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Her ears perked up as she heard the rain start to fall, then they went back, and she curled up into a tighter ball. The tip of her tail flicked in aggravation, though her voice remained calm. "I'm sorry to hear that, humans definitely the smartest ones of the litter. I hope they don't mistaken either of us for demons." She shivered as the rain hit harder against the windows. "My family...dispersed, when I was about nine or so, one by one. I don't know where they all went, nor will I probably ever. I guess they were more of the wandering type..." She didn't sound overly sad, though she was a bit disappointed that she'd probably never see them again. She wouldn't admit how much she occasionally miss them, or company in general. She glanced at Saris with a smile, suddenly quite glad he'd stumbled into her home when he had.

He nodded slighlty, thinking over her responses to his question. The sound of rain had always made him tired, though he wasn't sure why. His head leaned back against the wall, his eyes drifting shut. "You are lucky...very lucky. At least you have the hope of seeing them again. I know as a fact that I will never see mine again...at least...not in this life. I do not mean to depress you, but you do at least have that hope."

She shifted against the couch, and shuddered lightly as a clap of thunder made her jump. She hated storms, or even rain in general. She frowned slightly and glanced at him, though couldn't help but smile as his eyelids lowered. "Yeah...maybe..." she muttered, slightly distracted by the pitter pattering outside. She lowered her head to her arms again, though as much as she tried she couldn't relax. She remained quiet though, not wanting to disturb him.

((Sorry that last one was so short. My brain is refusing to focus... *I really hope I get that job I just applied for!*))
He remained motionless for a few while, just listening to the rain, yet not able to doze off just yet. His tail curled up a little, then relaxed, staying close by like a guardian snake. It seemd a little strange that she was so anxious, so he inquired about it. With his eyes still closed, he asked, "Why do you hate storms so much?"

((No problem, I know the feeling. Good luck! I've been trying to find one too... at least that's what I keep telling myself.))
She opened one eye and glanced at him, a bit surprised he'd noticed since he seemed so relaxed and about to fall asleep. "I've never liked storms, ever since I can remember. I guess it's just the cat side of me..or whatever you wanna call it. There are times when...instincts sort of take over, or are more predominant. The tree thing was one of them...I normally don't hiss at other creatures..." She smiled and blushed slightly. "I'm sure there will be other times when you'll notice them kick in...I usually don't realize it until after it happens." A thought came to her and she motioned at the two unused cushions beside her. "You're welcome to use the rest of the couch if you want, I only use one of the cushions...and the floor doesn't look too comfy."

He opened one eye slowly, looking down his cheek at her. It was true, she was only taking up one of the cushions, and it seemed a little suprising to him. "I tend to sprawl out and cling to warm things..." he mumbled. "I do not wish to make you uncomfortable." He streched out his legs a little further, closing his eye again, though making note of her smallness for future reference.

((What's funny is that I can take up just one cushion as well when curling up on a couch...as long as the cushion isn't absurdly small or oddly shaped. ))
She laughed softly as her tail flicked. "Up to you...doesn't matter to me either way..." she said, becoming a bit sleepy. She closed her eyes again and sighed, trying to relax despite the rain. The thunder had stopped, but the rain persisted. She shifted her skirt so it covered her feet, which were a little cold, and scooted back against the fluffy back cushion.

((Hehe...that's cute. Would your character seriously not mind if mine's a clinger?))

((Hehe..yeah, i'm pretty short, much to my friend's amusement. And I don't believe so. She's part cat...so she enjoys contact even if she doesn't get it much. That is, as long as her constant purring wouldn't keep him awake. ))

He remained seated there for a few minutes longer, considering it. He finally gave in, crawling up onto the couch and sat down at first, testing it. It was suprisingly soft, considering the fact that it was so beat-up looking. After a moment, he laid down, curling his feet up, his wings in a strange but comfortable half-open position, his head laying on the armrest. "Thank you," he said quietly, relaxing into the couch.
(Sorry it took so long, but i had another one but when i tried to send it, the pm message was lost... )

She smiled sleepily as the couch shifted with his weight shifted the couch. "Welcome" she mumbled, her tail tail flicking up, then settling back down again over her skirt covered feet. She pealed open one eye to glance down at him, smiling more at his obvious comfort. Her eye closed and she drifted off to sleep. Once she was out, she started to purr quietly, the sound barely audible if the whole house was quiet.
((No problem, I was eating then got a phone call...which lasted longer than I'd expected. Aww...evil deletion of messages!))

((GAAH! it did it again!))
He fell asleep, only to partially wake, shivering. He mumbled something unintelligable, pulling his wing over himself like a blanket, only to continue shivering. Somewhat baffled, he found something warm, wrapped his arms around it, holding it close, something furry and twitchy tickling his nose. He moved his face a little, avoiding the twitchy thing and pulled his wing over him and the thing like a blanket. The thing started purring louder. He fell back to sleep.

((Aww...maybe copy it in two tabs, so if one doesn't work you can resend it?? Hehe...twitchy thing...hehehe...though, is he behind or infront of her? ))
Lilith shifted in her sleep as she something wrapped around her and covered her. She wasn't awake enough for this to bother her though, and simply curled up closer to whatever had moved against her. She continued purring, whatever coldness that might have come over her banished by the cover on top of her. She was positioned almost in a ball, her knees curling up near her chest and her tail resting on her ankles. Even when the sun started to rise, she continued to sleep, completely comfortable.

((Behind. And I'll try that. Do you have any other finals to worry about?))
He sighed, still sleeping even though one eye opened partially, catching the fact that it was already morning. Time to wake up, his mind said. He didn't move, unless it was to pull the warm thing closer to him, his eye closing again, his tail reaching around and wrapping around the thing's ankle affectionately. "Mom..." he mumbled, falling back to sleep. "I missed you..."

((Kay, and yeah...two more exams and a paper. -Grumble sigh-))
She stretched her legs slightly as the streaks of sunlight entered the room. Her one leg seemed caught on something, and she tugged on it once. When it didn't budge she simply curled her feet back up again and sighed softly. She wasn't really awake yet, though some part of her brain caught his mumblings. She snuggled closer and her purring became louder. Her tail flicked from her ankles onto his leg, draping over it lightly.

((Have you started on your paper yet? *worried expression* OMG I HATE COKE! BUT ITS FREE! I LOVE IT! ))
His tail slid just a little further up her ankle, his face lowering to her neck, using her head as a sheild from the sunlight, incidentally breathing gently against it. His wing rose a little, then settled again, wrapping almost completely around her. His eye opened again, still not registering the fact that it was morning. I should get up, his mind said, a little irritated with him. But...I want to be with mom, he replied, not speaking. She isn't your mom. He held her a little more tightly, almost afraid to let go now.

((Not yet, but I have the weekend to write it. And I WILL write it this weekend...it's due Tuesday, at 4. FREE FOOD/DRINK!!!! How are you getting free drinks?!?! And you do realize that neither of us wants to be the first ones up? Hehe...-wonders how long the half-sleepiness will continue-))
She coughed slightly, the tight hold around her waist increasing. Mumbling incoherently, she shifted as something tickled her neck. She scrunched up her shoulders, and flicked her tail, though the tickling didn't stop. Her eyes opened to slits, and she pawed at her neck, not understanding why her tail wouldn't stop tickling her. Her eyes closed, the light sleep taking her again.

((Good luck with your paper, and don't let yourself get distracted! Believe me, I know about getting distracted with papers... and yes, free stuff is good, even if it's a free diet coke. igg. diet. coke. and the half-sleepiness is about as sexy as i can get and i like being sexy. not that that makes any sense. now on to the post.))
His mind finally managed to make him open his eye again, this time the light somehow brighter than earlier and managing to make him realize that it was day. He lifted his head up a little, opening the other eye as well, then realized that the warm thing he had been holding was Lilith. He stared at the back of her head for a long moment, confused as to how he had gotten to that point. It seemed odd that he could have been laying at one end of the couch and ended up at the other and holding her. Yet...he was reluctant to let her go. He sighed, not wanting to move, yet knowing he would have to eventually. He let go of her ankle, his body already warming up.

((Heh..thanks. Evil papers of doom!!!! Psh..I want free stuff. Completely unfair. And yes, being sexy is fun. muahaha...ahem...yeah... ))
Lilith shifted, one hand stretching out slightly, pawing at the air in front of her for a moment before dropping it. Her ears flicked and her legs shifted as his tail released her. Her hands curled up against her, holding the arms that held her as she slept. She sighed softly and her body began to awaken again, and she gave a little yawn, though wasn't quite ready to open her eyes and face the day.

((*Borrows more of your time* I'm not evil...I'm really not...not most of the time... *feels stupid for wanting to be sexy*))
His own eyes closed at her touch, his tail automatically taking hold of her ankle again, though gently. He blushed fearcely, turning his head away a little, his mind whirring even though the day had just begun and it was still a little groggy. He sighed, not wanting to wake her, but also not wanting her to wake knowing that he had slept with her. ((NOT SEXUALLY.)) The morning was too quiet, and every little shift of the house and song of a bird woke him in incriments. Finally, he simply gave up, just holding her and waiting for her to wake up.

((Your not evil, the paper is. And don't feel stupid for wanting to be sexy, like I said...being smexy is fun. ))
Eventually, the birds, sun, and other sounds woke her up. Her eyes fluttered open sleepily and she stretched. When her back pushed against something, her tail flicked. Her eyes glanced back, still only half open. She blinked a few times as he came into view, and as the realization that it was Saris behind her hit her. She smiled a little and removed her arms from his. "Good morning.." she mumbled, a yawn following it. She was warm, so was reluctant to move, but knew they'd have to sometime. Though she was surprised at his presence, he'd warned her that he stretched out. She wasn't one to get all freaked out because he'd somehow found his way behind her. Plus, she was still in the process of waking up, so it didn't really faze her.

((It's the coke talking...it's got to be the coke...*points at the coke like an evil monkey from family guy*...*gives up* I you! ))
He failed to move much, still liking the warmth she issued, even though he was already starting to get too warm. "'Morning," he managed, his eyes wide awake, the wing lifting a little to let some of the heat escape. He blinked, lowering his eyes, feeling ashamed even at her lack of response. His arms lifted a little also, though he was loathe to let her go. His eyes closed, wanting to stay so much, yet knowing that he needed to get up and do something. Anything. "I dreamed that you were my mother," he mumbled. Immediately, he laid his head back down, feeling like a twit.

(( Is the coke evil now? O.o You do? yays! I you too! xD )
She shifted so she could look at him better, though in the process almost fell off the couch. Eyes going wide she flicked her tail to try to balance herself. Sighing, she righted herself, then giggled. "Sorry about that..." She paused, taking in what he told her. "Your mother? Really?" She was at lose for words, not sure how to respond. She bit back the sympathy she started to feel, figuring that wasn't what he wanted. She blushed lightly and stretched out some. Her mind tried to think of something that she, or they could do, something that might involve them moving from the couch.

((Coke has cafeen (however you spell it). ))
He smiled a little, his heart hurting some, but not enough to make it to his face. It was too old of a wound to worry about it, not that it didn't affect him. "It's fine," he said, his mind acting strange now that he was starting to fully awaken. "Lilith...she was a very good draconess...it would be an honor among my kind to dream that someone they knew was one of their parents...though I can understand if you find it to be strange..." He continued to lay with her, his body still refusing to sit up, though he had removed his wing from her reluctantly.

((Yup, that it does. Meaning hyperness, meaning up all nightness...for some.))
She relaxed some, and smiled more. "Well then, thank you...I think. Not strange, just different. But...if it is an honor, than I am honored." She bit at her lip as her cheeks reddened, unsure if she was making any sense. The cool air surrounded her as he moved his wing from around her, and she shivered slightly. Her tail swished up, and she took it in her hands, running her fingers along the soft fur. She was awake, but didn't really want to move, being both comfortable and for the most part, warm as well.

((Crows...now i'm going to be awake all night. I'm not used to caffeene...and i'm heading off a bottle of coke...diet coke at that... gas costs a lot of money! *complains randomly* omg i this song is so cool but depressing but awsome omg ! http://youtube.com/watch?v=1yNgH5vX_Bs ))
He nodded, glad that she could see. "Thank you," he said quietly. He noticed her shiver and let his wing droop back down, giving in to the peace he knew they both felt. "Thank you." It felt a little silly repeating himself, yet he couldn't help it at the moment, his tail moving back up her ankle somewhat. He wrapped his arms back around her, unable not to, his eyes closing against the day, just wanting to lie there with her. "Lilith..." he mumbled, just making sure she was real.

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