the real reason why the dream bothered him. Before he knew it, he looked over and saw Ino watching the cloud in his favorite spot. He gained up his courage and lay down next to her. She put her hand on his chest and turned over on top of him. He blushed.

Where have you been, Shikamaru Nara?? I thought I’d never see you again, I was really worried!!

I’m sorry I was looking for Temari I couldn't find her.. I found you. Shikamaru paused whoa that’s strange its kinda like my dream.

Oh really? Ino asked only inches away from Shikamaru's face.

Yeah Shikamaru said looking away from her so he wouldn't blush as much.

Well still i missed you she said hugging him.

Ino? She raised herself again. I had a weird dream a week ago. And with that, he described the dream to her. He was extremely red at that point. She sat up.

Its ok Shika-kun, we all have strange dreams like that at least once in our lives. After a pause Shikamaru asked

Do you still like Sasuke?? An even longer pause.

Yes Ino said blushing. And I’m going to confess my love to him!! Ino added excitedly.

Oh really how fun. But haven't you done that a million times? Shikamaru asked

Well yeah but not LOVE love more like LIKE love. Ya know? Shikamaru nodded. Well now, that were clear on that, can I practice on you???

O gawd.. Shika remarked

Please Shika-kun?? Shikamaru could never deny those beautiful blue eyes.

Alright fine! Just get it over with. She took a breath and cleared her throat

I really love you, and I know I always have, but only recently have I realized it.

No, she is not talking to you Shikamaru thought she likes Sasuke, Sasuke. Shikamaru thought

And i know I’m bossy and annoying. But i really want to try to make this work. The way she looked at Shikamaru it was like she was staring into his soul.

No!! It is not me she is talking to!!

I think your brilliant. The smartest, coolest, funniest, and nicest of all the other ninjas.

Keep control she doesn't love you!! Its Sasuke she loves!!

You are even better than.. Than.. Than Sasuke Uchiha himself. What??? Shikamaru had a very confused look on his face. I love you more than anything Shikamaru Nara. She leaned in close and kissed him slightly. He grabbed her closer, kissing her back. The kiss was the most amazing thing that either of them had ever experienced. No one could describe it with words but here's a description that comes close. In one swift moment, they knew they had finally found the one person they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with. A wave of emotions come crashing down on them. They were so happy that they had finally found that one person, but so scared that someone would take that feeling away, yet so exited to see what there new lives together would be like but so patient knowing that they would be spending each minute with each other. Finally, they broke free of the kiss. Shikamaru chuckled.

You are annoying bossy and you forgot troublesome. He said smirking

Shika-kun!!! Ino said smiling back at him.

What? Its true!! But your also beautiful, funny, understanding, tough, sweet, and an all around fun person to be around. And I love you too. More than anything.

Shika-kun. Ino whispered and kissed him again.

Shikamaru, YOU b*****d!!!!!! Temari reveled herself from trees near by. YOU SAID YOU WERE JUST FRIENDS!!!!! YOU LIAR!!!! I CANNOT BELEVE I EVER TRUSED YOU!!!!!!!!

But Temari-

SHUT UP!!! I don't want to hear it!! IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!!! Temari looked at Ino and pulled out her fan. She attacked Ino with the huge fan. Ino closed her eyes. She opened them to see Shikamaru bleeding in front of her. He had guarded her. He fell into her arms.

Oh my god SHIKAMARU!!!! Ino squealed as tears flowed down her face. She picked him up and looked at Temari who was obviously exetremely stunned.

You monster Ino managed to get out between sobs. Ino carried Shikamaru to Tsunade. She healed him and put him in a hospital room. Ino never left his side not once, she was asleep on his stomach, and he was softly petting her head. Temari came in through the door awaking Ino, who sat up with a raised kunai

Go away!! You aren't wanted here!! SO, GET OUT!! Ino said

Oh a tough girl shut up! I came to talk to Shikamaru not you little punk. Now I’ve thought about it Shika-kun and I’ve decided to forgive you. Ino gave her a dirty look. What are you looking at huh??!!

I’m sorry, did she stutter? Shikamaru asked because I think she said, get out.

WHAT?!!! I’m about to take you back!!! Shika looked at her with a sharp stare that pierced like a thousand kunai.

Don’t you get it?? I don't want you back, i don't want to be around you, talk to you, or even breath the same air you do. So go away your not wanted here. Ino put her head on his shoulder and he put his arm around her. Than Ino looked up at Temari and stuck out her tongue at Temari. Temari saw it but did nothing as if saying that Ino had won and she deserved bragging rights. Ino kissed Shikamaru. Shikamaru hugged her. I love you so much never leave me.. He started to cry on her shoulder. She was surprised she patted his head and unlocked from the hug.

Look at me she said he looked up at her I will never leave you ever i swear. I love you.

She never did. They got married and had two children, first a girl with light blond hair, then a boy that had similar hair to Shikamaru's. They went on many missons before their son got a job and their daughter got married and then they both went into retirement together. Than one year Shikamaru died before Ino of old age. Just like he had always wanted.

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