Enter the darkness where Shadows and Creatures of the night linger and dwell...
My stupid freakin X
The more I reflect on my X the more he pisses me off, which is exactly why I spend as little time thinking about him as possible because he really is unworthy of my time and my time is too precious to be wasted on thoughts of him, but on those few rare occassions when I actually do give him a speck of a thought it occurs to me that he gives me way too much credit...He's currently telling everyone he knows that he's having me investigated....O.o ...? For what Dumb A** I haven't done anything to you cept ignore you and when did that become a crime? The next great wonder I stumbled into, not because I look or pay attention to these things, but because a young third party takes interest in his doings and comings and goings and tends to inform me about these things...Little ninja spybody, so named to protect the not so innocent, came across some conversations being held in my X's profile and profiles of his current friends that I am some sort of world class hacker and have broke into his account and messed his pics around and am stalking him.... O.o Please refer to my earlier statement and note this...stalking him would be an waste of my precious time and energy for which I already have little of and he's no big loss to me at all. He's balding, headed straight for dentures with the dental problems he has and when it comes to holding a job he's a total loser. Stalk his fat lazy butt?...I don't think so. LOL and secondly if....IF I had have hacked his account messing up his pics would have been the least of it...Me? NICE enough to leave his gold alone? After all he did to me in real life? Your serious? I don't think so honey, if I had a way into your account you would'nt have a pot to P*** in or a window to throw it out of....I'd have stripped you in Gaia like I did in real life BABE. So, all I have to say to these crude alligations is this...get over yourself sweety cause you ain't all that, I ain't nice, and dude, get off the crack cause your trippin hard. GET ON WITH LIFE AS I HAVE-PLEASE and do the world a favor...get over the drama. The world has enough queens in drag mama. Have a really nice day. biggrin