okay my wekend recape
saturday i spent most of my day at
my friends danizias house A.K.A D
remember that cause ill probably be saying here name alot ....... i just meat her about a week ago but were so close, shes like the sister that god forgot to give me
i luv her 2 death so yea i spent all day aver at her place it waz kewl
we just lisened to music and talked, whent on the computer and chilled and talk some more it waz kewl, sunday i went to church and then i went to Ds house again and we chilled i meat one of her friends i cant remeber her name stressed sweatdrop
oooooo well nwayz today waznt a good day 4 me last night i fell asleep lising 2 evanesences one of her depresing songs then this morning i woke up kinda deprested i didnt want to talke 2 any one to i just lisened to evanesence all day
i know i probably shouldn't have keep lising 2 her depresing songs but i couldnt stop myself even if i tryed, i didnt take to anyone at school 2 day all myfriends
keap askingif i waz gonna be okay and if i wanted to talke they were there 4 me
i know they meant well but the more they asked the more sad i got the hole day waz just sooo depresing 4 me then me and my sister got into a realy realy bad
argument about my dad i she reminded me to day that my dad luv her more than he dose me itz been 4 weeks since me and my dad last spoke
then i just broke down and cryed i hate to cry it make me feel like Sh**
well then when i waz taking a shower when he called to tell me he loves me and that he misses me that jus made me sader i dont know what to do any more
should i just get over it and start taking to him again or should i show him just how angrey and hurt i am??
well itz kinda late so ima stop writing now before mu fingers fall off
View User's Journal
this is my so called life
this journal will have
what i think and how i feel
all the thoughtz that go throu
my mined and all the things im thinking that
i'll never say out loude!!!!!!!!!
so enjoy reading about my so called life.............