Kid: Betcha cant dance like this *dances in a slutty way*
Meghan: *wispers to Rhys* Someone went to stripper school
Rhys: *laughs*
------couple mins past-------
Kid: *Still dancing like a stripper*
Rhys: I bet Meghan could do that. Shes the best dancer I know... Can you?
Meghan: *shrugs* I dunno, im not a whore.
Kid: See you probably cant.
Rhys: She could if she went to stripper school!
Kid: Im telling my mom! *runs away*
... its a true story, and It was super funny biggrin
as for the manely powers, apparently me and Rhys have em, Which I doubt cuz he aint much more manly then I am.. well mentally, not physically, seign as im a girl... anyways We dropped a 100 or so pound barrel on Rhys foot because I couldnt use my magical powers sad DAMN! ooh ad I tried to kick it to get it to move, and hurt my foot, the we tried to SHIMMY it and it spun around in circles *sigh* We were thwarted by an inanimate object.
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Journey into the complex mind of Meggz
What am I thinking, or what happened on a specific day. How am I feeling, and a bunch of random things that circle throughout my head.
~*~My Goal of Coolness~*~
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