Dark clouds still linger around us, I'm not beside you only near you, I'm the thing you see in the Conner of your eye the Shadowy figure pointing laughing at you mocking ...pay no mind to me i will eventually fade away like the rest of them those faded memories unknownly come to you in your dreams and tell you that still a chance to come back and make amends . Remember I'm only here to tell you what you already know. I'll fade away don't worry about it. But when you sit alone, you think to your self how can you live with your self? how could you do such things? why did you do things things? what came into you when it happened? Ah! i told you already don't worry about it! It happened, can't do anything about..or can you? you grin ... what can be possibly going through you head as you slowly turn around? Did you finally realize the voice wasn't your mind playing tricks on you? I know what it was! The people you had hurt telling you...it was alright as long as you didn't forget about us. the voices faded away into nothing but these words still linger on through you head don't they? See what happens? No matter what you do every thing comes back to you, friends family those memories never fade even if you wish them to, be sure to listen to them, so you wont have to face this .
What ever this is, it's by Misu
What ever this is, it's by Misu
0_o I told you when I'm bored i have random emo like stuff...