magic stones, attribute stones, amulet stones, talismens |
the magic stones r made from the purest quratzs, rubies, topezs, and shappiers and then melted togther to form a primeable stone thats ready to be embued w an element. after embueing the stone w a given element the stone then takes the color that represents that element, and r then ready to be used rather its to be placed in a object or not. these stones posses great power and there magical properties will last for 120 yrs.
12 magic stones----(can be used as a held item, or in a tool) brown-earth green-plants white-wind purple-mist red-fire yellow-lighting blue-water light blue-ice silver-holy black-unholy orange-chaos-is a mix o' all elemts w either holy or unholy in it grey-order-is just a mix o' all but holy and unholy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in a shield armlet simi protection against those in a weapon armlet low level attacks w those and a energy field around weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> the attribute stones r made from the purest quratzs, rubies, topezs, emeralds, oynx and shappiers..and then melted togther to form a primeable stone thats ready to be embued w 2 select elements. cuz the stones r being embued w 2 elements only selecet combations will work in forming the new duel element stone. after embueing the stone w then 2 given elements the stone then takes 2 colors that happen to form the patter of a yin-yang. after this is down the stone is then ready for use be it for a weapon or non-weapon. there is one draw back to the attribute stones, and that is there magical properties only last 70 yrs, and can only remain active for so long before they have to recharge w energy.
attribute stones----(addons to the armlets and weapons) ..black and red yin-yang stone--demonic attribute(to use ability chant-DEMOS) --covers the weapon in a powerful arua of both black and red energies, the weapon gains a evil and demonic look and feel to it, doubling in power but decreases in speed by 1/2, --abilities-can summon 50 mininer demons all w either fire or chaos magics to them(allows for a massive attack but only w fire and chaos) ..white and blue yin-yang stone--angelic attribute(to use ability chant-ANGIC) --covers the weapon in a powerful arua of both white and blue energies, the weapon gains a good and angelic look and feel to it, doubling in hit ratio but decreases in power by 1/2 --abilities-can summon 50 mininer angels all w either wind or water magics to them(allows for a massive attack but only w wind and water) ..green and orange yin-yang stone--faerie attribute(to use ability chant-NATUS) --covers the weapon in a powerful arua of both green and orange energies, the weapon gains a netural and nature look and feel to it, doubling in magical power but decrease in deffense by 1/2 --abilities-can summon massive vagetaion or plants to the field and restrict movement or restrain the opponet ..grey and yellow yin-yang stone--vampire attribute(to use ability chant-VIPRS) --covers the weapon in a powerful arua of both grey and yellow energies, the weapon gains a sinister and lifeless look and feel to it, doubling in max speed but decreases in magical power by 1/2 --abilities-can drain small amounts of energy from the opponet and feeds it to the weapons weilder thus healing minor wounds ..brown and light blue yin-yang stone--volsas attribute(to use ability chant-SARIA) --covers the weapon in a powerful arua of both brown and light blue energies, the weapon gains a wild and animal look and feel to it, doubling in reflexs but decrease in hit ratio by 1/2 --abilities-grants user the ability to shape shift into 6 diff creatures for each battle use (in other wards in a new battle one can choose 6 new creatures to morph into) ..silver and purple yin-yang stone--phoenix attribute(to use ability chant-PHONX) --covers the weapon in a powerful arua of both silver and purple energies, the weapon gains a firey and feathered look and feel to it, doubling in deffense but decrease in reflexs by 1/2 --abilities-grants user to take the form of a phoenix and do 1 of 2 things, 1) burn the whole field and cause imense damage to all even user, 2) burn up all the power as a phoenix and become a pill of ash, heals all wounds and half of the oppents wounds(a 2 turn effect) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> the amulet stones r made from a mixture of sand, quratz, water and blood. the process is time consuming and takes knowlege on how much of each to put in for which amulet. they r then embued w certain magical spells and properties so do there required task. the mixture o' the ingredents and the spells used give the amulets there color.....on a side note most the amulets that r made r a one or two time use, there r occasions where they can be do for many more useses but those r rare and only as gifts.
amulet stones----(can be used as a neckless, held item, or in a objec) =brown amulet-used in junction to bring ppl back to life =green amulet-heals damage of elvin, faerie, high angelic creatures =white amulet-restors energy =purple amulet-allows one to understand another language or animals =red amulet-heals damage of were-beasts, high demonic creatures, orgs =yellow amulet-releases a blinding light to stun oppenet for a safe retreat =blue amulet-allows one to breath under water =light blue amulet-heals damage to humans, undead, aquatice creatures =silver amulet-opens portal to anguls' safe house(only way into it, and only those he says can go through) =black amulet-releases thick black smoke used to hide or for safe retreat (speical energy to prevent anyone to see through except one that uses it) =orange amulet-allows user to become 90% invasiable..keen eyes or keen nose can find =grey amulet-elemantal protection =light green amulet-high lv protection =gold amulet-opens portal to locations of ones choice <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> the talismens r made from a form of papyse that has been blessed by the nature and have had highly powerful maigces fouced into them, when they r either set or there seal has been empowered there magies r released and the effect that awaits in it is then reveled. the talismens once actiaved can only be stoped by finding and either removing or destorying it to which its effect is then gone.
talismens--colored/sealed/symboled (reamain till the talismen is removed or destroyed) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- colored paper ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =brown paper-gaint spikes of earth appear in a 10x10 area =green paper-vines and plants sprot up and attapt to kill anything that comes close to them =white paper-gaint blades of wind circle around the area going at speed over 2000 mph, some of the blades r dull and wide ment to knock a person away, the others r thin and sharp, ment to cut a person =purple paper- =red paper-a shower of fire rains down upon the field, this fire ranges in type based around the 12 magical stones (ex:frozen..burns the freezes the person) =yellow paper-gaint cloud forms in the sky and lightning bolts w a voltage of 10 million, strike randomly in the room lasts for 1 hour (14 posts) =blue paper-gaint wave crashes at all ppl on field then floods the room =light blue paper-gaint ice spikes appear in a 10x10 area and a huge ice storm rages on doubleing in power every 2 mins (every 4 posts) =silver paper-a shower of holy rain appears and cleanses the field of all forms of attack except pyshical attacks =black paper-eruptions of fire burst out from the ground and form gaint pillers that if touched will make it feel like a 1000 nneedles are strikeing the body =orange paper- =grey paper- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- paper seals ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =brown seal-summones gaint earth quacks that raises the some parts of the field and lowers others =green seal-summones a golem made vrom vines that attacks any and all on the field even the caster =white seal-summones a huge tornado to the feild w the only open spot being the eye winds go over 300 mph =purple seal- =red seal-summons molten lava to the field surroding all in a cave o' lave that drips, and spews freash lava, small jets of lava shoot across the field like the wind =yellow seal-summons a powerful lighting storm to the field, storms power doubles every 2 mins (4 posts) =blue seal-summons pillers of water to the field that remain and anyone that gets caught in them is jeted up till pillers top, reverses flow every 4 mins (8 posts) =light blue seal-summons a massive blizzard w hail storm to the field lasting for 1 hour (14 posts) =silver seal-summones a blinding light of hole energy to the field damageing all even caster =black seal-summons the darkest shadows to the field and hides everythin on the field from all involed in the fight =orange seal- =grey seal- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- paper symbols ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =brown symbol-makes gaint earth golams appear and attack opponet =green symbol-makes a thick jungle appear on the field =white symbol-makes huge gusts of wind blow from random direction every 6 seconds (every 2 posts) =purple symbol-makes a cloud of fog appear on the field that cant be seen through by any spieces =red symbol-makes a huge wall of fire traping the caster and opponet inside fire temp gets over 1000 degrees =yellow symbol-makes the whole field becomes highly electiacrliy charged and small shocks fly around and hit all on the field =blue symbol-makes a water golem to defend the user =light blue symbol-makes the whole field covered in a thick layer of ice =silver symbol-makes a huge blast of holy energy shoot acrose the feild and remains slowly roataing, only way to avoid is go above or belowe it, if one gets hit they will fly acrose the room till stoped =black symbol-makes 20 spell circles apear that move all over the place (floor, walls, celing) that if anyone touches the surface these circles seek out and jams 5000 energy dagers into the person =orange symbol- =grey symbol-
((will be updated when i can come up w more stuff till then those i dont have down i wont use unless i state other wise))
anguls kushinoda · Sun Mar 27, 2005 @ 12:43pm · 1 Comments |