I forgot.
I suppose it's not a terrible thing to forget - Gaia was something I loved as a teenager and in no way am I a teenager. My disdain for this website serves as proof that I have matured.
But I can't let it go. My love for collaborative writing and the writing process itself was cultivated here. A story grew on these forums that, to this day, will not stop evolving and turning in my head. It has grown from a wistful fantasy to a dark creature of psychological nature, but the names of the original collaborators are burned forever into that story, no matter what genre it finally settles in.
I hope to reawaken an old love, if only for a few moments of a time long gone.
Also I was almost a weeaboo and I want to burn that God-damned version of myself right out of the pages of any history book that might be written on my person.
All of my love.
Jurriah · Thu Dec 23, 2010 @ 04:47am · 2 Comments |
Oops, I keep neglecting this poor journal. Sorry, friends. Anywho, I'm sick, I called in sick, and this will officially be my first three-day-weekend at home since I started working. I'm serious. All other three-days, I've taken time off to go to my grandparents, or I work on Sat/Sun, or etc. Hell, this is the first whole weekend I've stayed at home. Sad that it took illness to do that. Those people are slave drivers, I swear... Anyhow. I've been scanning people's profiles, and I love the friendlist thing, because I've seen some people -friends of friends- who I haven't talked to in FOREVER. I need to start a get-together or something for us...something like the old days. Maybe I'll host a christmas party or something. That'd ROCK! A Christmas party on the RP or Chatterbox forums. Oh that'd so kick a**...I'll go draw up the invitation list. Anywho...stuff...to write...about...Oya College: It's a painful process to apply, but I'm finally doing it, and it's going to be taking a hell of a lot of time out of my gaia life, so please bear with me when I don't show up for weeks at a time. ~Luv Jurriah
Jurriah · Sat Nov 12, 2005 @ 01:58pm · 1 Comments |
Yeah. TOTALLY forgot about this journal. So. Whassaap? Hehe, anywho, lately things have been...normal. No school this week *dance*. Of course, now would be a good time to A: get my permit and B: get some NHS hours. I've done neither. We are officially moving Jenna (the turtle) up into my room from the breakfast room so that we can have room in the room for a roomy bistro. Hehe. That's about all I got to report. Later.
Jurriah · Fri Feb 25, 2005 @ 12:06am · 0 Comments |
Testing, testing, one two three, more and more testing, just for me!
Jurriah · Mon Oct 25, 2004 @ 12:33am · 6 Comments |