So to end my journal entry drought. Here is how my easter day went down. I woke up at exactly 11:48 and quickly rushed to use the bathroom. Upon finishing that I quickly darted back to the guest room. It's the weekend so I actually get to sleep on a bed... not the couch or floor! (Seriously, the old bed in the couch broke. So it's floor or nothing! gonk )
I then made sure to be quiet in order to avoid Julia's parents. Well, mostly to avoid speaking to Ed at all costs. Ugh, anyways I turned on the TV and began to finish up "Hellboy: Sword of storms" I started watching it again the night before, but stopped midway.
Sometime later my girlfriend walks in and informs me we just missed the first showing of "Grindhouse" See, I've always been a fan of movies. I've seen thousands, literally. Some good, mostly all of the lower quality. Grindhouse was a nod towards all those old B list horror films I've watched. So I just had to see it.
I couldn't see it friday or saturday due to work. So that only left out sunday as an option. We agree on seeing the next showing at 4:10. A few minutes later I get some easter candy and end up finishing up the movie.
Movie time rolls around, we watch it and I rejoice. It managed to somewhat capture the charm I remember from all my fathers recorded old vhs tapes. Not to mention all the rentals at Family video over the years.
Though I did enjoy "Planet Terror" more so then "Death Proof" both films were decent. Though the best thing by far was all the fake trailers.
After the movie we went home and ate dinner. The rest of the evening we watched TV and now I'm here. Not to much happened today, but heh I just had to break my journal entry drought!
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Mon Apr 09, 2007 @ 05:45am · 1 Comments |